Football Opportunity awaits for Vedral, RU against PSU

about the overall record...

7 games played in New Brunswick/Piscataway
6 games at East Rutherford
18 games in State College
And since 4 of the 7 games played on the RU campus have come since joining the B1G where PSU can't dictate scheduling terms, that means that only 3 games were played in the old Rutgers Stadium, all of which were prior to 1966 when I entered RU as a freshman. I never saw RU host PSU on campus until 2014, our first year in the B1G. Once the two schools began playing on a regular basis in 1977, RU had to pay 3 visits to Beaver Stadium for every one visit by PSU to Giants Stadium, meaning there were no pure home games for Rutgers.

The Nits dictated those kinds of terms to Temple and BC as well. But when it tried to do that with Syracuse, which JoePa defended as a decision made because PSU had just 1 revenue sport while SU had two, SU told him to take a hike and canceled the series with the team that Syracuse fans had always considered to be their arch rival.
That is right, so many games at Giants Stadium or at happy Valley.
Once the two schools began playing on a regular basis in 1977, RU had to pay 3 visits to Beaver Stadium for every one visit by PSU to Giants Stadium
That is not correct. The actual ratio was closer to 1:1 than 3:1.
The Nits dictated those kinds of terms to Temple and BC as well.
This is not correct either. Are you purposefully making incorrect statements?

There have been more BC-PSU games in MA than in PA. The ratio for Temple-PSU games doesn’t come close to that.
But when it tried to do that with Syracuse, which JoePa defended as a decision made because PSU had just 1 revenue sport while SU had two, SU told him to take a hike and canceled the series with the team that Syracuse fans had always considered to be their arch rival.
Seriously? PSU was joining the Big Ten, they couldn’t play every old opponent H-H every season.

Besides that, PSU played SU H-H in football many years after SU dropped PSU in basketball.

If it meant that much to SU, do something to make it happen. Since they chose to not do anything, don’t whine.