OT: Michigan Football and Harbaugh NCAA Investigation

Is this really over a burger while kids are getting paid tens of thousands

`Wait, with NIL in place, there's still rules that can be broken, and the Blue Bloods still find the need to cheat?😁 For those who disect my posts.
Just like Pete Carroll on down the line. This is what many of these snake oil salesmen do, cheat to win, and head to the NFL right before the investigation.
What exactly did Pete Carroll do to cheat at usc?
I’m not a big Harbaugh fan but if this is true, it’s ridiculous.
All the stars got paid not just at USC, doesn’t matter the decade. 30s,40s,50s,60s,70s,80s,90s,00s, they got paid in every decade
Yes, the top of the top only. It was prohibited, so the programs that were paying, we're only paying the upper echelon. They were not risking paying average 4 🌟's and below. As such a "clean" program could do very well never getting involved with those Top 50- 100 or so. Add in the old transfer rules, and your program could recruit and develop and do great. With no rules, many more are getting paid, and practically ALL expect something now!