Our fan base did a good job of not acting like SEC animals

Local Shill

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Gold Member
Aug 30, 2001
Easton Avenue's finest gin mills
The only thing I'm happy about is that it looks like our fans left Ash's wife alone after Saturday's debacle.

She's pretty active on Twitter, seem like a really nice person and even converses with fans. So I was a little worried that a few jerkoffs would spew venom on her timeline once things inevitably starting going bad.

Really shouldn't be offering congratulations for showing basic decency but it was still good that it appears there were not incidents.

I hope our fans continue to behave because there might be a few more days like Saturday.
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Fan reaction to the loss has surprised to the upside. Most of us know it will take some time and can be patient for a few weeks. Just better beat Howard.
Most of those SEC clowns have no respect for FLOTUS, so I doubt they'll eve show a college coaches wife any respect.
only someone like you would do a search

I didn't say I did a search, asshat. I said anyone that wants to can. Do you have any clue whatsoever about Twitter or how it works (or anything else for that matter)? It's not some secret Twitter account. Doreen clearly states who she is and actively engages with fans.

You just might be the most insufferable person on this board and that's saying a lot.
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calling names again--and you're so in the know and enlightened-if you didn't post this nonsense no one would even care or focus on her twitter--and yes, I don't stalk but you sure seem to--but I guess your 16000 posts most of which indicate you are an unhappy camper give you some sort of importance--take a happy pill you need one