Ohio State Coach Rips Guarantano

From the article: "So given the depth under center, it's not much of a surprise that Guarantano picked Tennessee."

um, why couldn't the writer say that it wasn't much of a surprise that he didn't pick OSU? it's totally dismissive of RU the way he worded it.
Originally posted by RutgersUnion:

No reason for that.
Sure there is reason.. Ohio State should be able to take 25 HS QBs if they offer them. Then have the ones they allow to practice at QB to compete for QB while moving everyone else whereever they want or to run them off the team to go play FCS somewhere.
a coach at a factory team talking like a coach at a factory team is
hardly surprising....
The National Champs lost an important recruiting battle to undistinguished Tennessee and they don't like it. I love that they took another 4 star QB prior to JG's announcement, that showed the ultimate attitude of a great program. Based on football only, what reason on earth would a high profile QB choose Tennessee over OSU? The coach is speaking what he truly believes to be the case. If JG had chosen RU, everyone would understand it would be for mostly personal reasons like staying close to home and family. But Tennessee? Buck..buck......buck.. buck.. buck
This isn't the first time a member of Meyer's staff has taken a shot at a kid nor will it be the last. Les Miles has a bit of this in him as well.
This post was edited on 4/16 9:15 AM by Ty Webb
BAC, I didn't say that OSU fans would be batting an eye. I said our fans would. I am proud that we don't have coaches that act like douchebags on social media.
Could you imagine Politi if one of our coaches did that? He'd find a way to blame Julie.
Looks like it was taken down off of Twitter already.....shame-the OSU coach has no ballz......
Have a feeling that the over-the-top video set in Times Square may have come across poorly through-out the B1G.... and right or wrong, it is going to color how he is viewed in a lot of places.
Originally posted by RUMBA-JK:
Have a feeling that the over-the-top video set in Times Square may have come across poorly through-out the B1G.... and right or wrong, it is going to color how he is viewed in a lot of places.
Then they are hypocrites............. because OSU has gotten kids that have also engaged in silly methods to announce their choice of OSU.

As I said, this isn't the first time or the last time a coach will publicly rip a kid for not choosing a particular school. I don't think the Times Square thing has anything to do with why that coach mouthed off.

Meyer told a group at an OSU boosters dinner that they stopped recruiting a kid because he didn't think he was tough enough for OSU........ turned out the kid may have actually turned OSU down as the kid and his father didn't like the fact that Meyer tried to pressure a commitment out of the kid on an in home visit.
Coach Galiano Tweeted this after Ted Fields Decommitted:

"You either want to be great or you dont. There is no in between. #ChopNation"
"We R on R way to the top. U R either with us or get out of the way!! #ChopNation"

Obviously not as bad as the OSU Coach's tweet, but everyone gets riled up to a certain extent when things don't go a certain way.
What is wrong with Galano(sp) tweet? It is exactly the attitude we want here! I want our AD to be like George Steinbrenner and the Coach to be like Billy Martin (Without the drinking).
I had to laugh how many Tennessee fans were dissing Times Square and NJ as a big sewer pit and questioning who would ever want to live there. Welcome to Tennessee Mr. Guarantano.
Originally posted by ru8081:
What is wrong with Galano(sp) tweet? It is exactly the attitude we want here! I want our AD to be like George Steinbrenner and the Coach to be like Billy Martin (Without the drinking).
No, thanks. Don't want or need that attitude here. Plenty of winners, from John Wooden to Bruce Bochy, did not have to act like Steinbrenner in the way they treat people or like Martin in being one drink away from being a complete jackass 24/7. Both had very good qualities, but that is not what a college football program needs, nor one that we want here.

The coach is wrong for acting like a spoiled child when a player decides to go elsewhere. There is just no need to say anything other than "We will win with who wants to be here" or something similar.

Anyway, we do NOT want that attitude here. This board often likes to crow about the atmosphere of our team, from the family thing to the APR to the way Flood and his staff build character. How does that mesh with the "attitude" you want?

It doesn't.
Originally posted by Ty Webb:
Originally posted by RUMBA-JK:
Have a feeling that the over-the-top video set in Times Square may have come across poorly through-out the B1G.... and right or wrong, it is going to color how he is viewed in a lot of places.
Then they are hypocrites............. because OSU has gotten kids that have also engaged in silly methods to announce their choice of OSU.

As I said, this isn't the first time or the last time a coach will publicly rip a kid for not choosing a particular school. I don't think the Times Square thing has anything to do with why that coach mouthed off.

Meyer told a group at an OSU boosters dinner that they stopped recruiting a kid because he didn't think he was tough enough for OSU........ turned out the kid may have actually turned OSU down as the kid and his father didn't like the fact that Meyer tried to pressure a commitment out of the kid on an in home visit.
C'mon, Ty. You don't need to be told that OSU is not exactly the standard bearer of the B1G Ethics Handbook. Silly example.

Unless, of course, you're willing to admit that UND's white washing of some of it's own internal problems in recent years is standard fare at UND.

If you concede, I'll concede.
Originally posted by mychaljohn:

Originally posted by Ty Webb:

Originally posted by RUMBA-JK:
Have a feeling that the over-the-top video set in Times Square may have come across poorly through-out the B1G.... and right or wrong, it is going to color how he is viewed in a lot of places.
Then they are hypocrites............. because OSU has gotten kids that have also engaged in silly methods to announce their choice of OSU.

As I said, this isn't the first time or the last time a coach will publicly rip a kid for not choosing a particular school. I don't think the Times Square thing has anything to do with why that coach mouthed off.

Meyer told a group at an OSU boosters dinner that they stopped recruiting a kid because he didn't think he was tough enough for OSU........ turned out the kid may have actually turned OSU down as the kid and his father didn't like the fact that Meyer tried to pressure a commitment out of the kid on an in home visit.
C'mon, Ty. You don't need to be told that OSU is not exactly the standard bearer of the B1G Ethics Handbook. Silly example.

Unless, of course, you're willing to admit that UND's white washing of some of it's own internal problems in recent years is standard fare at UND.

If you concede, I'll concede.
You know I have to ask............ what examples are you referring to?

I never said it was unethical. All I am saying is that this isn't the first time or the last time an OSU coach or a bunch of other coaches will say something publicly or via twitter that they wish they could take back and/or is nothing but a play to their fanbase.

When Les Miles said that Gunner Kiel lack the "chest" to come to LSU, he was playing to his fanbase.

This post was edited on 4/16 11:53 AM by Ty Webb
You know I have to ask............ what examples are you referring to?

I never said it was unethical. All I am saying is that this isn't the first time or the last time an OSU coach or a bunch of other coaches will say something publicly or via twitter that they wish they could take back and/or is nothing but a play to their fanbase.

Just love ripping on OSU, don't you ? A lot of people refer to that as jealousy. Can I assume you're a Michigan fan ?
Originally posted by R1950:
You know I have to ask............ what examples are you referring to?

I never said it was unethical. All I am saying is that this isn't the first time or the last time an OSU coach or a bunch of other coaches will say something publicly or via twitter that they wish they could take back and/or is nothing but a play to their fanbase.

Just love ripping on OSU, don't you ? A lot of people refer to that as jealousy. Can I assume you're a Michigan fan ?
I commented on Miles as well (which you conveniently removed from the quote) and what he said about Gunner Kiel was stupid but just playing to the fanbase. Maybe I am a Bama fan? This thread is about an OSU coach taking to twitter to take a swipe at a recruit (and the tweet has apparently been removed which further shows it wasn't the brightest move).

If you want to think this is just a slam on OSU, have at it. But my comment was a general statement that it's not the first time an OSU coach has said something silly, it won't be the last, it happens at other places and often it's just a coach playing to his fanbase.

This post was edited on 4/16 12:33 PM by Ty Webb
I mean technically, he's just being real with the kid and saying it how it is.

Tennessee is and will continue to be a mediocre program with a mediocre record run by a mediocre coach, who unfortunately can recruit. I expect Butch will be on the hot seat next year if he can't improve their record, which he has not proven he can do. And don't tell me he took over a program where the cupboards are bare, that team will always have talent. Butch Jones has never beat Kyle Flood on the football field.
To be fair, somebody from another site posted a tweet saying that OSU was classless for announcing their new QB commit before JG's announcement, the Buckeye coach responded with that tweet.
How is this different than any other inspirational tweet that coaches & players post? Isn't it true that great players thrive in competition not in mediocrity?
My first impression of the tweet is that it may have been sparked by Guarantano but I think it's a bit of a stretch to call it a "shot" at him, like some are. I think some kids don't care about competition and will be confident in their ability to earn playing time, and I think other kids "play the numbers" a little more and lean in the direction where their odds of seeing the field are better at another school. I don't think there's anything "wrong" with either line of thought, but as a school where there will be competition for playing time, it is obviously going to be the position of every OSU coach to remind quality kids that competition pushes you to be your best and is not something to shy away from. And it will likewise be the case at schools with less talent to remind kids that here, you will start early and get more playing time.
Is the timing poor? Arguably yes, because it could be considered a "shot" even if it really wasn't intended as one.
Bottom line for me is "who cares", this is small potatoes. Guarantano and Wallace were 1A and 1B for OSU and we got one - I doubt that a WR coach was really too butthurt over Guarantano picking UT.
It was juvenile and stupid. Obviously he thought better of it or Urban came down on him since it's been deleted.

Ultimately though...

Originally posted by bac2therac:
Get back to me when we start winning national think OSU fans are batting an eye at this

Tenn has put out some pretty good QBs.....I dont blame JG a bit.