OFFICIAL Morgan State Haiku Thread

Blue and orange bears
Lowly as the Scarlet Knights
Someone has to win

Up from Baltimore
Come the marching Morgan Bears
Halftime should be good
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The Morgan State Bears
Come here looking for first win
Could Rutgers be it?

Gio sits the bench.
Bolin throws another pick.
Let's now rush Lewis.

But really who cares?
Wins are so overrated.
Let's all just tailgate.
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Team has no excuse
Poorly coached, flat, tentative
We must play to win!
Knights first play of game
A run up the middle...Stuffed
We win but barely
Football is now back
If RU somehow loses
Ash is left off bus
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Wish you would step back
From that ledge my friend, you could
Cut ties with all the

Lies you've been living
In, and if you do not wish
To see Ash again
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Dare I say Hayden . . .

Went the way of the Haircut?

Time's right for Lewis!
Bear hunting season
Starts at Rutgers Stadium
Saturday morning.
Haiku after win [banana][banana]:cool2:[banana][banana]

Better than this :chairshot:and this :flush: and this :uzi:

Scarlet Knights prevail :pray:
Irma can piss off
Just take your rain and shove it
Tailgate will be dry!
Haiku after win [banana][banana]:cool2:[banana][banana]

Better than this :chairshot:and this :flush: and this :uzi:

Scarlet Knights prevail :pray:
An emoji war!
I'll see your dancing banana
With one getting down.

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Let's all get crazy!

Then we'll have a sissy fight.

Followed by coffee.
But back to the game.

Let's put Lewis at QB

To hand off the ball.
Betting line on game?
Last week, much "Free Money!" talk.
Such talk now silenced.
Game number three soon
We're hoping for good weather
Tailgate's important.