OT: Favorite Home Console Video Games of Past


All American
Jun 7, 2001
Sega Genesis: Golden Axe and Truxton
PS1: Jet Moto and Mega Man Legends 1 and 2, Army Men
PS2: Crash Bandicoot, Ratchet and Clank, Spyro
X Box: Halo
X Box 360: Halo 2 and 3; Gears of War
SEGA Master: Outrun
NES: Tecmo Bowl
Genesis: World Series Baseball 94
Super NES: Mario Cart
N64: Golden Eye
PS1: MK Trilogy and GT (all series)
Dreamcast: Virtua Tennis

Don't have time these days with kids and work but want to get back to it with the PS4.
NES: Zelda (spent a ton of hours on that game!)
Game boy: Tetris
SNES: StreetFighter2
N64: Mario64, MarioKart64, Smash Bros.
XBOX: NCAA & Madden
PS2/3/4: NCAA, Madden, & Call of Duty

My son "discovered" my old Wii at grandma's and we had a blast playing WiiSports Resort. He absolutely loved the motion controls.
NES: Zelda
Gensis: Aladdin
SNES: Mortal Kombat
GameCube: Smash Bros
Dreamcast: Powerstone.
PS4: Journey, Bloodbourne, Witcher 3 (maybe the best single-player game of all time)

PC gaming is where it's at though. Forever and always.

Burger Time
Night Stalker?
Space Armada
Space Hawk
Horse Racing
BOOM! I agree, this conversation begins and ends with Intellivision. Additional games:

Auto Racing
Shark! Shark!
Star Strike
Sea Battle
IntelliVoice - B17 Bomber
D&D - Treasure of Tarmin (I believe one of the first ever "role playing" and "first person view" games)
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I just was in Bed Bath and Beyond as I was trying to sell such gift card I received for Christmas. I ran into the weirdest thing..

I think Atari has repackaged all of their games together in mini classic system? called Atari Classic or similar. I saw two versions. Each had about 6-8 games. One version had "Frogger". The other had "Asteriods". I was looking for something more my speed- "Pong". The system? was retailng for $39.99 I believe.
My Faves that i could recall each system Other than Madden/Ncaa football:
Nintendo- Punch Out
64- Goldeneye
ps1 (i think)- Twisted Metal
Xbox- Halo
PS2- Godfather
Ps3- mass effect series/skyrim/ batman
My Faves that i could recall each system Other than Madden/Ncaa football:
Nintendo- Punch Out
64- Goldeneye
ps1 (i think)- Twisted Metal
Xbox- Halo
PS2- Godfather
Ps3- mass effect series/skyrim/ batman
Yes, remember this one very well!
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I just was in Bed Bath and Beyond as I was trying to sell such gift card I received for Christmas. I ran into the weirdest thing..

I think Atari has repackaged all of their games together in mini classic system? called Atari Classic or similar. I saw two versions. Each had about 6-8 games. One version had "Frogger". The other had "Asteriods". I was looking for something more my speed- "Pong". The system? was retailng for $39.99 I believe.
Try MAME. If you still have the ROM carts in a box in your attic, you can download the games guilt free.
I just was in Bed Bath and Beyond as I was trying to sell such gift card I received for Christmas. I ran into the weirdest thing..

I think Atari has repackaged all of their games together in mini classic system? called Atari Classic or similar. I saw two versions. Each had about 6-8 games. One version had "Frogger". The other had "Asteriods". I was looking for something more my speed- "Pong". The system? was retailng for $39.99 I believe.

Ash, you slinging bed, bath and beyond gift cards in the mall? Are people willing to buy? I would assume some would want validation of balance prior to purchase .

Tecmo bowl was good, but the John madden games were better. I think I was in my late 20s and played it on sega and thought it was awesome.
BOOM! I agree, this conversation begins and ends with Intellivision. Additional games:

Auto Racing
Shark! Shark!
Star Strike
Sea Battle
IntelliVoice - B17 Bomber
D&D - Treasure of Tarmin (I believe one of the first ever "role playing" and "first person view" games)

yes how could I forget Skiing and Snafu.

while all the cool kids were playing Atari, the smart kids were playing Intellivision
too many to name for the Atari 2600... and i have the mini console replica

N64: Super Smash Bros, Mario Kart64, Golden Eye
PS2: all GTA games, The Matrix(VERY addicting), Star Wars Battlefront 1 and 2
PS3: GTA 5, Just Cause 2
computer: STARCRAFT
Got the NES mini for Christmas. Haven't hooked it up yet but plan on it tonight. Can't wait.
Hopefully you had Sea Battle - that was the king. Baseball, Astrosmash, Snafu, Skiing, Horse Racing were my other favs too.
Loved Sea Battle, and placing those mines just outside the harbor of your opponent!
Atari 2600: Superman, Space Invaders, Missile Command
Atari 5200: Pac Man, Pole Position
Atari 800 Computer: Star Raiders
Nes: Zelda, Super Mario Brothers, Tecmo Bowl
NINTENDO 64: John Madden Football, Zelda
PlayStation: sonic the hedgehog
Xbox: halo
Xbox1: John Madden
Tecmo Super Bowl
Mega Man series
Mega Man X series
Mario Bros series
Shadow of the Ninja
TMNT 2 & 4
Capcom vs SNK 2
Street Fighter series
World Heroes series
King of Fighters series
Mortal Kombat series
Fatal Fury series
Killer Instinct
Tekken series
Super Dodgeball
Madden series
Altered Beast
Fuzion Frenzy
Earthworm Jim
Final Fight series
Sim City
Chrono Trigger
Demon's Crest
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I didn't get into games until my 40s lol. Went straight to PC and have about 175 games on Steam now. I tend to not like the console ports but on a console they might be ok. Always wanted to try Final Fantasy VII (Playstation) just because its still epic with so many people (girls mostly it seems)
I just was in Bed Bath and Beyond as I was trying to sell such gift card I received for Christmas. I ran into the weirdest thing..

I think Atari has repackaged all of their games together in mini classic system? called Atari Classic or similar. I saw two versions. Each had about 6-8 games. One version had "Frogger". The other had "Asteriods". I was looking for something more my speed- "Pong". The system? was retailng for $39.99 I believe.

Amazon product ASIN B01N07VE70
This listing is basically the mega-sized version of what you saw. It's over 100 games, lots of them no-name, however. This is the 7th version of the Atari classic. I have the first 2 and I think they're pretty awesome. This one has bad reviews though.
Both of these were awesome in the day. Can't wait to get the new NES retro system, it includes both games.

Remember spending the day at Six Flags and putting quarter after quarter into the World Series baseball game? That game was amazing!
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Remember spending the day at Six Flags and putting quarter after quarter into the World Series baseball game? That game was amazing!
Big yes. That's why we went to Great Adventure, for the arcade games - WS, Discs of Tron, and I remember a very good hockey game (forgot the name).