OT: "Dice" on Showtime


Gold Member
Aug 1, 2001
Okay, 1st episode, not bad. Now, I was a HUGE fan when I was younger, no doubt, and I love that he's trying to rebuild his career and is getting a shot here, I'm not going to lie, but I wasn't really sure what to expect watching this 1st episode. Anyway, surprisingly, while a lot of it was exactly what I expected, a lot of it wasn't. Seems to me that Clay, as one of the producers, might be using his past (success but more importantly failure/issues) as an introspective element to give this show potential, and IMHO it played well in the premier. Now, I'm no critic, that's for sure, but WTF do they know anyway?

We'll see!
He was riding high back in the day. Pink Caddy, etc. Then he had that massively hyped PPV show back in the early '90's. Started out good for the first 5 minutes (like throwing a hotdog down a hallway), then it bombed. Dice was crushed. Interesting to see if he makes it back.
I couldn't get through his 4 minute stand up routine on Jimmy Fallon last week. It was awful. I'll pass on the new show.
I thought Dice was pretty good in his small role as Buck Rogers in the early episodes of Vinyl. I haven't seen this new show yet, need to search the title and when it's on.
one of his commercials says he is in the New Brunswick HOF... (which his girlfriend/wife mocks).. there is a NB HOF? (didn't see the show but caught 1 line late that had me roll my eyes)..raunchy as ever.
There is a NJ Hall of Fame and it has inducted, Paul Robeson,James Gandolfini, Jon Stewart, Thomas Edison, Bruce Springsteen, Joe Pesci, Eddie Murphy, Shaq, General Schwarzkopf, Frank Sinatra, Yogi Berra, Meryl Streep, Count Basie, Clara Barton, Dick Vitale, Bon Jovi, Albert Einstein, Malcom Forbs, General Robert Wood Johnson and Queen Latifah just to name a few.
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I watched the show for the 1st 20 mins or so. When he was talking about how Dice doesn't pay the ATM fee nonsense. At that point I was out. Did it get better?
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Couldn't get through past the first 5 minutes of the 1st episode. His whole shtick was bearable the first time around but got old real quick. Still meh even with this new twist.
one of his commercials says he is in the New Brunswick HOF... (which his girlfriend/wife mocks).. there is a NB HOF? (didn't see the show but caught 1 line late that had me roll my eyes)..raunchy as ever.
There was a New Brunswick Hall of Fame in 1970 and they were all gathered around the payphones by the train station across from The Closet. There was Duck, Frizz, Barney, Boris...tons of 'em. The payphones were our cell phones.
Watchable. A lot of hit or miss bits. But he comes across as not unlikeable somehow. The girlfriend role helps. The guy sidekick does not.
I am not a dice fan but the show pretty much makes fun of him for not being successful anymore so it's funny. Episode 2 Adrian Brody turns into dice bc he's a method actor. That episode is worth a watch for sure
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