OT: Dorian Jones to Ohio State

So do most in today's society unfortunately. That being said, he is probably doing ok for a 56 year old.
Tough to find time to exercise in a job like his, I would imagine.

I recommend getting a large dog to anybody who needs more exercise (and who isn't a D1 coach). I've walked more in the past 1.5 weeks than in the prior 3 months. Like 7 to 8 miles per day, and I'm not even doing the majority of the walks, my kid is. The dog is doing something like 20 miles per day.

Our newly adopted dog beat the crap out of me yesterday, inadvertently. I took him out for a long walk w/a friend and her dog right around the time the wind-storm blew through, knocking down trees and power lines. The poor guy, earlier in life, must have been caught outside in some bad storms because he grew more and more agitated the longer we walked to the point where he was close to pulling me off my feet repeatedly.

He's a very strong 100 LB dog (and growing, he was underfed when we got him and is likely still not done growing taller) who's a workout to walk at the best of times. But yesterday's walk was a whole different thing. I woke up really sore, shoulder, neck, ribs and abs. But, you know, a good kind of sore.

The way I figure it, my 8-pack is coming back strong now, mostly due to the dog. If I survive. 😀
I'm a really weird guy. 🙂

And why would anybody want to be "normal", which is a lot like being average? Look around. What's "normal"? And whose definition of normal is the correct one?
People mostly gravitate to their version of normal…as it should be…as a gay man, I don’t fit all the usual homo molds…so the homos I associate with, for example, fit said mold. You say whose definition of normal is correct? Many, many people do…and that’s ok for them to feel that way.
Tough to find time to exercise in a job like his, I would imagine.

I recommend getting a large dog to anybody who needs more exercise (and who isn't a D1 coach). I've walked more in the past 1.5 weeks than in the prior 3 months. Like 7 to 8 miles per day, and I'm not even doing the majority of the walks, my kid is. The dog is doing something like 20 miles per day.

Our newly adopted dog beat the crap out of me yesterday, inadvertently. I took him out for a long walk w/a friend and her dog right around the time the wind-storm blew through, knocking down trees and power lines. The poor guy, earlier in life, must have been caught outside in some bad storms because he grew more and more agitated the longer we walked to the point where he was close to pulling me off my feet repeatedly.

He's a very strong 100 LB dog (and growing, he was underfed when we got him and is likely still not done growing taller) who's a workout to walk at the best of times. But yesterday's walk was a whole different thing. I woke up really sore, shoulder, neck, ribs and abs. But, you know, a good kind of sore.

The way I figure it, my 8-pack is coming back strong now, mostly due to the dog. If I survive. 😀
That's cool. What kind of dog? I lost my rescue dog that I had for 13 years last August. Not ready to adopt yet, if ever, not sure. He was smaller, so when became stubborn on walks, I could pick him up. 😄
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We have two dogs that are around 60# each and I walk both regularly. Fortunately, they don't both often pull in the same direction at the same time. Unfortunately, they don't always want to walk in the direction I want to go at the same time. So it can be a bit of a workout walking both.

So... Dorian Jones, huh?
That's cool. What kind of dog? I lost my rescue dog that I had for 13 years last August. Not ready to adopt yet, if ever, not sure. He was smaller, so when became stubborn on walks, I could pick him up. 😄
Condolences about your dog's passing. That's the rough but inevitable side of pet ownership.

Our new guy's a mutt, with a lot of Great Dane in him that we know about. My kid sent off a DNA test so we can find out what else is mixed in. He was freely roaming the mountains, not being fed enough by his owner and the authorities were about to take him away. So my kid stepped in and offered to adopt (after checking w/me about bringing a dog home). The authorities were saying it'd be likely he'd wind up being euthanized, so the owner agreed and my kid did the formalities for adoption and then brought him home.

Seems we got really lucky because he's an incredibly good dog. Super well-behaved, is gentle with smaller dogs and people, and is taking quickly to various training, etc. We're going to get him into some training classes after getting him neutered (ouch); his size and strength make it pretty much an imperative.
Condolences about your dog's passing. That's the rough but inevitable side of pet ownership.

Our new guy's a mutt, with a lot of Great Dane in him that we know about. My kid sent off a DNA test so we can find out what else is mixed in. He was freely roaming the mountains, not being fed enough by his owner and the authorities were about to take him away. So my kid stepped in and offered to adopt (after checking w/me about bringing a dog home). The authorities were saying it'd be likely he'd wind up being euthanized, so the owner agreed and my kid did the formalities for adoption and then brought him home.

Seems we got really lucky because he's an incredibly good dog. Super well-behaved, is gentle with smaller dogs and people, and is taking quickly to various training, etc. We're going to get him into some training classes after getting him neutered (ouch); his size and strength make it pretty much an imperative.
That’s a helluva backstory. And you raised a great son too.
That's cool. What kind of dog? I lost my rescue dog that I had for 13 years last August. Not ready to adopt yet, if ever, not sure. He was smaller, so when became stubborn on walks, I could pick him up. 😄
Been there.
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We had our boy for 14 years. He'll be gone two years as of this coming Friday.
He was the best.
I don't think either of us will ever be over the loss.
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Dogs bring so much unconditional love into a house, it’s pretty hard not to get deeply attached.
He had no bad habits. Anyone who knew him would tell you that. Super friendly.
Honestly, whenever we had friends take care of him when we went on vacation they didn't wanna give him back to us when we got home.
Really, really tough loss.
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Tough to find time to exercise in a job like his, I would imagine.

I recommend getting a large dog to anybody who needs more exercise (and who isn't a D1 coach). I've walked more in the past 1.5 weeks than in the prior 3 months. Like 7 to 8 miles per day, and I'm not even doing the majority of the walks, my kid is. The dog is doing something like 20 miles per day.

Our newly adopted dog beat the crap out of me yesterday, inadvertently. I took him out for a long walk w/a friend and her dog right around the time the wind-storm blew through, knocking down trees and power lines. The poor guy, earlier in life, must have been caught outside in some bad storms because he grew more and more agitated the longer we walked to the point where he was close to pulling me off my feet repeatedly.

He's a very strong 100 LB dog (and growing, he was underfed when we got him and is likely still not done growing taller) who's a workout to walk at the best of times. But yesterday's walk was a whole different thing. I woke up really sore, shoulder, neck, ribs and abs. But, you know, a good kind of sore.

The way I figure it, my 8-pack is coming back strong now, mostly due to the dog. If I survive. 😀
I have a Corgi. I take her for a 1-1.5 mile walk each day. It's like a 3 mile sprint for her with those little legs. Knocks her out for the rest of the day, lol.

Back to Dorian Jones, looks like good news for us according to Trilly Donovan.
Let's agree to create a new and canine free thread after he makes his decision.
Glad someone said it... agree!!!

Dog Human Applause GIF
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He's from Cleveland. He's likely been an OSU fan his whole life. Just unfortunate when you put all that time and effort into recruiting a guy you really want for your defensive minded system and he's a great fit but it doesn't happen.
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