OT: MLB Far From Dead


Hall of Famer
Gold Member
Jun 24, 2001
Rutgers & NJ @ Heart
Tell it to Cleveland where they just won their 22nd straight.

Tell it to Boston, Yankees, Dodgers, Cubs, Cardinals, Brewers, Diamondbacks, Nationals, Rockies, Minnesota, Houston....

Tell it to fans watching:
Rhys? (the "Natural" kid in Philly)

I'm glad the balls are flying out of parks. It makes the game more exciting. It creates fan interest....and gives us vital STATS that we can compare to Cobb, Ruth, Hornsby, DiMaggio, Williams, Mays, Aaron, Mantle, Koufax, Gibson...

Long live's "bean berry berry good to me 2!"

Agreed: a lot of terrific young players right now, an awesome season (23 games ago the Dodgers were the greatest team ever), and hopefully another exciting postseason to follow.
Meh ... mostly dead ... to me anyway.

Baseball was my favorite sport growing up and a big part of my life. Moved away from the area and my Mets years ago.

Sadly, hard to find 3+ free hrs or the motivation to sit down and watch a slow moving 9 innings since then.
For me, it's the way the game is now played that makes it less exciting. The era of 3 true outcomes, launch angle, and 200 K seasons makes the game hard to watch. I see so many highlights where every single run scored in a game is a home run. It just doesn't feel like teams are playing good fundamental offensive baseball any more.
Meh ... mostly dead ... to me anyway.

Baseball was my favorite sport growing up and a big part of my life. Moved away from the area and my Mets years ago.

Sadly, hard to find 3+ free hrs or the motivation to sit down and watch a slow moving 9 innings since then.

They have to do more to fix the pace
of games but NFL and CFB are interminable as well.
It's just dead in Queens where the coaches, admin, and owners are too stupid and cheap to develop the young stars (hell... ANY YOUNG STAR in their now barren MiLB system), hold on to the good/great players, not hold them back with stupid strategies and philosophies which is too rigid when the players are hurt and the ones replacing them can't hit the three run homer or throw 98 mph with control, or hold on to the players who actually develop into stars and All Stars when it's time to resign them. And for them to bring back their strength and conditioning coach, trainer, a Sandy puppet for manager, and to entertain the thought of brining back the worst pitching coach back in 2018 is ASSININE AF!!!!!!!!!!!

This team was even with the Dodgers, Nationals, Cubs, and others just two years ago. For the Mets to drop and watch the Marlins, Diamondbacks, Brewers, other fly right by then is a disgrace by the Wilpons to be too cheap to do at the least what the teams newcomers have done in their development.

Other than the juiced baseball this year, baseball has never been better What the Marlins, Diamondbacks, Astros, Indians, Twins, Aneiheim other have done to make themselves competitive is the way it should be done. And for them to do that in mostly smaller markets show you that you can be competitive if you build your system the right way. And I didn't even mention the Yankees and Red Sox who actually have some GREAT YOUNG PLAYERS THAT THEY DEVELOPED IN THEIR SYSTEMS leading them towards the playoffs.

Other than Queens, this has been one of the best seasons ever. GREAT talent everywhere. Let's just hope baseball itself won't kill itself in trying to become a video game to attract the kids with attention spans of a brick.
I struggle with the pace. I tried to watch the Indians game last night but with the pitching changes and reviews and all that it's just so slow.
When I want to take a nap, I put on a baseball game, or watch a re-run of Bob Ross Joy of Painting. I prefer Bob Ross, but will settle for baseball.
I've not heard one analyst, ex-player and otherwise refute that the ball is juiced. Texeira noted it just yesterday on the Kay show (although he used the term "livelier" rather than juiced.)

To me, steroid era or not, artificially rigging things to boost performance (players) and ratings (home runs) ruins it for me.

Imagine the NBA increasing the diameter of the rim to boost scoring. Same thing. It's phony.
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I've not heard one analyst, ex-player and otherwise refute that the ball is juiced. Texeira noted it just yesterday on the Kay show (although he used the term "livelier" rather than juiced.)

To me, steroid era or not, artificially rigging things to boost performance (players) and ratings (home runs) ruins it for me.

Imagine the NBA increasing the diameter of the rim to boost scoring. Same thing. It's phony.
You mean like inventing a 3 point shot?
As I've grown older, I find it to be a RELIEF when my team isn't in contention for the playoffs. Watching/keeping track of over 100 games through six months is exhausting.
I've not heard one analyst, ex-player and otherwise refute that the ball is juiced. Texeira noted it just yesterday on the Kay show (although he used the term "livelier" rather than juiced.)

To me, steroid era or not, artificially rigging things to boost performance (players) and ratings (home runs) ruins it for me.

Imagine the NBA increasing the diameter of the rim to boost scoring. Same thing. It's phony.

I'd prefer the ball being juiced...than the players.

I will NEVER support Barry Melon Head Bonds, Sammy Sowhat, Mark McGlump etc. going to the hall of fame. If the ball is juiced EVERYONE has a chance to hit a homer...but only those who do will benefit / excel.

As for the NBA...different games. There are the omnipresent referee's who "call a ticky tack foul / change a game or don't call a just let them play". Not interested in the NBA until Rutgers has another player on a team...and then will only follow that (those) players.
In addition, NBA basketball seems really boring / repetitive. Think of the possible scoring options in the NBA...2 pt., 3 point, Free Throw Shooting, Pick n Roll, Roll n Pick, oh yeah & DUNK DUNK DUNK.

Sorry, but baseball with all it's flaws is still infinitely more interesting (mentally) ...a game of inches. Singles, Doubles, Triples, HR'S, errors, stolen bases, HR robbing catches, double plays, triple plays, hit by pitches, catchers interference....

And the stats that come with MLB are more pure / pristine: e.g. Babe Ruth's lifetime total. Dont' goggle this: How many TD's did the 3rd best receiver have? How many yards? What was his receiving effectiveness percent (not sure if the NFL even has this....).

Not even close...

We're getting to Oct. / it's time for the "World Serious" :BASEBALL TIME!

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Pitch clock probably starts next year.
I was watching some game last night...........................Royals/Indians, had to think about it......................anyway, 7th or 8th inning, Royals pitching, man on first. The pitcher was taking forever to actually throw the pitch. After the 3rd or 4th pitch, I just changed the channel as I had no dog in the race. Just way too long between pitches.
I'd prefer the ball being juiced...than the players.

I will NEVER support Barry Melon Head Bonds, Sammy Sowhat, Mark McGlump etc. going to the hall of fame. If the ball is juiced EVERYONE has a chance to hit a homer...but only those who do will benefit / excel.

I was watching some game last night...........................Royals/Indians, had to think about it......................anyway, 7th or 8th inning, Royals pitching, man on first. The pitcher was taking forever to actually throw the pitch. After the 3rd or 4th pitch, I just changed the channel as I had no dog in the race. Just way too long between pitches.

There is a time out for every play when the players huddle to "craft" their next masterpiece. Unless the coach changes the play, the team calls time out or there is an infraction invalidating the play (e.g. offsides, motion, too many men on the field etc.).

And then there is the pre-game, post game / in game (i.e. players celebrations)....BORING.


See my comments, earlier in this thread.

I believe MLB presents more offensive / defensive plays than either of these two sports. I'm not disputing that more people are attached to the NFL. But I am definitely disputing that more people love the NBA (where defense is ephemeral at best...and officiating is like the "Russian" judge at the Olympics - it's either for sale or all refs are bipolar).

Baseball has nothing to be ashamed either like it or you don't. Tweaking the game to speed it up is ok...but not vital imo....since one allure of baseball is that it is TIMELESS (Immortal).

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Baseball has nothing to be ashamed either like it or you don't. Tweaking the game to speed it up is ok...but not vital imo....since one allure of baseball is that it is TIMELESS (Immortal).
The problem is that it's slowed down. A lot. Pitchers normally never did that in the past.'s just bad how long it takes some of these guys to throw the pitch. Last night I was just killing a bit of time and probably would have continued to watch the game. But, dear god, just throw the damn ball! What the hell was he doing, going through some mental Zen exercise before each pitch?
I'm not even an Indians fan, idk how you couldn't have gotten into that game(I guess you did said why lol). one run lead in the 8th, winning streak on line...lots of tension. You missed a crazy ending to the game.

I was so excited I actually bought tickets to tonight's game. and again, not a tribe fan.

I was watching some game last night...........................Royals/Indians, had to think about it......................anyway, 7th or 8th inning, Royals pitching, man on first. The pitcher was taking forever to actually throw the pitch. After the 3rd or 4th pitch, I just changed the channel as I had no dog in the race. Just way too long between pitches.
I know baseball metrics are high in terms of economics, but I just don't get it. Personally, I can't remember the last time I heard someone say they were going to a baseball game here. Or even hear anyone talking about it.

Dodger stadium has a bad rep, along with the people that go to the games, so that's probably part of it.
I know baseball metrics are high in terms of economics, but I just don't get it. Personally, I can't remember the last time I heard someone say they were going to a baseball game here. Or even hear anyone talking about it.

Dodger stadium has a bad rep, along with the people that go to the games, so that's probably part of it.

Seriously? The Dodgers? The Dodgers are the most watched sports team in terms of live attendance IN THE ENTIRE WORLD.
I know baseball metrics are high in terms of economics, but I just don't get it. Personally, I can't remember the last time I heard someone say they were going to a baseball game here. Or even hear anyone talking about it.

Dodger stadium has a bad rep, along with the people that go to the games, so that's probably part of it.

My partner had box seats at Angel Stadium. Seeing Mike Trout / Albert is not a bad way to spend an evening. I'd like to visit the new Yankee stadium , experience a game at Fenway or Wrigley. The atmosphere might be another cause of Global Warming (just kidding...I do believe in GW)...but the fans make these venues electric.

Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim [poop]'s the Anaheim Angels and everyone knows it.
NY Giants / Jets[poop][poop]...should be the New Jersey Giants/ Jets.
Let's move our nation's capital to Moscow (Idaho)!!
It's dead for me. I haven't watched an inning of MLB this century. 162 games and then they have to have playoffs.
I'm sorry but the team with the best records in the National should play the team with the best record in the American
in the World Series. The way it is now a team with the worst season record entering the playoff fiasco could win the
World Series. Teams are now playing games against teams in other divisions of their league and also teams from the
other league. Shouldn't a track record of 162 games be enough?
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It's dead for me. I haven't watched an inning of MLB this century. 162 games and then they have to have playoffs.
I'm sorry but the team with the best records in the National should play the team with the best record in the American
in the World Series. The way it is now a team with the worst season record entering the playoff fiasco could win the
World Series. Teams are now playing games against teams in other divisions of their league and also teams from the
other league. Shouldn't a track record of 162 games be enough?

Good point.

But in Football the league expanded the 12 game schedule to 16 (a 33% increase). And that's not including the Wild Card games / ad nausem. Then we get an endless stream of Stupid Bowl predictions / analysis.

NBA only plays until April (82 games) / then takes 2 months of additional playoffs. Haven't watched an NBA game since Kobe went off for 81.

MO players are no different than NBA and NFLers in that all they care about is stats to help their next contract.

You mean to tell me the best hitters in the world can't ever possibly bunt or hit opp. field away from a shift to score runners ? Managers manage egos, not baseball. Juiced balls, small strike zones and selfish players have turned every game into a home run derby rather than a true baseball game...which is why both HRs and strikeouts are all-time records this year. players are no different than NBA and NFLers in that all they care about is stats to help their next contract.

You mean to tell me the best hitters in the world can't ever possibly bunt or hit opp. field away from a shift to score runners ? Managers manage egos, not baseball. Juiced balls, small strike zones and selfish players have turned every game into a home run derby rather than a true baseball game...which is why both HRs and strikeouts are all-time records this year.

I'm not arguing that players aren't concerned with stats.

I only made my JV bowling team (as a Soph) in HS...and I got caught up in my average (just short of 160) many strikes in a row (I choked more than a few time). 6 years later I did earn some $ at Rutgers hustling bowling at Edison lanes, when guys with 190-200 / averages would spot me 40 pins...and I'd often beat them straight up...but that's another story.

My point is that Baseball isn't going away, people are still interested (look at my favorite team: St. Louis, it's a religion). And those who argue that football or basketball are superior / more in favor with the fans, aren't looking in the mirror to see the blemishes (i.e. Cushing PED use- I know baseball had Bonds, McGwire,Sosa et al...what about the Alzedo's, and countless others in the NFL). And now there's concussions, not to mention the timeouts, huddles, infractions and TV timeouts. Football is 3+ hours of time and < 1 hour of action.

Basketball is almost an Olympic sport: the refs determine how the game will be played much more so than MLB (i.e. "let them play" vs. "calling it by the book").

PS I love baseball. I LOVE RUTGERS football / basketball. I don't care at all about the NFL (except for RU alums) or NBA.
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I watch most met games that aren't on the west coast. I've noticed something this season that seems fairly recent and is definitely contributing to making the games longer. It's this need that players have to call time-out every time they take a base. Guy hits a double, calls timeout. Another guy steals 3rd, time-out. And, more often than not, the now-baserunners will actually walk off the field during that time-out, playing with their gloves or unwrapping protective gear or just catching their breath. It's interminable.
They should be. Massive stadium with a zillion games played. But they aren't the most popular team in the world. Or even in the most popular sport.

There is 1 baseball team in the top 10's most popular sports teams. The Yankees. At number 10.

We are talking live attendance here. I already conceded that baseball isn't a big tv regular season sport. But no matter what it's damn impressive to draw 46,000 people on average to 81 games! That's unheard of until very recently in baseball history.
Population growth.

Baseball across the board is like 5th or 6th in average attendance. Which over a bunch of games seems impressive, sure. But it's not the most popular sport in America anymore. And football won't be in another 100 years, just like boxing and horse racing aren't anymore.
The problem with baseball is the time in between pitches. Simple as that. After every pitch a guy steps out of the box for 10 seconds. It's ridiculous. They need to enforce the rules they already have on the books and keep the guy in the batter box. The problem with a pitch clock is how do you do it when there's a runner on base? Base runners will just start timing up their leads to steal right before the clock is up.
Actual ratings are way down arnt they?

Depends how you look at it. Local ratings in individual markets are good, and for teams in the race they are very strong. You don't have the national appeal you used to have, so in that sense they are down, but they have been down for quite a while now. Baseball is very, very healthy.