OT: Hernia belts and surgery


Hall of Famer
Oct 4, 2011
So about 3 weeks ago I developed this pain near my bellybutton. Than it became apparent that I had a navel hernia when the turtle head stuck out of my bellybutton. Severe pain. So I went to the hospital, emergency room which was completely empty... crazy in these days. Went through the normal tests. BP, blood tests with the nurses. The doctor comes in and puts me flat on my back and pushes it back in. Instantly the pain stops. But it was temporary. My job involves lifting. So surgery is coming soon. But not available now at its considered optional.
Who has surgery and your experience? In the interim I need a belt built for this. Any recommendations
So about 3 weeks ago I developed this pain near my bellybutton. Than it became apparent that I had a navel hernia when the turtle head stuck out of my bellybutton. Severe pain. So I went to the hospital, emergency room which was completely empty... crazy in these days. Went through the normal tests. BP, blood tests with the nurses. The doctor comes in and puts me flat on my back and pushes it back in. Instantly the pain stops. But it was temporary. My job involves lifting. So surgery is coming soon. But not available now at its considered optional.
Who has surgery and your experience? In the interim I need a belt built for this. Any recommendations
Found it relatively an easy in and out within 4-5 hours. Probably a laparoscopic procedure by a general surgeon... able to walk out and danced at my sons wedding 2 weeks later... no lifting whatsoever... believe me lifting my old white man balls was the heaviest thing for 6 weeks...relax and listen to the doctors.Good Luck
Found it relatively an easy in and out within 4-5 hours. Probably a laparoscopic procedure by a general surgeon... able to walk out and danced at my sons wedding 2 weeks later... no lifting whatsoever... believe me lifting my old white man balls was the heaviest thing for 6 weeks...relax and listen to the doctors.Good Luck
Thanks. I was told by the Doctor at Pennsylvania Hospital much the same. But she told me mesh surgery had faster recovery. Either way I walk and out same day
Thanks. I was told by the Doctor at Pennsylvania Hospital much the same. But she told me mesh surgery had faster recovery. Either way I walk and out same day
Yes mesh Is used ... a little soreness and they tell you to use a pillow when you cough...In a few days you’ll be feeling better... had mine almost 7 years ago.
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I can’t believe I forgot the brand, but there are endless commercials on about lawsuits involving some company’s hernia mesh implant. Maybe some of you have seen the commercials. I will post the company next time I see the commercial. Doctors probably aren’t using them anymore anyway if there was a possible problem.
I know I am watching a lot more TV than I was a couple months ago, but what is with the endless lawsuit commercials-Zantac, asbestos, round up, talcum powder. And what the heck happened to Angie Harmon in those life-lock commercials? She looks like she is in a wind tunnel !
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Had a hiatal hernia fixed up about 7 years ago.
Couldn't even stand up straight for about a week and a half after the surgery.
No issues since then, although when it's quiet I can hear the mesh when I walk up the steps. Strange.
I have to have the mesh done at some point. This is after I have the PFO fixed in my heart.
So about 3 weeks ago I developed this pain near my bellybutton. Than it became apparent that I had a navel hernia when the turtle head stuck out of my bellybutton. Severe pain. So I went to the hospital, emergency room which was completely empty... crazy in these days. Went through the normal tests. BP, blood tests with the nurses. The doctor comes in and puts me flat on my back and pushes it back in. Instantly the pain stops. But it was temporary. My job involves lifting. So surgery is coming soon. But not available now at its considered optional.
Who has surgery and your experience? In the interim I need a belt built for this. Any recommendations
I had an umbilical hernia for about two years. Never really bothered me. My doctor suggested I have it taken care of because if it were to blow out I would need emergency surgery. I had it done in late February. The surgeon told me he wouldn’t need to use the mesh ( the damage wasn’t that bad). When he was performing the surgery he found it to be a little bigger tear than he thought and had to use the mesh.Like others posted not a problem healing up.
I’m in central Jersey, Dr Franco did the surgery for me I would highly recommend him for you if your in the area.
Best of luck to a speedy recovery.
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Whatever you decide on,the BEST to you. Had an inguinal hernia repaired a good while ago. What I learned from that experience was: BE SURE TO TAKE LAXATIVES to counter the opiates that you will be given. I didn't. It LOCKED up and after a couple of days had to go to ER to have it digitally cleared.Nasty.
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Oh yes laxatives do make it easier after hernia surgery. What many forget is that bouts of constipation does lead to many inguinal hernias. What the doctor explained was male patients can get a 2nd one and usually opposite sides. Hernias even if they don’t cause issues can quickly go from bad to an emergency surgery. The hernia can cause strangulation , cut off blood flow and lead to sudden death. So get it done.
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Oh yes laxatives do make it easier after hernia surgery. What many forget is that bouts of constipation does lead to many inguinal hernias. What the doctor explained was male patients can get a 2nd one and usually opposite sides. Hernias even if they don’t cause issues can quickly go from bad to an emergency surgery. The hernia can cause strangulation , cut off blood flow and lead to sudden death. So get it done.
So you called it. They can be very dangerous. I had scheduled surgery for Dec 29 after the holidays. Yesterday morning I developed tremendous pain. Left work, right to the emergency ward. Before the scan they were reluctant to operate. As soon as they saw the results I was being prepped for emergency surgery. Along with the hernia there was a tear in my small intestine. I'll be in the hospital through the weekend.
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I can’t believe I forgot the brand, but there are endless commercials on about lawsuits involving some company’s hernia mesh implant. Maybe some of you have seen the commercials. I will post the company next time I see the commercial. Doctors probably aren’t using them anymore anyway if there was a possible problem.

I had a groin hernia over 10 years ago and the doctor used the mesh procedure
He actually checked the other side and said that was worse than the side where I had pain and he did both, in about 30 minutes. This surgeon took pride in doing it quickly

No problems since
So you called it. They can be very dangerous. I had scheduled surgery for Dec 29 after the holidays. Yesterday morning I developed tremendous pain. Left work, right to the emergency ward. Before the scan they were reluctant to operate. As soon as they saw the results I was being prepped for emergency surgery. Along with the hernia there was a tear in my small intestine. I'll be in the hospital through the weekend.
DUDE! All the best man! Take care of yourself.
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So about 3 weeks ago I developed this pain near my bellybutton. Than it became apparent that I had a navel hernia when the turtle head stuck out of my bellybutton. Severe pain. So I went to the hospital, emergency room which was completely empty... crazy in these days. Went through the normal tests. BP, blood tests with the nurses. The doctor comes in and puts me flat on my back and pushes it back in. Instantly the pain stops. But it was temporary. My job involves lifting. So surgery is coming soon. But not available now at its considered optional.
Who has surgery and your experience? In the interim I need a belt built for this. Any recommendations

Thanks for sharing.
So you called it. They can be very dangerous. I had scheduled surgery for Dec 29 after the holidays. Yesterday morning I developed tremendous pain. Left work, right to the emergency ward. Before the scan they were reluctant to operate. As soon as they saw the results I was being prepped for emergency surgery. Along with the hernia there was a tear in my small intestine. I'll be in the hospital through the weekend.
Sending good vibes for a speedy recovery.
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So you called it. They can be very dangerous. I had scheduled surgery for Dec 29 after the holidays. Yesterday morning I developed tremendous pain. Left work, right to the emergency ward. Before the scan they were reluctant to operate. As soon as they saw the results I was being prepped for emergency surgery. Along with the hernia there was a tear in my small intestine. I'll be in the hospital through the weekend.
Keep the faith, White Bus!!
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Anyone have any experience with hernia surgery? I am scheduled for mine 1st week of June. I developed a inguinal hernia maybe about a month ago. Got some swelling and discomfort from it but nothing major. I dont like not being active and not exercising, Im the type of person that always stays busy so it sucks. I chose the open surgery over the laparoscopic as I didnt want to be put on a respirator and have a tube put in for the laparoscopic.
Anyone have any experience with hernia surgery? I am scheduled for mine 1st week of June. I developed a inguinal hernia maybe about a month ago. Got some swelling and discomfort from it but nothing major. I dont like not being active and not exercising, Im the type of person that always stays busy so it sucks. I chose the open surgery over the laparoscopic as I didnt want to be put on a respirator and have a tube put in for the laparoscopic.
One of my old RU roomies is having the procedure done tomorrow. Laparoscopy. Small incision. Suppose to be up and active over the weekend, with a one week recovery to regular activity.
Anyone have any experience with hernia surgery? I am scheduled for mine 1st week of June. I developed a inguinal hernia maybe about a month ago. Got some swelling and discomfort from it but nothing major. I dont like not being active and not exercising, Im the type of person that always stays busy so it sucks. I chose the open surgery over the laparoscopic as I didnt want to be put on a respirator and have a tube put in for the laparoscopic.
Good call. Smart idea going with the minor surgery. So many Seniors avoid the DR office as much they can, And they pay the price when they pass away from a medical condition that could have been successfully managed in the past few years. Many Seniors are highly reluctant to visit the Dr office for any reason other than immediate ER symptoms. It really comes down to a personal decision.
One of my old RU roomies is having the procedure done tomorrow. Laparoscopy. Small incision. Suppose to be up and active over the weekend, with a one week recovery to regular activity.

Thats pretty fast, the Dr told me the recovery time was faster with Laparoscopy but said Id be out of work 6 weeks with both types after I told him what I do. I work in construction field. Best of luck to your friend.

Good call. Smart idea going with the minor surgery. So many Seniors avoid the DR office as much they can, And they pay the price when they pass away from a medical condition that could have been successfully managed in the past few years. Many Seniors are highly reluctant to visit the Dr office for any reason other than immediate ER symptoms. It really comes down to a personal decision.
Yeah I figured get it fixed so I can get back to my regular routine. Im not a senior yet (mid 40's) but just want it fixed. I have coworkers that have it and keep putting it off. Lots of different types of hernias, I dont have the noticeable bulge like some people get just mainly swelling below my belly button to the right. It's more of a discomfort then pain, but I feel it when ever Im lifting something over 15lbs or bending certain ways.
What ever you do, do not put off the surgery because you can "live with it" . I almost killed myself because of putting it off to a convient time. If you feel abdominal pain beyond your immediate hernia area go to the emergency room immediately. It means your small intestine has mostly likey has been torn and you are seriously infected. See my post above from my experience.
What ever you do, do not put off the surgery because you can "live with it" . I almost killed myself because of putting it off to a convient time. If you feel abdominal pain beyond your immediate hernia area go to the emergency room immediately. It means your small intestine has mostly likey has been torn and you are seriously infected. See my post above from my experience.
Yup I read the thread. I maybe could’ve gotten it a week earlier but the lady making my appointment was in the June scheduling page. Maybe a few days. My biggest problem will be taking it easy before and after the surgery. Gotta take advantage of the apprentices more at work and find a nice series to stream post surgery. Look like your initial symptoms were in May and in November you had your surgery. Mine is a month away so hopefully nothing worsens. How long was your recovery?
Had open surgery twice for 2 different hernias in 1985 and 2001. Went to a conference in Paris about 10 days before surgery for the second and by the end of that trip was glad to be having the surgery. Recovery was pretty quick (about 2 weeks) especially after the second. Was a same day procedure and home by early afternoon. Just try not to sneeze afterwards for a few days!
Yup I read the thread. I maybe could’ve gotten it a week earlier but the lady making my appointment was in the June scheduling page. Maybe a few days. My biggest problem will be taking it easy before and after the surgery. Gotta take advantage of the apprentices more at work and find a nice series to stream post surgery. Look like your initial symptoms were in May and in November you had your surgery. Mine is a month away so hopefully nothing worsens. How long was your recovery?
Wish you all the best. You'll sleep better when it's all over.
I waited too long. Couldn't do the laproscopic because the hernia go too big, Bigger surgery, longer recovery period.
What ever you do, do not put off the surgery because you can "live with it" . I almost killed myself because of putting it off to a convient time. If you feel abdominal pain beyond your immediate hernia area go to the emergency room immediately. It means your small intestine has mostly likey has been torn and you are seriously infected. See my post above from my experience.
I had an inguinal done years ago. Went well. The WORST part was that I didn't pay attention when they told me to tale a laxative to counter the constipating effects of the narcotics they gave me to take post op Wound up going to the hospital to have the PROBLEM relieved Digitally. Bad,bad experience. DON'T let it happen to you.Good luck with your procedure.
Best of luck and heal quickly White Bus.
This happened to me in 2019. Lost over a foot of small intestine. Had the hernia repaired at the same time but not with a mesh because of the infection at the time. So the hernia can return in that general area.
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Thats pretty fast, the Dr told me the recovery time was faster with Laparoscopy but said Id be out of work 6 weeks with both types after I told him what I do. I work in construction field. Best of luck to your friend.

Yeah I figured get it fixed so I can get back to my regular routine. Im not a senior yet (mid 40's) but just want it fixed. I have coworkers that have it and keep putting it off. Lots of different types of hernias, I dont have the noticeable bulge like some people get just mainly swelling below my belly button to the right. It's more of a discomfort then pain, but I feel it when ever Im lifting something over 15lbs or bending certain ways.

Texted my old roommate today as a follow up to his procedure yesterday. Procedure went well. Three small incisions. Surgery via robotics. Just a bit of local discomfort today. His doc instructed him to begin walking today. And everyday. One week recovery.
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I waited too long. Couldn't do the laproscopic because the hernia go too big, Bigger surgery, longer recovery period.
I actually went too soon.."..had a bit of hernia pain and went immediately to my general practice MD, who said he did not feel a hernia...... waited a bit longer and it became more apparent and then had the mesh surgery as I mentioned earlier

This was done long ago, and probably with the mesh that there are lawsuits involved with now
Never had a problem
If I remember corectlly I was put to sleep with a drip, and awake again and finished in less than a half hour. He also checked and meshed the other side which did not caused symptoms for me yet

I would certainly suggest the mesh and Not be cut open if it can be done like that

The surgeon I used specializes in this surgery, pretty much all he did do to the demand
Recovery was quick
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As a side note I had a good friend who swears that he never had any pain or discomfort. One day he woke up and could not get out of bed, in intense pain

Taken to the hospital by the emergency squad and had open hernia surgery

I found it hard to believe that one could go from asymptomatic to an emergency, but this is what he said
So I had my open inguinal hernia surgery on Tuesday. All went well thankfully. Hardest part so far is getting up and down. Luckily my wife is home this week and able to assist. The pain was worse on day two because most of the stuff they use to numb the area has worn off. Took a few of the prescribed Oxy that day. Since then I haven’t need them. Hopefully the worst of it is over now, been walking around the house a decent amount. Sleeping is very uncomfortable as I’ve been on the couch, my bed is to high and I’m not ready to get in and out of that yet. Still walking pretty gingerly, hopefully by day 7 I’m walking normal again.
So I had my open inguinal hernia surgery on Tuesday. All went well thankfully. Hardest part so far is getting up and down. Luckily my wife is home this week and able to assist. The pain was worse on day two because most of the stuff they use to numb the area has worn off. Took a few of the prescribed Oxy that day. Since then I haven’t need them. Hopefully the worst of it is over now, been walking around the house a decent amount. Sleeping is very uncomfortable as I’ve been on the couch, my bed is to high and I’m not ready to get in and out of that yet. Still walking pretty gingerly, hopefully by day 7 I’m walking normal again.
Speedy recovery. Keep moving.
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