OT NASA Releases 48 Year Old Space Music


Hall of Famer
Gold Member
Jun 24, 2001
Rutgers & NJ @ Heart
Apparently, in Dec. 1968 while traveling on the far side of the moon, the astronauts heard what they considered was weird space music.

The transcripts were considered sensitive / hidden from the public until recently.

Either culled from an Ed Wood classic (e.g. Plan 9 from Outer Space) or original scored- see what you think...and how can we use to our advantage: both in recruiting / on the field results!

My wife always laughs at me for believing in UFO's and I tell her, one would have to land on our front lawn before she would believe. Like Mulder says,the truth is out there, and I just hope the public is told before I pass.
Apparently it was the radio aboard the command module and the radio aboard the lunar module causing the disturbance when both crafts were operational and close to each other. Future lunar exploration teams reported the same noise but also reported it stopped when the lunar module was on the surface of the moon.

That's what THEY'D like us to believe! :alien: