OT: Richard Sherman threatens to ruin career of an ESPN radio reporter

Sep 11, 2006
Here's a link where Sherman does not regret the incident behind this and you can lsiten to the audio of the exchange with the reporter.

Short version: Sherman yells at the OC that they shouldn't be calling passes at the one yard line. 1.. not his job to criticize. 2.. you cannot be known to ONLY run in short yardage goal line situations. As a defender, Sherman should know this.

But the reporter suggests the OC is only calling plays he thinks will work.. and Sherman cites the Superbowl fiasco and asks if the reporter knows better.. then later when passing him in the locker-room threatens to ruin his career by having his Seahawks press pass yanked.

Sherman later said he got personal and he should have let it go that far.
Ok?? Is this the part where I'm supposed to be outraged?? Was there a thread when Dan Boyle threatened Larry Brooks to get removed???

Or the countless times that Torts got into with Brooks?
There are 2 types of reporters - those that are knowledgeable and ask meaningful questions about the game, strategy, etc and those that ask questions meant to instigate and get an outrageous response so they can make a name for themselves. I don't know what type this reporter is but if he is the first type than you would hope ESPN would hold Sherman accountable and reduce his exposure (including jobs at ESPN post-career). I say "hope" because I know ESPN has no integrity regarding matters like this and would welcome Sherman with open arms as another ridiculous studio clown.
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and how many reporters have called to have people fired over the years? general managers, coaches, players, you name it.
Oh.. and do the reporters threaten to ruin the careers of those people? Or do they just voice their opinions that so an so is doing a bad job?

Can you not see the difference here? Sherman did not call him a crap reporter. He threatened to yank his credentials... for suggesting that the OC is trying to call plays he thinks will work.

The net-net is that Sherman threatened to have his credentials yanked because he questioned Sherman's outburst over calling a pass play at the goal line.

You really do not see the problem here?

I have called for S-L to have their credentials yanked for the way they negatively covered Rutgers... this is not that. That would be an organization making a choice to stand up for itself to demand fair coverage. This is not that.
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he apologized and the reporter said it wasn't necessary (although thought he was pompous). non-story.
Oh.. and do the reporters threaten to ruin the careers of those people? Or do they just voice their opinions that so an so is doing a bad job?

Can you not see the difference here? Sherman did not call him a crap reporter. He threatened to yank his credentials... for suggesting that the OC is trying to call plays he thinks will work.

The net-net is that Sherman threatened to have his credentials yanked because he questioned Sherman's outburst over calling a pass play at the goal line.

You really do not see the problem here?

I have called for S-L to have their credentials yanked for the way they negatively covered Rutgers... this is not that. That would be an organization making a choice to stand up for itself to demand fair coverage. This is not that.
Did you make a thread when Dan Boyle threatened to kick Larry Brooks out of a press conference? Of all things to make a thread about...

and how many reporters have called to have people fired over the years? general managers, coaches, players, you name it.
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While nobody can get inside of Sherman's head - or Carroll's or anybody else involved in this -

a different perspective - this whole encounter has a different flavor to it - partly because It has always seemed that Pete Carroll has created a somewhat unique atmosphere - he seems to want his Seahawks to vent - to discuss anything - put things on the table - hash them out - resolve them - and move on ... generally seems to work for Carroll ... and it seems that Sherman has bought in - he is a bright guy - quick mind (you don't have to like him to know he ain't at all stupid) and Sherman has a real low tolerance for fools... Sherman likes these heated "thought exercises" the sort of "when faced with 'x' should you do 'a', 'b' or 'c' or what?" Carroll & Sherman buy into the idea that their team can hash these things out - and move on & be stronger without it getting personal.
The way the reporter was framing it - by asking Sherman if he thinks he has a better handle than Bevell on the right plays to call - was headed toward a creating a story about conflict between Sherman & Bevell - - and this is is not unique among reporters - they all like to cover a cat-fight with in a team - and if they can frame their questions to draw that out - they will.
Sherman - having a real strong belief in this 'healthy debate' approach was having no part of the "so, you think you know better than Bevell?" approach .... and Sherman got pissed at the ploy ... and got harsh with the reporter
Sherman was wrong - and admitted it - “I appreciate the role the media plays and they have a tough job. I let it get personal today and I regret that. Next one should be fun.”

Sherman knows (but often 'forgets') he has to put up with reporters baiting him & his teammates into wandering off into a discussion that make a minor story into a more major one.
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Reminds me of...

-- [Sherman:] “Well, I’m the best corner in the game! When you try me with a sorry receiver like Crabtree, that’s the result you gonna get! Don’t you EVER talk about me.”

-- [Andrews:] Who was talking about you?

-- [Sherman:]“Crabtree. Don’t you open your mouth about the best. Or I’m gonna shut it for you real quick. L-O-B.”
It's all shtick. When his career ends ESPN or FOX will welcome him into their fraternity in studio and it will be a love fest.
Did you make a thread when Dan Boyle threatened to kick Larry Brooks out of a press conference? Of all things to make a thread about...
Hockey? You are wondering why someone on a football board did not bring up a hockey reference?

Really.. what about Richard Sherman means you have to defend him? I did not invent this thing.. I just brought something being reported to the attention of football fans here.
The way the reporter was framing it - by asking Sherman if he thinks he has a better handle than Bevell on the right plays to call - was headed toward a creating a story about conflict between Sherman & Bevell

The moment Sherman exploded at Bevell on the field that "story" was there to be reported. This was not a reporter making up a controversy. All he did was question Richard Sherman's reasoning... and that was enough for Sherman to threaten his career.
Hockey? You are wondering why someone on a football board did not bring up a hockey reference?

Really.. what about Richard Sherman means you have to defend him? I did not invent this thing.. I just brought something being reported to the attention of football fans here.
I'm not defending him, but you deem what he said worthy enough to post about on a RUTGERS message board.
Maybe he could threaten a former coach of a University located on the banks of the Raritan who appears weekday afternoons on XM Radio.
When I read the headline, I thought, "great!!"

Then I read the OP and some of the subsequent replies. "Still great!!"

F ESPN and its "reporters." And sounds like Sherman admitted he crossed a line. So what's the big story here?
When I read the headline, I thought, "great!!"

Then I read the OP and some of the subsequent replies. "Still great!!"

F ESPN and its "reporters." And sounds like Sherman admitted he crossed a line. So what's the big story here?

Did you or did you not click on the thread?

Did I describe what was in the thread in the title?

That's what it is doing here. Nothing more. Informing people who might be interested that this happened. Over 700 views... not bad for an OT.. a football related OT. What's the issue with posting it here?