OT: MGM National Harbor in DC/MD opens to huge crowds and great reviews..


All American
Nov 6, 2004
Major revenue generator for the area. Upscale restaurants, conference center, theater and entertainment options. Huge excitement for everyone in the region, not just gamblers.

Yet NJ can't even get out of its own way to build an upscale northern NJ casino. People here fell hook line and sinker to the negative ads sponsored by other casino owners. No creativity, no vision, no leadership, no growth in NJ. Just parochial voters and politicians that have no idea what progress and innovation looks like.
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and NJ voters clueless by voting the casino which would be at the Meadowlands which would create big time revenue...idiots just like the politicians who dragged their feet on other casino options for years while PA and NY took all the gaming revenue out of our state.....NJ residents deserve the politicians they get
It says OT and it builds on a topic that has been frequently discussed here. A bit ranty, but not out completely out of place.

It didn't say OT, originally, but seems more of a topic for the politics board, no? I mean I couldn't give 2 poopies about a mall in D.C. Just found it odd I guess
Your right because New Jersey has been so successful recently in the gaming and casino business.

um do you realize the millions upon millions lost to PA and NY at racinos ironically enough operated by AC interests all the while the state tried to protect AC. NJ was a decade behind the model and they still havent caught on yet, now the residents are stupid as well. Not only that but NJ suceeded in torpedoing the thriving horse racing industry which had many breeding farms and all space now all lost to strip malls...all the money also went to NY and PA who laughed at NJ's stupidity
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It didn't say OT, originally, but seems more of a topic for the politics board, no? I mean I couldn't give 2 poopies about a mall in D.C. Just found it odd I guess

NJ politics/events seem to get more play over here. Seems like it might be of interest to some here, but I guess I'm in the same "why did I just read that" category as you. Reckon you could pick out any successful business and say, "See! We should have done that!"
South Jesrsey power players put a lot of money into advertising to make a North Jersey Casino a bad thing.
Too bad those South Jersey power players couldn't fix Atlantic City's countless issues instead. That's what the voters saw, not worthless attack ads...another failed casino-state but this time the North Jersey palms get greased. Nope.
South Jesrsey power players put a lot of money into advertising to make a North Jersey Casino a bad thing.

PA and NY connections and I think offshore connections paid big time for those ads...they were all over the radio and all over youtube and all over tv. Then you had the Philly Inquirer saying gee a PA newspaper against North Jersey casinos. I will also blame the wording of the question and that the NJ politicians did not explictly state where the casinos were going to be...they were going to be in Jersey City and Meadowlands...and the state would not be on the hook for this at all. The ads spread lies
Your right because New Jersey has been so successful recently in the gaming and casino business.

New Jersey voters had a chance to approve new Casinos in Northern New Jersey but voted them down last month. Oh and the Company that was behind all those scare commercials on TV to put fear in NJ voters and urged them to turn it down: AQUEDUCT NYC Casino Owners.
Unffffffff real.
1. With a casino closer to the Pennsylvania and Connectict operations, and with New York casinos coming, no guarantee a Meadowlands facility would be such a no-brainer.

2. Politicians are not to blame. They don't build casinos, although over-regulations can play a role in stifling them. But unless someone I don't know about wanted to build a Bellaggio-style facility in AC, politicians are not to blame for that city's demise; smug casino operators who thought they were untouchable and wouldn't suffer from competition are.
Ever try driving to Aqueduct Casino on the Belt Parkway ?
A new Casino in the Meadowlands would have been a huge success.
The Aqueduct Owners played the NJ voters like a fiddle with their BS lies.
Major revenue generator for the area. Upscale restaurants, conference center, theater and entertainment options. Huge excitement for everyone in the region, not just gamblers.

Yet NJ can't even get out of its own way to build an upscale northern NJ casino. People here fell hook line and sinker to the negative ads sponsored by other casino owners. No creativity, no vision, no leadership, no growth in NJ. Just parochial voters and politicians that have no idea what progress and innovation looks like.

As somebody who spent years living in PG county - and has seen the economic distress there - I love what they've done at National Harbor and the benefits it has brought. And yes, it's pumping money into the county's coffers. They even had the baseball winter meetings there, of all things.
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1. With a casino closer to the Pennsylvania and Connectict operations, and with New York casinos coming, no guarantee a Meadowlands facility would be such a no-brainer.

2. Politicians are not to blame. They don't build casinos, although over-regulations can play a role in stifling them. But unless someone I don't know about wanted to build a Bellaggio-style facility in AC, politicians are not to blame for that city's demise; smug casino operators who thought they were untouchable and wouldn't suffer from competition are.

1. its easier for people from central jersey and north jersey to go to the Meadowlands than anywhere else in PA or NY or CT...or Atlantic City. Point is you keep more money in the state, now its just flowing out. Why would I drive to Sands Bethleham or Parx when I go to the Meadowlands.

2. Politicians are to blame because they tried to grease in South Jersey and didnt allow casinos outside of AC even though in 2004, PA started with their racinos and NY soon followed. It literally has killed the horse industry and killed AC because everyone went elsewhere. Instead recognizing what was going and trying to be ahead of the curve and do things out of the box to save AC..they went down the path of oh no oh we cant have casinos in NJ because it will kill AC..well it didnt matter, AC died and all that millions of dollars left NJ
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Reveiws of MGM National Harbor have been decidedly mixed and friends who have gone to it were not overly impressed.
I've visited National Harbor for a conference last year (no, not CPAC, not ever CPAC) and came away impressed with Gaylord. The MGM casino is a good add-on to the complex. I would have to think it's the best draw of the MD casinos. The Perryville casino is just off 95 but in the middle of Ceciltucky nowhere and maybe good for a quick fix on your way home to NJ. The Horseshoe in Baltimore good before or after an O's or Ravens game, the casino near Arundel Mills..meh.

Now if this Congress and Trump could get rid of the sports betting ban.
New Jersey could have built high speed rail down the shore all the way to AC.. opening up development all along the way and boosting AC casino revenues. Could have built a new airport around Lakehurst to support all of south jersey too.. linked directly to the high speed rail.

That probably could have been done with what they wanted to sink into the ARC tunnel and the light rail and have sunk into Xanadu... and increased AC revenues and increased tax revenues from the new development along the route might have paid for it all again and allowed other big projects to be taken on.

Lack of imagination because the powers that be have their investments in North Jersey and the Camden area.
South Jesrsey power players put a lot of money into advertising to make a North Jersey Casino a bad thing.

PA and NY connections and I think offshore connections paid big time for those ads...they were all over the radio and all over youtube and all over tv. Then you had the Philly Inquirer saying gee a PA newspaper against North Jersey casinos. I will also blame the wording of the question and that the NJ politicians did not explictly state where the casinos were going to be...they were going to be in Jersey City and Meadowlands...and the state would not be on the hook for this at all. The ads spread lies
Yep and yep. And if they had allowed the racetracks to have slots they might have saved some of that too. But again, that was blocked by the AC casinos.
New Jersey could have built high speed rail down the shore all the way to AC.. opening up development all along the way and boosting AC casino revenues. Could have built a new airport around Lakehurst to support all of south jersey too.. linked directly to the high speed rail.

That probably could have been done with what they wanted to sink into the ARC tunnel and the light rail and have sunk into Xanadu... and increased AC revenues and increased tax revenues from the new development along the route might have paid for it all again and allowed other big projects to be taken on.

Lack of imagination because the powers that be have their investments in North Jersey and the Camden area.

ACY is a big enough airport to serve Ocean County and deep south Jersey. It was a designated emergency landing spot for the Space Shuttle. But with the number of airlines that have come and gone from ACY, I don't think a Lakehurst airport would be successful. Even New Castle Airport in Delaware, an Air National Guard facility and where Biden flys into when he wants to go home for the weekend, near a large population and offering less hassle than PHL couldn't sustain commercial air travel ove the past few years.
National Harbor is a fantastic place. The Gaylord Resort is beautiful (everyone loves to take pictures in the gazebo there). I go there twice a year for conventions, and will be back again for MAGFest in three weeks. I'll definitely check out the casino.
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Major revenue generator for the area. Upscale restaurants, conference center, theater and entertainment options. Huge excitement for everyone in the region, not just gamblers.

Yet NJ can't even get out of its own way to build an upscale northern NJ casino. People here fell hook line and sinker to the negative ads sponsored by other casino owners. No creativity, no vision, no leadership, no growth in NJ. Just parochial voters and politicians that have no idea what progress and innovation looks like.

It's great but a true pain in ass to get to for most of us, but the degenerated will always make it there!
The last time I was at Sands there were more N.J. licence plates than Pennsylvania
plates. Idiot N.J. politicians and voters!
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who cares..what happened..OT topics about underwear all dried up?
this is a topic for a chat group..not a football board.