OT: Matt Harvey shut down for Spring with undisclosed "mysterious" injury / ailment


Heisman Winner
Gold Member
Nov 25, 2007
Mets are being very close lipped as usual - however reporters have said they'll be surprised if Harvey starts the opener.

Mets have also stated that the injury / ailment is non baseball related and non orthopedic - meaning it's not his arm or shoulder.

Only things I can think of are:

- There's a medical / health issue related that needs to be checked out
- Drug or Alcohol related.
- Or partying too much yesterday as it was his birthday

I hope it's neither of the above and nothing serious - however Mets have not ruled out flying him back to NY for further testing.
Who knows at this point but I'm tending to think it's medical / illness related........
On an interview on WOR tonight, Travis dArnaud said the team is "praying" for Harvey.

Sounds like it could be serious.
Someone with knowledge close to the situation thinks it's no biggie, and worst case scenario is he misses one start.
Can imagine this was a scary couple of days for Harvey. Seeing blood in your urine is no joke, with possible cancer scare and all. Thank goodness it was just a bladder infection which lead to blood clots. Man, having to pee more often is about as good a remedy as you can get.

On another note, as a Mets fan for 30+ years, how their front office bungles this kind of stuff in the media consistently is mind-blowing. Instead of just going to the player yesterday and saying "Matt, is it ok with you if we just tell the media you have a stomach bug" or something like that, they are all cryptic. Which leads to the speculation that he has AIDS, going to drug rehab, going to alcohol rehab, has cancer, etc. For crying out loud, control the narrative for once.
Can imagine this was a scary couple of days for Harvey. Seeing blood in your urine is no joke, with possible cancer scare and all. Thank goodness it was just a bladder infection which lead to blood clots. Man, having to pee more often is about as good a remedy as you can get.

On another note, as a Mets fan for 30+ years, how their front office bungles this kind of stuff in the media consistently is mind-blowing. Instead of just going to the player yesterday and saying "Matt, is it ok with you if we just tell the media you have a stomach bug" or something like that, they are all cryptic. Which leads to the speculation that he has AIDS, going to drug rehab, going to alcohol rehab, has cancer, etc. For crying out loud, control the narrative for once.
So your solution is to lie about having a stomach bug when they were waiting to make sure he didn't have cancer or something like that? I'm sure that would have gone over well.
So your solution is to lie about having a stomach bug when they were waiting to make sure he didn't have cancer or something like that? I'm sure that would have gone over well.

Better to give the masses something than let the speculation run wild all over the place. Harvey himself said how hard it was to read what people were saying about him. And sure you could say, "well then don't read it", but you know these guys are going to read what's written about them.
An operation could expand the opening in his bladder if his prostate is giving him problems as well.I had that done for an enlarged prostate 3 years ago,and have had no problems since.
I'd get rid of him - give deGrom his money and trade for a closer...
Uhh you're not much of a Mets fan. Familia established himself as one of the best closers in the game last year, they need bullpen help but its not at the closing spot. I agree about locking up deGrom (Syndergaard too) though.

And as we now know, Harvey has a bladder infection which caused some blood clots in his bladder. Nothing dramatic about that other than it being very discomforting for Harvey and needing medical treatment.
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Problem with deGrom is he's cheap now and will be 32 when he is a FA. No need to rush to give him a deal. SP's are very difficult to deal with money wise.
We do have some dick posters. Wow

Sounds like he should be ok in the long run. And yeah, The Mets need PR help
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Just so glad it wasn't his elbow. Looking back at how long the Braves were able to keep their great pitching staff healthy for about 10 years seems almost impossible to duplicate now a days.
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Just so glad it wasn't his elbow. Looking back at how long the Braves were able to keep their great pitching staff healthy for about 10 years seems almost impossible to duplicate now a days.

Always brings up the argument of if we baby young pitchers too much...