OT: History repeats itself, this time at Wall Twp. HS, geez.

Hazing in my day, was throwing freshman into the retention pond at our field. The water was about a 1' maybe 2' deep. The worst outcome you got wet, everyone had to go in, there was no singling out. Today I just don't understand, what in the fvck these kids are thinking.
There's a whole lot of wrong in this post. Or maybe I'm just not following what you're trying to say.

First of all, there's nothing going on in this country that warrants hazing involving sexual abuse with broomsticks. Being fed up because of the pandemic, or because of efforts to curb the pandemic, or because of politics, or because of social change... that's all fine. Be fed up. Who cares. But being violently fed up is not fine. And sexually abusing a classmate in HS because of any of that nonsense? Seriously?

Second, when I was in HS, the worst hazing that took place was some upperclassmen squirting shampoo into the eyes of some freshman in the showers. Nobody was sexually abusing anybody with broomsticks. The media absolutely should be reporting incidents of sexual abuse. And the kids who participated should be expelled.
You’re wasting your thumbs.
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Hazing in my day, was throwing freshman into the retention pond at our field. The water was about a 1' maybe 2' deep. The worst outcome you got wet, everyone had to go in, there was no singling out. Today I just don't understand, what in the fvck these kids are thinking.
Hazing that doesn't actually harm anybody, and that is done to all new players without singling someone out, is a team building exercise as well as a rite of passage of sorts. It's fine.
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