#OpenTheFloodGates Stand Up! Be Heard - Tweet This!!!!


All Conference
Jan 13, 2008
After reading this excellent article, all my frustrations, all my pent up feelings of needing to do something, anything, to help our Coach, to fight the special interests and agenda driven media, now have a purpose. On The Banks has an excellent article about how some people (like Towers and others) are starting to standup for our coach where others who should - won't. They suggest we tweet to or retweet to #OpenTheFloodGates . Personally, I don't own a twitter account. I have never tweeted. I don't even know if I could if I tried but I can tell you all one thing today, right now, that no matter what I will do this. I will open one and figure it out or I will get one of my kids to do it. We all need to stand. The BOG is meeting Friday. Let's be heard. Let's put a special agenda item on their itinery. Let's show them, the special interests, the agenda driven media, they went too far.

Coaches are teachers too. Flood cares about his kids, as much, if not more than those who will throw stones.

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Added #ProfessorsforFlood
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After reading this excellent article, all my frustrations, all my pent up feelings of needing to do something, anything, to help our Coach, to fight the special interests and agenda driven media, now have a purpose. On The Banks has an excellent article about how some people (like Towers and others) are starting to standup for our coach where others who should - won't. They suggest we tweet to or retweet to #OpenTheFloodGates . Personally, I don't own a twitter account. I have never tweeted. I don't even know if I could if I tried but I can tell you all one thing today, right now, that no matter what I will do this. I will open one and figure it out or I will get one of my kids to do it. We all need to stand. The BOG is meeting Friday. Let's be heard. Let's put a special agenda item on their itinery. Let's show them, the special interests, the agenda driven media, they went too far.

Coaches are teachers too. Flood cares about his kids, as much, if not more than those who will throw stones.

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Added #ProfessorsforFlood

Terrific article. Thanks for posting.

I have tweeted!