My Opinion about College Cheating in Sports: Evil triumphs over good.


Jun 7, 2013
My Opinion about College Cheating in Sports: Evil triumphs over good.

Let's face it, we live in a litigious world.

In college sports the blue bloods cheat, get caught, and get away with it by throwing their legal weight around.
The NCAA has no legal teeth and Conference executives are under much pressure on the financial front. They are appointed by a few of the same people doing the cheating.

A big part of the problem is with the NCAA that should be enforcing rules and not a year later.
Oh, I forgot, the NCAA has no legal teeth.

Some of my favorite cases to avoid punishment, penalties, or greatly lessen penalties by throwing their legal weight around:
- North Carolina admitting academic fraud, but no consequences
- Penn State politician and biggest donor suing individuals of the NCAA to get sanctions dropped
- Notre Dame Booster stole money from her employer and gave it to players - nothing happened
- Now: Michigan sign stealing - maybe get a Big Ten punishment, but maybe not if Michigan hires the big legal guns to fight until the CFP games are completed

A few years ago, I thought the NCAA would be replaced by a few mega conferences to share the money and police themselves. I am not so sure now. It's really about the money and power.

What's your opinion?
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