OT: RIP Bill Walton at 71

Walton passed away at 71 from cancer. One of the greatest college basketball players ever. Injuries curtailed his pro career. Later known as a broadcaster
The recent documentary on BW was excellent (ESPN?). He seems like a genuine and unique guy. RIP!
Darn, I didn’t know he was battling this horrid disease.
Was he still announcing this past season?

He was a good friend of Dan Patrick. If you were a big fan, I'd highly recommend to Listen to Dan's Show tomorrow morning. There was a few funny stories between those two.
Very said. He was a tremendous player and entertaining as a commentator. First the Conference of Champions meets its end. Now the legend Bill Walton. Happy trails and enjoy the trip on the other side.
I went out to California, the same years Bill
Walton went to UCLA. Those were the years
Young men and women were moving out there in the zillions. He was by far the most popular athlete in the world. I remember his love for
the Gratefull Dead and other things. Believe me
71 years is too young.
California was something else then. I got a job at Fairchild Semiconductor during the years we put men on the moon. Every one I knew was from another state. those were the days.
After Armstrong's landing the the space program was cut back, and many of my friends lost their jobs. So I went back to Jersey.
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He could do it all on the court and I don't think there has been a big man(college or pros) who was as exceptional in all phases of the game since the big red head.
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That performance against Memphis State in the NCAA finals will be very hard to top. He just could not stay healthy. I thought some of his takes toward the end when he was doing color on college games were a little bizarre. The passion on that Dead story was vintage Walton.