Nah. You'll be fine. It's Latin all right.Isn't pendejo a insult in Spanish? Not sure, just seems like I've heard that word used like that..
I'd hate to wear a shirt that lands me in a fight:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
And makes friends everywhere.Nah. You'll be fine. It's Latin all right.
Malaka is a Greek pejorative, probably "*erk off". If someone calls you a malaka, you must preserve your honor and choose weapons.
-----Nuelle bastardos carborundum
Also very useful:
"Semper ubi sub ubi."
------et potestas Christi urget vos
Never trust Google. :joy: It was suppose to be------
"Christ, I urgently need my potatoes"
That would come in very handy at a few diners I've been to:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:------
"Christ, I urgently need my potatoes"