"My university doesn't graduate politically correct snowflakes, that's fake news"

Tango Two

Aug 21, 2001
North Brunswick, New Jersey
Ross K. Baker is a distinguished professor of political science at Rutgers University and a member of USA TODAY's Board of Contributors.

As college students cram for finals and seniors ponder life after possibly the happiest four years of their lives, the institutions that serve them are increasingly deprecated as having knuckled under to political correctness requirements that stifle opinions disapproved of by ultra-liberal professors and swaddle their students against imagined “micro-aggressions” with “safe spaces” and “trigger warnings”.

My own experience after decades of teaching at a large public university tells me that these charges are exaggerated and often come from people who have not recently set foot inside a university or interacted with students. The majority take their studies seriously and resist the distractions of the few eccentrics, cranks, vigilantes and provocateurs who have always found a home in higher education.

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Baker is right. There's a reason why he's always consulted on political matters by every major media outlet.
Ha Ha...and then there's this. Sounds like the University wide grad speeches were nothing but social/liberal/left worshiping messages. Barchi's in particular. Couldn't leave it alone for 1 day.