OT.*Warning to dog owners,some peanut butter is toxic to dogs.

If it can take down a dog, ya gotta think it probably ain't too good for humans, either, right? Anyway, thanks for posting.
Years ago one dog we had loved chocolate. Chocolate ice team and Hershey bars especially. Dog lived happily for almost 15 years. Found out some years after she had passed that chocolate isn't good for dogs.
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My Great Pyrenees are strictly forbidden from eating peanut butter. They get the runs and sh*t all over the place and they're house broken, they just can't hold it. Now imagine that coming from two dogs 33" in height and 125 lbs a piece and you can imagine the friggin amount of crap I had to clean up.
Years ago one dog we had loved chocolate. Chocolate ice team and Hershey bars especially. Dog lived happily for almost 15 years. Found out some years after she had passed that chocolate isn't good for dogs.

While chocolate is toxic to dogs, it takes a lot of chocolate to impact a large dog.

(Similar to how alcohol is toxic to humans, but it takes a moderate amount to get you intoxicated, and a fairly large amount to kill you.)
While chocolate is toxic to dogs, it takes a lot of chocolate to impact a large dog.

(Similar to how alcohol is toxic to humans, but it takes a moderate amount to get you intoxicated, and a fairly large amount to kill you.)
The amount is significant. For example for milk chocolate they say seek medical attention for a 25 lb dog after about 6oz or the equivalent of 6 Hershey chocolate bars. White chocolate they could eat 10lbs and be fine. Dark Chocolate would be 3oz or two Hershey bars. It not good on a regular basis but it takes a lot to be toxic.
Better avoid grapes which are highly toxic to dogs. I don't think that logic applies all the time.
Grapes are very toxic. We have a trellis in our backyard with grape vines, When the grapes begin to fall we keep our dogs away. Luckily they aren't very interested in them. But our chickens on the other hand have a little stampede every morning to the fallen grapes and devour them.
the first I had heard about xylitol years ago was that was something they were putting in some
chewing gum products, and it would decrease the possibility of tooth decay and sweeten
the gum..... based on that I thought the ingredient would have a big future in all the chewing gums and possibly other candies, etc..... since you could figure regular gum with sugar probably
would increase the chances of cavities, this would be a opposite

thought moms all over would look for and buy xylitol gum for their children.
Xylitol is very poisonous to dogs so it is banned from my house. Pretty much all sugarless gum has it and dogs love the gum. The chemical will spike their blood and the organs shut down. It kills many many dogs every year.

As for chocolate, there is very little cocoa in a Herseys bar, while real dark chocolate could be concerning.