cubuffsdoug Heisman Winner Apr 8, 2002 14,691 24,598 113 Jan 9, 2017 #1 watch this video and tell me what you think:
RU4Real Legend Jul 25, 2001 50,917 30,108 113 Jan 9, 2017 #2 I would have enjoyed it more if she was naked.
Knight Shift Legend May 19, 2011 82,983 80,083 113 Jersey Shore Jan 9, 2017 #3 Might explain why I was able to locate the head of my KF bobble head after the fire in my office, but not the rest of his body.
Might explain why I was able to locate the head of my KF bobble head after the fire in my office, but not the rest of his body.
RocktheRac Heisman Winner Sep 10, 2001 16,835 4,866 113 Jan 9, 2017 #4 If I knew it was that long I would have gotten some popcorn.