OT: Oh, good! Now we're trademarking numbers

DJ Spanky

The Lunatic is in my Head
Jul 25, 2001
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I'm certainly no expert in trademark law, but I'm surprised Aikman could patent #8 except if associated with a Dallas uniform, and my guess is the Cowboys already have that trademark.
Agreed. Trademarking uniform numbers is dumb. I don’t even think of Aikman when I hear #8. Too many great players wore it. I guess it’s smart to be the first to do it just in case you can profit from it.

Even #23 I think of Mattingly since he wore it before Jordan.
You might be one of the few there. Even though I wouldn't think that is of consequence to you.
Not sure if this is the reason for Aikman, but he recently launched a beer in TX, OK called "8".

And is it true you have to win at least 1 playoff game to claim?
I'm certainly no expert in trademark law, but I'm surprised Aikman could patent #8 except if associated with a Dallas uniform, and my guess is the Cowboys already have that trademark.
You certainly are no expert in trademark law. Patents and trademarks are two completely different types of intellectual property protection.

As to the OP, why the outrage? A trademark is an indication of source or origin. Letters are trademarks. So are colors (pink for insulation ) and sounds (Harley Davidson engine growl) and shapes (Coke bottle shape). Crocs obtained design patent protection on the hole pattern of their ugly shoes. 🤷‍♂️
You certainly are no expert in trademark law. Patents and trademarks are two completely different types of intellectual property protection.

As to the OP, why the outrage? A trademark is an indication of source or origin. Letters are trademarks. So are colors (pink for insulation ) and sounds (Harley Davidson engine growl) and shapes (Coke bottle shape). Crocs obtained design patent protection on the hole pattern of their ugly shoes. 🤷‍♂️

So if Ovechkin advertises a "#8 Hockey Camp" he infringes on a trademark? If so that's a law in need of change.