Nebraska PA announcer fired

This board is the closest I get to "social media". Everything you put out there, will be out there forever, and it's public domain. It can all be traced.

This isn't the first time this has happened, and it won't be the last. Too bad.
At Penn State they have thrown out Board of Trustees members that were otherwise faithful alumni that had the temerity to allow the evil Freeh and Emmert to bully them into firing Dear Leader.
because he made critical comments on social media about Nebraska, before he was hired by Nebraska. Thoughts on this? Did R vision do the same?


it's unlikely that R vision did the same because when all of the multiple offending tweets and photos were shown to them Macy was allowed to continue in the position. In all likelihood her performance, described on this board as "uncomfortable and awkward" is what probably what lead to her demise.
Huskers is in the middle of all of this--bodies are buried everywhere. He's changed his appearance so radically in the past eight weeks that they won't be able to find him. But we will, as he'll be at our tailgate. Just watch what you say around him.
Read the article - think it's a little ridiculous. Guy voiced his opinion - he wasn't talking about putting babies in the oven - he was critical of a move by the team he loved. Gotten to the point in this society where people are afraid to really express themselves for fear of repercussions from current and future jobs - very Orwell 1984 if you ask me.
It's been blown way out of proportion. But the AD did screw up by announcing the hire and than the next day "letting him go."

The guy is a great guy and would have done an excellent job. But that's our Chancellor for ya, I can't wait for him to leave his roll next spring.
At Penn State they have thrown out Board of Trustees members that were otherwise faithful alumni that had the temerity to allow the evil Freeh and Emmert to bully them into firing Dear Leader.
Ignorant !