OT: Tebow Time in Philly?


Mar 15, 2007
ESPN's Adam Schefter reports free agent QB Tim Tebow is working out for the Eagles on Monday.

Chip Kelly has apparently decided he wasn't already enough of an iconoclast. Essentially banished from the NFL because of his inaccurate passes and unrelenting media frenzy, Tebow has been an ESPN employee since December 2013. In theory, he'd provide the dual-threat element Kelly's offense has mostly lacked since he arrived in the NFL, but Tebow has no semblance of the "repetitive accuracy" Kelly is known to seek. Kelly has become impossible to nail down, but we'd be surprised if he added Tebow to his 90-man roster.
Nothing wrong with having Tebow as your third QB. If you ever lose your first two, the season is usually over anyway. Besides, Barkley isn't anything much to write home about, so I could care less if Chip Kelly was the third QB.
Originally posted by PhilaPhans:
Nothing wrong with having Tebow as your third QB. If you ever lose your first two, the season is usually over anyway. Besides, Barkley isn't anything much to write home about, so I could care less if Chip Kelly was the third QB.
Maybe since his star has faded, he would not be the distraction he was at his previous stops.
Originally posted by WhiteBus:
Proof that Chip Kelly hasn't a F-ing clue!
And winning 10 games his first two years in the league -- what would that be proof of..?
Took a very good team and regressed in year two. Now?? Holy crap. No reason to bring in Tebow except for prayer service.
Schefter reporting that the Eagles have no plans to sign Tebow "at this time".
Hopefully not. Let's keep St. Timothy as far away as possible. The media hype is just too great.
Chip is jerking the media around. I honestly believe it. Especially the philly media who have been very aggressive and condescending in interviews with Chip. He is not the type of guy to sit there and take it, so Chip has been combative to the media as well. This is Chip taking another jab. That's it:
Originally posted by WhiteBus:
Proof that Chip Kelly hasn't a F-ing clue!
I'd like to see ANY proof that bringing in a quarterback for a workout tells anything about a coach.

So far this offseason he's swapped starters (only move that I'm really on the edge about). He's resigned a top 5 backup QB. He's put his 3rd QB on the trading block and is definitely looking at the draft for a quarterback. Tim Tebow would be nothing but a 3rd string if he came here (and he isn't coming here). Why would anybody care?
He's basically added equal talent and added 13 million in payroll and 16 million in cap for his two major changes and didn't get better.

Beyond that there is ZERO reason to bring in Tebow. None except to say he is not confident in the two QBs he already made move for. When was the blast time Tebow took a snap in a game?