OT: Rutgers to Russia RoundTrip


Hall of Famer
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Jun 24, 2001
Rutgers & NJ @ Heart
2018 marks the 60th anniversary of Paul Robeson having his passport reinstated.

Robeson's feats are well documented, from 4 sport letter winner, to Phi Beta Kappa / Valedictorian @ Rutgers, to obtaining a law degree from Columbia. However, I think the time is ripe for a bio-pic (like the Express) using the young Robeson against a backdrop of football, showing the institutionalized / entrenched racism (e.g. physical abuse taken during practice; Washington / Lee etc.).

In the past few years from Ferguson, MO to the BLM movement, to the possible (probable?) collusion & hacking of our national elections, isn't it time for a picture portraying this Renaissance Man?

I don't feel he should be honored.

I also don't expect to ever donate to the Julius & Ethel Rosenberg Memorial Scholarship Fund.
The problem wasn’t that he embraced communism, because it is understandable that he became disillusioned with the US and how minorities were treated at the time.

The problem is that even after he was made aware of the many people being killed or sent to the gulags by Stalin, he continued to tour the US and deny atrocities were occurring, as a useful idiot for the Soviets.
The problem is that even after he was made aware of the many people being killed or sent to the gulags by Stalin, he continued to tour the US and deny atrocities were occurring, as a useful idiot for the Soviets.
Yep, but people conveniently forget that.
This post has no point, inasmuch as it has absolutely nothing to do with your OP.

I wasn't responding to MY original post. I was responding to the "better dead than red quote"....and giving a reasonable view of the world today (not 50 years ago).

PS for the past 50 years I've lived in Orange County ..if they didn't invent the slogan , they sure took it to heart. Trump's Bromance with Putin shows that even the President of the USA can live / work with the Reds. Perhaps it time to gibe Robeson his due- despite his flaw in not condemning Stalin (see Charlottesville).
Better dead than red!
THAT'S funny. We have a President that is willingly colluding with Commies to get and hold power and enrich himself and his family and conservatives line up to lay down their lives for the guy. Better Dead than Red for sure!
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I wasn't responding to MY original post. I was responding to the "better dead than red quote"....and giving a reasonable view of the world today (not 50 years ago).

PS for the past 50 years I've lived in Orange County ..if they didn't invent the slogan , they sure took it to heart. Trump's Bromance with Putin shows that even the President of the USA can live / work with the Reds. Perhaps it time to gibe Robeson his due- despite his flaw in not condemning Stalin (see Charlottesville).


Yeah, no. Hard pass.
This post has no point, inasmuch as it has absolutely nothing to do with your OP.
Nazi's and Commies and Trump....OH MY!

THAT'S funny. We have a President that is willingly colluding with Commies to get and hold power and enrich himself and his family and conservatives line up to lay down their lives for the guy. Better Dead than Red for sure!
You're really need to invest some money in that sense of humor transplant.
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The problem wasn’t that he embraced communism, because it is understandable that he became disillusioned with the US and how minorities were treated at the time.

The problem is that even after he was made aware of the many people being killed or sent to the gulags by Stalin, he continued to tour the US and deny atrocities were occurring, as a useful idiot for the Soviets.
I'll volunteer that you have never been discriminated against in your life. You've never been followed around in a store. You've never been pulled over by a cop because of the color of your skin and never been denied access to a club or a college because of your race.
You talk about people being killed or sent to gulags by Stalin. Yet, You've never had a friend, relative or neighbor lynched because of their race. African Americans and Hispanics make up approximately 32% of the US population, they comprised 56% of all incarcerated people in 2015.
If African Americans and Hispanics were incarcerated at the same rates as whites, prison and jail populations would decline by almost 40%.
Now you know about atrocities here. Who's useful idiot are you?
I'll volunteer that you have never been discriminated against in your life. You've never been followed around in a store. You've never been pulled over by a cop because of the color of your skin and never been denied access to a club or a college because of your race.
You talk about people being killed or sent to gulags by Stalin. Yet, You've never had a friend, relative or neighbor lynched because of their race. African Americans and Hispanics make up approximately 32% of the US population, they comprised 56% of all incarcerated people in 2015.
If African Americans and Hispanics were incarcerated at the same rates as whites, prison and jail populations would decline by almost 40%.
Now you know about atrocities here. Who's useful idiot are you?

Stalin was responsible for the deaths of somewhere between 3 and 6 million people. Nearly all of them were ethnic minorities, i.e. "non-Russian".
Stalin was responsible for the deaths of somewhere between 3 and 6 million people. Nearly all of them were ethnic minorities, i.e. "non-Russian".
What does that have to do with my post? There are 185 ethnic minorities in Russia. There's a difference in that Stalin didn't bring those minorities to Russia as slaves. Russkiyes are basically a white minority. Like whites will be in the US in 20 years. I'm sure that paybacks are a biotch.
What does that have to do with my post? There are 185 ethnic minorities in Russia. There's a difference in that Stalin didn't bring those minorities to Russia as slaves. Russkiyes are basically a white minority. Like whites will be in the US in 20 years. I'm sure that paybacks are a biotch.

You seem angry. You should seek help.

In the meantime, welcome to my Ignore List.
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Huey You are fighting an uphill battle here .You will just be wasting your time here on this subject. .They cant acceot the fact that outside of Ozzie Nelson Mr Magoo and Tony Soprano we haven't produced many white guys worth a shit ..
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You seem angry. You should seek help.

In the meantime, welcome to my Ignore List.
Ouchie. I'm not angry. I'm like you. Turkey on white bread with mayonnaise. I've never been discriminated against in my whole life. I just can't ignore racism. What's your secret?
I'll volunteer that you have never been discriminated against in your life. You've never been followed around in a store. You've never been pulled over by a cop because of the color of your skin and never been denied access to a club or a college because of your race.
You talk about people being killed or sent to gulags by Stalin. Yet, You've never had a friend, relative or neighbor lynched because of their race. African Americans and Hispanics make up approximately 32% of the US population, they comprised 56% of all incarcerated people in 2015.
If African Americans and Hispanics were incarcerated at the same rates as whites, prison and jail populations would decline by almost 40%.
Now you know about atrocities here. Who's useful idiot are you?
You have some major reading comprehension deficits, because I started my post explaining how that his disillusion with the US was understandable.

Your “logic” in this and subsequent posts speak more to deficits in character.
Huey You are fighting an uphill battle here .You will just be wasting your time here on this subject. .They cant acceot the fact that outside of Ozzie Nelson Mr Magoo and Tony Soprano we haven't produced many white guys worth a shit ..

You and Baby Huey the Fake Black Guy Now Ignored are the only ones making this about race. I personally have zero f*cks. My issue is precisely as stated - Robeson evangelized a brutal dictator responsible for the deaths of millions of people - not too few of them Jews. Robeson was, wittingly or unwittingly, partially to blame for some of those deaths, as his glowing portrayal of Josef Stalin helped to disguise true evil from the world.

Robeson gets no slack from me. He knew what he was doing. He was complicit.
You and Baby Huey the Fake Black Guy Now Ignored are the only ones making this about race. I personally have zero f*cks. My issue is precisely as stated - Robeson evangelized a brutal dictator responsible for the deaths of millions of people - not too few of them Jews. Robeson was, wittingly or unwittingly, partially to blame for some of those deaths, as his glowing portrayal of Josef Stalin helped to disguise true evil from the world.

Robeson gets no slack from me. He knew what he was doing. He was complicit.
A reasonable person can look at Robeson’s incredible talents, horrible experiences, AND his flaws when talking about his life story. Huey evidently lacks the brain power for that kind of nuance.
A reasonable person can look at Robeson’s incredible talents, horrible experiences, AND his flaws when talking about his life story. Huey evidently lacks the brain power for that kind of nuance.

It's irritating to me that part of their argument is "but Trump!!"

Yeah, if Trump in any way colluded with Vladimir Putin then he should be put against a wall and shot in the head.

So how, exactly, does that excuse anything Robeson did in collaboration with Stalin? Doesn't make sense.
Stalin was responsible for the deaths of somewhere between 3 and 6 million people. Nearly all of them were ethnic minorities, i.e. "non-Russian".
I thought Stalin was estimated to be responsible for somewhere in the range of 20-25 million deaths?
You and Baby Huey the Fake Black Guy Now Ignored are the only ones making this about race. I personally have zero f*cks. My issue is precisely as stated - Robeson evangelized a brutal dictator responsible for the deaths of millions of people - not too few of them Jews. Robeson was, wittingly or unwittingly, partially to blame for some of those deaths, as his glowing portrayal of Josef Stalin helped to disguise true evil from the world.

Robeson gets no slack from me. He knew what he was doing. He was complicit.

Stop!~ Take a breath.

Personal assumptions / facts:

1. I'm Jewish

2. My father was born in Poland (1905) / he was Jewish

3. In the late 20's / during the depression (especially 1933-1939), my father was the "president of a Brooklyn Book Club" (read Socialist / Communist Organizer. Many famous people rolled into that organization (though I expect all are dead now). E.g. Thurgood Marshall was introduced to NY by my father (not saying Marshall was Communist, but my father was). Langston Hughes stayed at my parents apartment in Brooklyn on several occasions. Also crossed paths with Jules Dassin (directed "Never on Sunday") and I'm sure many of the intellectuals of the day.

4. In 1939 my father renounced the Communists when Stalin / Hitler signed the non aggression pact. From that moment on he / my mother were staunch Democrats. Fast forward to 1954: I was about 7. I found a red pin with letters something like IBUW (International Brotherhood of United Workers....I'm not positive). Both my parents told me to NEVER touch that pin again or talk about it.

5. Fast forward: 1968. I graduated from Rutgers / accepted a GA position in the Psychology Department of Long Beach State. After several years of living in Orange County, my dad approached me one day and told me that he would join the John Birch Society...but they don't accept Jews.

That was quite a transformation: from Poland, poverty, pogroms (all of his relatives - my grandparents / their offspring died in Treblinka- approximately, 6 KM from Kosow Lacki, his hometown), to FDR Democrat, to advocating nuclear bombing (if necessary) of the Viet Cong in the 60's to a wanna be John Bircher.

Point: Robeson may or may not be responsible for the deaths of many minorities (he marched against the Nazi's pre WWII). But to have walked in his shoes, I think I can understand why he chose an alternative to the hypocrisy of "All men are created equal"...but some are white/ rich. and are better"!

By the way, I'm not aiming any vitriol or anger at you (RU4REAL)...we're all Rutgers fans, alums interested parties on this site. I was intrigued when I watched the movie about Ernie Davis / felt that Robeson's story should be told. I don't agree with Robeson's support of Stalin or the mass murders that were committed in Russia or the Anti Semitism that Robeson claimed he didn't see (there is a phenomenon called selective perception, perhaps he saw what he wanted to see).

I do feel that this story is COMPELLING. And should be told: WARTS and all.

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2018 marks the 60th anniversary of Paul Robeson having his passport reinstated.

Robeson's feats are well documented, from 4 sport letter winner, to Phi Beta Kappa / Valedictorian @ Rutgers, to obtaining a law degree from Columbia. However, I think the time is ripe for a bio-pic (like the Express) using the young Robeson against a backdrop of football, showing the institutionalized / entrenched racism (e.g. physical abuse taken during practice; Washington / Lee etc.).

In the past few years from Ferguson, MO to the BLM movement, to the possible (probable?) collusion & hacking of our national elections, isn't it time for a picture portraying this Renaissance Man?


Steve McQueen - "Twelve Years A Slave" director is supposedly working on a Robeson movie the last couple of years. Robeson was a big star in UK. - got his communism interest there (from George Bernard Shaw specifically).
You and Baby Huey the Fake Black Guy Now Ignored are the only ones making this about race. I personally have zero f*cks. My issue is precisely as stated - Robeson evangelized a brutal dictator responsible for the deaths of millions of people - not too few of them Jews. Robeson was, wittingly or unwittingly, partially to blame for some of those deaths, as his glowing portrayal of Josef Stalin helped to disguise true evil from the world.

Robeson gets no slack from me. He knew what he was doing. He was complicit.
Speaking of McCarthyism it came out today that after Jeff Sessions recused himself from the Russia inquiry a furious Trump demanded to know "Where's my Roy Cohn!!!"......thus completing today's circle. I'm sure there will be plenty more about this as the noose tightens tomorrow.
While Robesons support of the dictator/communism was wrong, that doesn't mean his story shouldn't be told. Historical figures have always been imperfect. I can understand that those that disagreed with his political views may not be interested. But, like Mo, I'd be interested.
You and Baby Huey the Fake Black Guy Now Ignored are the only ones making this about race. I personally have zero f*cks. My issue is precisely as stated - Robeson evangelized a brutal dictator responsible for the deaths of millions of people - not too few of them Jews. Robeson was, wittingly or unwittingly, partially to blame for some of those deaths, as his glowing portrayal of Josef Stalin helped to disguise true evil from the world.

Robeson gets no slack from me. He knew what he was doing. He was complicit.
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The problem wasn’t that he embraced communism, because it is understandable that he became disillusioned with the US and how minorities were treated at the time.

The problem is that even after he was made aware of the many people being killed or sent to the gulags by Stalin, he continued to tour the US and deny atrocities were occurring, as a useful idiot for the Soviets.
blacks were treated like royalty in russia, thats why he went, DUH
blacks were treated like royalty in russia, thats why he went, DUH
Did you eat paint chips as a kid? I said I understood why he went to Russia, but don’t forgive how he helped cover up their atrocities in speaking tours back here.
I agree with Al on this one.

Tell his story but make it the whole story.

It's particularly prescient now.