BOOM! I agree, this conversation begins and ends with Intellivision. Additional games:Intellivsion
Burger Time
Night Stalker?
Space Armada
Space Hawk
Horse Racing
Both of these were awesome in the day. Can't wait to get the new NES retro system, it includes both games.Zelda
Yes, remember this one very well!My Faves that i could recall each system Other than Madden/Ncaa football:
Nintendo- Punch Out
64- Goldeneye
ps1 (i think)- Twisted Metal
Xbox- Halo
PS2- Godfather
Ps3- mass effect series/skyrim/ batman
Try MAME. If you still have the ROM carts in a box in your attic, you can download the games guilt free.I just was in Bed Bath and Beyond as I was trying to sell such gift card I received for Christmas. I ran into the weirdest thing..
I think Atari has repackaged all of their games together in mini classic system? called Atari Classic or similar. I saw two versions. Each had about 6-8 games. One version had "Frogger". The other had "Asteriods". I was looking for something more my speed- "Pong". The system? was retailng for $39.99 I believe.
I just was in Bed Bath and Beyond as I was trying to sell such gift card I received for Christmas. I ran into the weirdest thing..
I think Atari has repackaged all of their games together in mini classic system? called Atari Classic or similar. I saw two versions. Each had about 6-8 games. One version had "Frogger". The other had "Asteriods". I was looking for something more my speed- "Pong". The system? was retailng for $39.99 I believe.
PC: Warcraft2, Command & Conquer, SimCity (& 2000 edition)Not a console, but I used to love sim city & red alert
BOOM! I agree, this conversation begins and ends with Intellivision. Additional games:
Auto Racing
Shark! Shark!
Star Strike
Sea Battle
IntelliVoice - B17 Bomber
D&D - Treasure of Tarmin (I believe one of the first ever "role playing" and "first person view" games)
yes how could I forget Skiing and Snafu.
while all the cool kids were playing Atari, the smart kids were playing Intellivision
Loved Sea Battle, and placing those mines just outside the harbor of your opponent!Hopefully you had Sea Battle - that was the king. Baseball, Astrosmash, Snafu, Skiing, Horse Racing were my other favs too.
I just was in Bed Bath and Beyond as I was trying to sell such gift card I received for Christmas. I ran into the weirdest thing..
I think Atari has repackaged all of their games together in mini classic system? called Atari Classic or similar. I saw two versions. Each had about 6-8 games. One version had "Frogger". The other had "Asteriods". I was looking for something more my speed- "Pong". The system? was retailng for $39.99 I believe.
Both of these were awesome in the day. Can't wait to get the new NES retro system, it includes both games.
Big yes. That's why we went to Great Adventure, for the arcade games - WS, Discs of Tron, and I remember a very good hockey game (forgot the name).Remember spending the day at Six Flags and putting quarter after quarter into the World Series baseball game? That game was amazing!