OT: In this thread I use AI to produce images you describe...

Sep 11, 2006
Don't know how many of you are playing with AI image generation.. and I don't know how many such requests I can respond to as these things take time... but come up with a description.. keep it clean you dirty old men.. and I'll see what I can do.

If anyone else care to respond to requests and do it too, feel free. I will be using something called Stable Diffusion XL 1.0 as the base ssytem.
okay.. you need an example.. I asked ChatGPT 3.5 (the free one) to write me a Stable Diffusion promo for a Norman Rockwell style cover of Rutgers Football winning teh national championship.

It gave me this..

"Create a heartwarming Norman Rockwell-inspired illustration capturing the jubilant moment of Rutgers football team clinching the national championship. Portray the essence of victory, camaraderie, and sportsmanship as players hoist the championship trophy amidst cheers from a diverse crowd of loyal fans. Infuse the scene with Rockwell's signature warmth and attention to detail, showcasing not only the players' triumphant expressions but also the reactions of families, friends, and community members in the stands. The setting should exude a nostalgic Americana feel, reminiscent of a small town's pride and unity coming together to celebrate this historic achievement."

And that produced this..


I count at least three different trophies and, no doubt, many people have anywhere from 3 to 7 fingers.. AI has real trouble with fingers... we have some women in uniforms.. that's nice... someone wears a jersey number of "c".. and she has forearms without upper arms..
okay.. you need an example.. I asked ChatGPT 3.5 (the free one) to write me a Stable Diffusion promo for a Norman Rockwell style cover of Rutgers Football winning teh national championship.

It gave me this..

"Create a heartwarming Norman Rockwell-inspired illustration capturing the jubilant moment of Rutgers football team clinching the national championship. Portray the essence of victory, camaraderie, and sportsmanship as players hoist the championship trophy amidst cheers from a diverse crowd of loyal fans. Infuse the scene with Rockwell's signature warmth and attention to detail, showcasing not only the players' triumphant expressions but also the reactions of families, friends, and community members in the stands. The setting should exude a nostalgic Americana feel, reminiscent of a small town's pride and unity coming together to celebrate this historic achievement."

And that produced this..


I count at least three different trophies and, no doubt, many people have anywhere from 3 to 7 fingers.. AI has real trouble with fingers... we have some women in uniforms.. that's nice... someone wears a jersey number of "c".. and she has forearms without upper arms..
Well it def got one thing right.

Short arms and likely deep pockets...typical of our donor base
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okay.. you need an example.. I asked ChatGPT 3.5 (the free one) to write me a Stable Diffusion promo for a Norman Rockwell style cover of Rutgers Football winning teh national championship.

It gave me this..

"Create a heartwarming Norman Rockwell-inspired illustration capturing the jubilant moment of Rutgers football team clinching the national championship. Portray the essence of victory, camaraderie, and sportsmanship as players hoist the championship trophy amidst cheers from a diverse crowd of loyal fans. Infuse the scene with Rockwell's signature warmth and attention to detail, showcasing not only the players' triumphant expressions but also the reactions of families, friends, and community members in the stands. The setting should exude a nostalgic Americana feel, reminiscent of a small town's pride and unity coming together to celebrate this historic achievement."

And that produced this..


I count at least three different trophies and, no doubt, many people have anywhere from 3 to 7 fingers.. AI has real trouble with fingers... we have some women in uniforms.. that's nice... someone wears a jersey number of "c".. and she has forearms without upper arms..
This is worse than bad 😔
okay.. you need an example.. I asked ChatGPT 3.5 (the free one) to write me a Stable Diffusion promo for a Norman Rockwell style cover of Rutgers Football winning teh national championship.

It gave me this..

"Create a heartwarming Norman Rockwell-inspired illustration capturing the jubilant moment of Rutgers football team clinching the national championship. Portray the essence of victory, camaraderie, and sportsmanship as players hoist the championship trophy amidst cheers from a diverse crowd of loyal fans. Infuse the scene with Rockwell's signature warmth and attention to detail, showcasing not only the players' triumphant expressions but also the reactions of families, friends, and community members in the stands. The setting should exude a nostalgic Americana feel, reminiscent of a small town's pride and unity coming together to celebrate this historic achievement."

And that produced this..


I count at least three different trophies and, no doubt, many people have anywhere from 3 to 7 fingers.. AI has real trouble with fingers... we have some women in uniforms.. that's nice... someone wears a jersey number of "c".. and she has forearms without upper arms..

A couple of those faces are melting.
I want to see a picture of a Rutgers Football Championship trophy.

I hope we don't break the AI. LOLOL
Is Stable Diffusion XL 1.0 an app, website or a computer program?
(This will be long brain dump and it will help remind me of what I know and do not know.. which is kinda why I started this thread.. push me to learn more..)

Well, when you first heard about AI image generation you heard about MidJourney.. which is a website service that you use in a browser. For that you pay a monthly fee that varies according to how much you plan to use it but you can start fairly cheaply. it will use a server farm's GPUs (video card-like graphic processing units, undoubtedly Nvidia) to do the processing. MidJourney uses Discord as its interface.

Stable Diffusion is an open-source system that you can install on your own PC if it is powerful enough. That means it is free to use because you are using your own PC hardware and electricity. I have a decent PC and video card (16GB Nvidia 4700). There is even a way to use google's cloud computing to install stable diffusion and use a browser to generate images.

Stable Diffusion XL is like the 3rd generation of the system that I am aware of. There was a 1.5, 2.1 and now XL version that you can see being offered for install.

There are also many different open source add-ons and interfaces to Stable Diffusion that make it "easier" to get good results. I put easier in quotes because the whole thing can get very complex and, quite frankly, I have only scratched the service and it is still "black box" to me. I really don't have the kind of control over this beast where I feel comfortable knowing if I ask for "this" that I will get anything what I think of as "this".

Youtube has so, so many videos on how to use it and they all make it look easy... I am nowhere near "there" yet.

Probably the most common combination of things I see being used is Stable Diffusion plus "Automatic 11.11" or "ComfyUI"... both of which are user interfaces to stable diffusion. I am using a ComfyUI variant called StableSwarm which adds the complexity/ability to use multiple GPUs on multiple PCs on your network, though I still use it on a single PC.

There are several youtube channels I'd recommend.. and later I will pick out specific videos at the bottom of this message as "getting started" video how-tos on installing..

Matt Wolfe - general AI.. not sure this guy sleeps at all.. so many videos and a website/newsletter keeping track of all his AI product research called

Sebastian Kampf - this guy starts every video with a dad joke.

Olivio Sarikas - This guy has a lot of Stable Diffusion and Automatic 11.11 (user interface) videos..

Scott Detweiler - This is the ComfyUI guy (powerful node-based user interface to Stable Diffusion) Scott actually works at Stability AI.. who make Stable Diffusion..

Alek Sheffy - this guy uses AI tools to start online businesses.. mostly tallks you through various processes to use AI to generate art, stick it on a print-on-demand white-label product like mugs or tee shirts, etc.. and use an Etsy shop to sell it without making it or shipping it out yourself. (there is lot of competition and more coming every day.. I think the make X-thousand $$$ per day titles are miracle best-case examples and not what anyone should expect)

When searching for this stuff I often use filters to keep it to uploaded in the last month or even week then sort by view count to make sure I see YouTubers that people choose to follow... though it is easy to miss good content by newer YouTubers with few views...

Back specifically to Stable Diffusion. If I were to start again today... I might.. I would look for a noob how-to for Stable Diffusion XL and either Automatic 11.11 or ComfyUI. Probably Automatic 11.11 first.. then ComfyUI for more control using a "node system"...

..a node system is using flow chart nodes to connect inputs and outputs to define a flow to follow in processing. A very simple textual representation of that might be..

Prompt to generate an image --> image resize upscale

Originally StableDiffusion was limited to images at 512x512 pixels. That's small. XL can do 1024x1024 which is better... but what if you were generating something to use in a 4K video.. you need it larger. Same for many print formats.

There are also more complex process flows.. like something called "inpainting" which would be part of an "image to image" process flow. That is, start with an image and change only this area... but use AI to make sure the new stuff you put in that area matches the prompt and looks like it belongs rather than just got stuck on there like a sticker.

It all can get extremely complex... and as I said earlier, it is easy to lose your way.

I am helping someone possibly make a children's book by generating images and one of the challenges involved is to keep the artwork consistent... style is easy to make consistent.. characters.. not so much. Imagine you had a little girl character who goes on an adventure... you'd want that little girl to look the same in each scene on each page in the book... hard to do. Plenty of videos showing you how to do "consistent characters".. still hard to make it happen mostly because you need to start with a series of images that show a model character from every angle. The more images you start with the better you can create consistent images.

Get this.. if I were trying to make some anime-inspired fake influencer babe dressed in NSFW ways, there are plenty of examples of how to do that consistently.. even what are called LORA models already out there to use as a basis where you can basically say, generate a girl LIKE this LORA model.

LORA is an anagram of something, I forget what... another keyword connected to this is ControlNet, which I still have not investigated but I think that is the collection of images that help guide image generation.. think of shots showing front, left and right profile... that's a 3-image "control net".. AI wants more.. 9+.. saw someone mention using over 50 images...

So in that children's book for little girls, I tried various prompts using "5-year-old Scarlet Johansen" and it kinda worked because Stable Diffusion was trained on a lot of photos.. and there are lot of photos of famous people out there.

In an effort to make an image for this thread I tried to get "Rutgers Football QB Gavin Wimsatt riding a unicorn on the Rutgers Stadium Football Field" with some very weird results. Sometimes it came close.. Sometimes it had even the right skin tone and number... that reminds me.. there are different "models" to use in stable diffusion.. which roughly map to how it was trained..

All this AI stuff.. ChatGPT and every other AI thing seems to be based on something called a "Large Language Model".. LLM.. which basically maps to what information the AI brain knows about. What it was taught... even what it has access to. Most do not look stuff up LIVE.. it had to have already "seen" something like what you ask for. The word "seen" there means "been trained on".

Think of the famous IBM Watson playing Jeopardy (and beating Jeopardy masters).. none of them could look stuff up live during the show... even Watson.. Watson would have had to have been trained on the basics facts involved already.. had it in its database.. not he exact question and answer.. but the facts that could be compared and evaluated to arrive at the correct answer. It is the same for all this AI art generation.

Now, I should ask ChatGPT to copy-edit this long post.. but I won't.

So, getting started like videos...

recent MidJourney how-to seems decent... there are older how

Then this channel has a lot of MidJourney specific advice, how-tos, prompts, etc.. remember, MidJourney is for those who don't have the horsepower PC and video card at home.. also, you can always as ChatGPT to write prompts for you.. that Matt Wolfe guy I linked above often has videos showing him asking ChatGPT to write him prompts for other AI uses.

There will be pre-reqs for install but these videos should talk you through it.. like Python and Github... and all of these might talk about using Command.exe on windows or provide batch files to run. You will also have to be comfortable with downloading files to specific folder locations. But you can learn all this stuff the same way.. google it.

Stable DIffusion XL install how-to... (you could see if any of this is useful to you before adding other user interfaces like Automatic 11.11 and/or ComfyUI)

Stable Diffusion XL plus Automatic 1111... I recommend this based on how many people use Automatic 11.11)

This one installs Automatic1111 and the 2 main Stable Diffusion models.. fairly clear process..

This video is why I chose to try ComfyUI before the more popular Automatic 11.11.. the node-based system was very similar to what is found in the hottest video editor out there now, Davinci Resolve. I had made some videos recently and this node-based thing was familiar to me because of that. In Davinci you connect inputs and outputs from various special effects and image filters and adjustments and so on.. to layer videos over videos and so on...

Good luck...
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Rutgers Al streaking through the quads after our Knights win his predicted natty. Then another of him getting pepper sprayed and subdued by campus police. Special request to heavily blur the ugly bits.
changed it a little..


This is still a bit weird but I used the Text-to-Image sandbox at Stability.AI (makers of stable diffusion) These were teh settings I used.. which kinda tells me I screwed up my local install or was using weird setting there.. given how my images more resembled Heironyous Bosch images of hellscapes than anything else...


For those wanting to run a local version.. I just came across something called Fooocus that is pretty much a few clicks to download and install...

It seems slower to me, but I think it is using a lot of settings to get good results... it simplifies both install and the prompting interface.

I also knew that the AI art generation is mostly geared toward a single-person "object" image... though I had better results trying to get Rutgers QB riding a unicorn onto the Rutgers Stadium field.. not good enough to share yet.. but given the total weirdness of previous attempts.. 6 legs, 9 fingers, double unicorn heads... reinstalling the software a different way helped a lot. Still playing with more addons and functions.
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that’s a lot 😂

I was hoping it was an app I could download on my phone, but guess not!
You could use a browser and go to and make it over to and try the other sandboxes as well

MidJourney and LeonardoAI should both also be accessible via a web interface from your phone or iPad... AI stuff is moving very, very fast. All this stuff using computing power in the cloud when not being run locally.. so, expect to pay for it down the road.. I think right now investors are competing for eyeballs so limited free access can be found.

furthermore, similar functions exist in photoshop.. apple has announced their AppleAI is coming out (or was that just their GPT version for something like Siri?). Adobe's image AI is called FireFly.. which may be accessible through a phone app.. uncertain.

You can also generate 15 second AI-generated videos.. back in may someone made a list of 5 places to do this...

1. Lucas:
2. Pictory: (Get 20% OFF using my link)-**not MY link.. that was cut and paste...
3. Wave Video:
4. Lumen5:
5. inVideo:

And here is a more recent video using 10 different tools to animate images you generate... one of them is CapCut which is popular on iPhone.. and it is from the CCP's Bytedance which is TikTok.. I detest subscriptions for apps.. especially what I think of as expensive apps you will rarely use.. CapCut says it is free.. but I had impression it was not for some reason.. probably confusing it with another... but Bytedance... do not trust them.

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(This will be long brain dump and it will help remind me of what I know and do not know.. which is kinda why I started this thread.. push me to learn more..)

Well, when you first heard about AI image generation you heard about MidJourney.. which is a website service that you use in a browser. For that you pay a monthly fee that varies according to how much you plan to use it but you can start fairly cheaply. it will use a server farm's GPUs (video card-like graphic processing units, undoubtedly Nvidia) to do the processing. MidJourney uses Discord as its interface.

Stable Diffusion is an open-source system that you can install on your own PC if it is powerful enough. That means it is free to use because you are using your own PC hardware and electricity. I have a decent PC and video card (16GB Nvidia 4700). There is even a way to use google's cloud computing to install stable diffusion and use a browser to generate images.

Stable Diffusion XL is like the 3rd generation of the system that I am aware of. There was a 1.5, 2.1 and now XL version that you can see being offered for install.

There are also many different open source add-ons and interfaces to Stable Diffusion that make it "easier" to get good results. I put easier in quotes because the whole thing can get very complex and, quite frankly, I have only scratched the service and it is still "black box" to me. I really don't have the kind of control over this beast where I feel comfortable knowing if I ask for "this" that I will get anything what I think of as "this".

Youtube has so, so many videos on how to use it and they all make it look easy... I am nowhere near "there" yet.

Probably the most common combination of things I see being used is Stable Diffusion plus "Automatic 11.11" or "ComfyUI"... both of which are user interfaces to stable diffusion. I am using a ComfyUI variant called StableSwarm which adds the complexity/ability to use multiple GPUs on multiple PCs on your network, though I still use it on a single PC.

There are several youtube channels I'd recommend.. and later I will pick out specific videos at the bottom of this message as "getting started" video how-tos on installing..

Matt Wolfe - general AI.. not sure this guy sleeps at all.. so many videos and a website/newsletter keeping track of all his AI product research called

Sebastian Kampf - this guy starts every video with a dad joke.

Olivio Sarikas - This guy has a lot of Stable Diffusion and Automatic 11.11 (user interface) videos..

Scott Detweiler - This is the ComfyUI guy (powerful node-based user interface to Stable Diffusion) Scott actually works at Stability AI.. who make Stable Diffusion..

Alek Sheffy - this guy uses AI tools to start online businesses.. mostly tallks you through various processes to use AI to generate art, stick it on a print-on-demand white-label product like mugs or tee shirts, etc.. and use an Etsy shop to sell it without making it or shipping it out yourself. (there is lot of competition and more coming every day.. I think the make X-thousand $$$ per day titles are miracle best-case examples and not what anyone should expect)

When searching for this stuff I often use filters to keep it to uploaded in the last month or even week then sort by view count to make sure I see YouTubers that people choose to follow... though it is easy to miss good content by newer YouTubers with few views...

Back specifically to Stable Diffusion. If I were to start again today... I might.. I would look for a noob how-to for Stable Diffusion XL and either Automatic 11.11 or ComfyUI. Probably Automatic 11.11 first.. then ComfyUI for more control using a "node system"...

..a node system is using flow chart nodes to connect inputs and outputs to define a flow to follow in processing. A very simple textual representation of that might be..

Prompt to generate an image --> image resize upscale

Originally StableDiffusion was limited to images at 512x512 pixels. That's small. XL can do 1024x1024 which is better... but what if you were generating something to use in a 4K video.. you need it larger. Same for many print formats.

There are also more complex process flows.. like something called "inpainting" which would be part of an "image to image" process flow. That is, start with an image and change only this area... but use AI to make sure the new stuff you put in that area matches the prompt and looks like it belongs rather than just got stuck on there like a sticker.

It all can get extremely complex... and as I said earlier, it is easy to lose your way.

I am helping someone possibly make a children's book by generating images and one of the challenges involved is to keep the artwork consistent... style is easy to make consistent.. characters.. not so much. Imagine you had a little girl character who goes on an adventure... you'd want that little girl to look the same in each scene on each page in the book... hard to do. Plenty of videos showing you how to do "consistent characters".. still hard to make it happen mostly because you need to start with a series of images that show a model character from every angle. The more images you start with the better you can create consistent images.

Get this.. if I were trying to make some anime-inspired fake influencer babe dressed in NSFW ways, there are plenty of examples of how to do that consistently.. even what are called LORA models already out there to use as a basis where you can basically say, generate a girl LIKE this LORA model.

LORA is an anagram of something, I forget what... another keyword connected to this is ControlNet, which I still have not investigated but I think that is the collection of images that help guide image generation.. think of shots showing front, left and right profile... that's a 3-image "control net".. AI wants more.. 9+.. saw someone mention using over 50 images...

So in that children's book for little girls, I tried various prompts using "5-year-old Scarlet Johansen" and it kinda worked because Stable Diffusion was trained on a lot of photos.. and there are lot of photos of famous people out there.

In an effort to make an image for this thread I tried to get "Rutgers Football QB Gavin Wimsatt riding a unicorn on the Rutgers Stadium Football Field" with some very weird results. Sometimes it came close.. Sometimes it had even the right skin tone and number... that reminds me.. there are different "models" to use in stable diffusion.. which roughly map to how it was trained..

All this AI stuff.. ChatGPT and every other AI thing seems to be based on something called a "Large Language Model".. LLM.. which basically maps to what information the AI brain knows about. What it was taught... even what it has access to. Most do not look stuff up LIVE.. it had to have already "seen" something like what you ask for. The word "seen" there means "been trained on".

Think of the famous IBM Watson playing Jeopardy (and beating Jeopardy masters).. none of them could look stuff up live during the show... even Watson.. Watson would have had to have been trained on the basics facts involved already.. had it in its database.. not he exact question and answer.. but the facts that could be compared and evaluated to arrive at the correct answer. It is the same for all this AI art generation.

Now, I should ask ChatGPT to copy-edit this long post.. but I won't.

So, getting started like videos...

recent MidJourney how-to seems decent... there are older how

Then this channel has a lot of MidJourney specific advice, how-tos, prompts, etc.. remember, MidJourney is for those who don't have the horsepower PC and video card at home.. also, you can always as ChatGPT to write prompts for you.. that Matt Wolfe guy I linked above often has videos showing him asking ChatGPT to write him prompts for other AI uses.

There will be pre-reqs for install but these videos should talk you through it.. like Python and Github... and all of these might talk about using Command.exe on windows or provide batch files to run. You will also have to be comfortable with downloading files to specific folder locations. But you can learn all this stuff the same way.. google it.

Stable DIffusion XL install how-to... (you could see if any of this is useful to you before adding other user interfaces like Automatic 11.11 and/or ComfyUI)

Stable Diffusion XL plus Automatic 1111... I recommend this based on how many people use Automatic 11.11)

This one installs Automatic1111 and the 2 main Stable Diffusion models.. fairly clear process..

This video is why I chose to try ComfyUI before the more popular Automatic 11.11.. the node-based system was very similar to what is found in the hottest video editor out there now, Davinci Resolve. I had made some videos recently and this node-based thing was familiar to me because of that. In Davinci you connect inputs and outputs from various special effects and image filters and adjustments and so on.. to layer videos over videos and so on...

Good luck...
One cheap trick you could employ for the children's book is have the lead character facing the scene in all but one page (so you only see her face once) or not in most scenes at all.
changed it a little..


This is still a bit weird but I used the Text-to-Image sandbox at Stability.AI (makers of stable diffusion) These were teh settings I used.. which kinda tells me I screwed up my local install or was using weird setting there.. given how my images more resembled Heironyous Bosch images of hellscapes than anything else...


Looks like the guy in red shorts lost a battle with a belt sander.
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That’s some Indiana Jones face melting 💩 there
Germans opened casket and they all melted
One cheap trick you could employ for the children's book is have the lead character facing the scene in all but one page (so you only see her face once) or not in most scenes at all.
well character consistency is more than just the face.. you need to get the size and hair color and clothing the same... in general various AI tools use some very generic "noise" as the source to generate from, so using the same text description, it will come up with very different images. And then for a children's book, each scene will be different.. think of Goldilocks trying each size bed. An illustrator will use the same style and colors and vary teh size and style of the bed.. AI will come up with completely different cabins and everything else.. unless you CONTROL it. How to control it becomes a complex process. of course, i could just claim I want the main character to change from scene to scene to be more inclusive of all little girls who might read the story... maybe one fo teh pages will look like them!

BTW.. here is that QB on a unicorn pic I was trying to make.. still working on it.. still have the oddities.. from this point I could go to a Photoshop-like process and cut and paste pieces of Gavin here and there.. give him back his guns.. fix the unicorns hoof-penis and extra legs.. replace the background, clear teh extra hashmarks on the field.. make the helmet red, spell Rutgers on the jersey.. or at least RUTGRES...

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Last night I let the machine run with some tweaked prompt plus some AI refining and used a different base model with this image I found someone had photoshopped of a Chicago Bears QB on a black unicorn..

The various systems have setting for how much to try to match your worded prompt and how much to try to match an example image in IMG2IMG AI image generation. And then there is settings to use 3D models, 3D poses using stick figures, "bump maps" which are basically light-to-dark foreground-to-background representations of a desired image.. rough outilnes or hand-sketches including hand-sketched stick figures to guide the AI.

The AI models have largely been trained on the human form and especially young women with Barbie/Anime/BigBooty shapes. But more and more other models are focussing on real things like landscapes, buildings, etc.. and the keywords you can use and the AI will recognize seem to be growing exponentially.

Anyway.. using the above cutout image of a football player on a horse I generally asked the AI to make it an African-American player on a White Horse wearing a red uniform and number 2 at a night game (using a model trained on night photography).. here's the 20 images it generated in a grid... 10MB.. if you click to expand it..

1st one has what looks like fabric wings, 2nd from last looks like porcelain wings.. 2nd from left on top has no back legs.. 2nd from left on bottom put the saddle in a very weird place.. the unicorn is white, black and white AND black from frame to frame.. one of them is obviously a hule linemen riding.. the unicorn has his own cloth jersey in some.. the R and the jerseys.. StableDiffusion just doesn't do text very well. If I wanted to make fancy text I'd go straight to adobe Firefly... it excels at text. But some of these might be very usable to them go and photoshop them into something good.

I wonder what @DirtyRU thinks of all this AI image generation now? As a graphic artist does he use it? I wonder if there is an AI out there that could make his style Rutgers Football Schedule background for this season.. hmmm...
Getting closer to know what I'll get... trying now to maybe make a schedule background leaning into teh whole defense's theme of calling themselves "The Dark Side"

did a batch of 4 off a single prompt.. these are not specific real players.. will adjust prompt to maybe get closer... never seen us use a red shoulder panel on a black jersey.. but I kinda like it.. thanks AI...
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Last night I let the machine run with some tweaked prompt plus some AI refining and used a different base model with this image I found someone had photoshopped of a Chicago Bears QB on a black unicorn..

The various systems have setting for how much to try to match your worded prompt and how much to try to match an example image in IMG2IMG AI image generation. And then there is settings to use 3D models, 3D poses using stick figures, "bump maps" which are basically light-to-dark foreground-to-background representations of a desired image.. rough outilnes or hand-sketches including hand-sketched stick figures to guide the AI.

The AI models have largely been trained on the human form and especially young women with Barbie/Anime/BigBooty shapes. But more and more other models are focussing on real things like landscapes, buildings, etc.. and the keywords you can use and the AI will recognize seem to be growing exponentially.

Anyway.. using the above cutout image of a football player on a horse I generally asked the AI to make it an African-American player on a White Horse wearing a red uniform and number 2 at a night game (using a model trained on night photography).. here's the 20 images it generated in a grid... 10MB.. if you click to expand it..

1st one has what looks like fabric wings, 2nd from last looks like porcelain wings.. 2nd from left on top has no back legs.. 2nd from left on bottom put the saddle in a very weird place.. the unicorn is white, black and white AND black from frame to frame.. one of them is obviously a hule linemen riding.. the unicorn has his own cloth jersey in some.. the R and the jerseys.. StableDiffusion just doesn't do text very well. If I wanted to make fancy text I'd go straight to adobe Firefly... it excels at text. But some of these might be very usable to them go and photoshop them into something good.

I wonder what @DirtyRU thinks of all this AI image generation now? As a graphic artist does he use it? I wonder if there is an AI out there that could make his style Rutgers Football Schedule background for this season.. hmmm...
I haven't experimented with any of the AI features in Adobe Creative Cloud... yet. But I plan on opening that can of worms soon. Re: what you've done so far in this thread, very cool!!!
I haven't experimented with any of the AI features in Adobe Creative Cloud... yet. But I plan on opening that can of worms soon. Re: what you've done so far in this thread, very cool!!!

Adobe does seem like they may be onto something big. Each video I have seen on it raves about the possibilities. But there is going to have to be some lawsuits first as they trained it on stuff people generated and put into the Adobe cloud.. stuff people put up for sale. They say they are stopping this.. closing the door.. but the horses have already left the barn.. unless they care to start from scratch.. yikes!

I don't have photoshop but have express and have played with firefly through that adobe login.. mostly just the text.. in this case.. I couldn't get darth vaders helmet on a generated football player so I used a corel tool to finish putting this together..

- day shot of a field-level view of the new scoreboard converted to day-for-night .. replaced sky with fill
- the AI-generated Rutgers player.. some text from a real black jersey.. very dirty cut paste there.. later darkened it a bit...
-text from Adobe firefly played with brightness/contrast and a red light illumations back in corel

That's all.. I just know if someone like you would have the same idea it would be much better.. with fils and gradients and lightning and tears and such looking like chaos but bringing it all together.. I am always way too literal... unless I am doing a complete abstract

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