Pedd Supporters ripping Russo


Hall of Famer
Gold Member
Aug 2, 2001
Their QB, Jake Zembiec, wasn't named to the Elite 11, so you have all the typical sour grapes in the attached thread from the DWI board, things like "a good showing at the Elite 11 doesn't mean anything" and "we'll see how he does in pads and with a pass rush." Then, there is the classic, a couple are calling him this year's Dominick Bragalone, even though their is no apparent analogy. While just qualifying for the Elite 11 competition is a great honor, many PSU fans can't be too thrilled that some accounts had Zembiec ranked last of the 18 qualifiers.
Their QB, Jake Zembiec, wasn't named to the Elite 11, so you have all the typical sour grapes in the attached thread from the DWI board, things like "a good showing at the Elite 11 doesn't mean anything" and "we'll see how he does in pads and with a pass rush." Then, there is the classic, a couple are calling him this year's Dominick Bragalone, even though their is no apparent analogy. While just qualifying for the Elite 11 competition is a great honor, many PSU fans can't be too thrilled that some accounts had Zembiec ranked last of the 18 qualifiers.
I won't read it, but based on your snippets, it doesn't sound much different from what is heard around here from some of our " finest" fans
Reading that thread there are actually a few posters that seem normal and just want to discuss football but you do have to sift through a lot of garbage.
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Their QB, Jake Zembiec, wasn't named to the Elite 11, so you have all the typical sour grapes in the attached thread from the DWI board, things like "a good showing at the Elite 11 doesn't mean anything" and "we'll see how he does in pads and with a pass rush." Then, there is the classic, a couple are calling him this year's Dominick Bragalone, even though their is no apparent analogy. While just qualifying for the Elite 11 competition is a great honor, many PSU fans can't be too thrilled that some accounts had Zembiec ranked last of the 18 qualifiers.

Thanks for sharing this. I enjoyed reading it. I don't go along with the apparently popular belief around here that it is OK to make fun of our coaches, players, and fans, but not those of our rivals.

Your comments were not even that nasty, certainly not as nasty as some of the insinuations made here about our own fans.
Here's something to know about the BWI board. Many of the posters there are the Kool-Aid drinkers because Tom McAndrew hasn't allowed much dissent since the Sandusky event caused many outside posters from around the country to invade their board. So he tightened the leash (right, Mrs. Screw?), and booted just about anyone who posted something that could be remotely perceived as starting a war of words. I can understand this reaction, since he had an environment to protect and make it somewhat of a safe haven for PSU posters, which is a mod's job (protecting one's own board). But McAndrew has been slow to revert back to the pre-Sandusky days when outsiders were more welcome to dissent on their board, and that drove away some of the better-balanced PSU posters who didn't mind other posters challenging them on their board and who didn't care for the predictable and incessant vitriol directed at any non-PSU poster. I can't stand some of our own posters who reflexively slam PSU rather than consider that they might be saying something worth hearing (or debating).

Some PSU posters have lamented that McAndrew still doesn't allow normal back-and-forth between fanbases and have resorted to either lurking or not posting over there any longer. What is left is a concentrated group of posters who attack at the slightest provocation because they are less desirous of engaging other fans who either raise good points or talk trash. I like how our mods handle things here, even when we are invaded after a game for three or four days by an inordinate number of dooshes (even though PSU was by far the worst, they weren't the only fanbase who stopped by here and trashed us last year). We are border-state opponents, so that's to be expected.
One poster said it doesn't mean anything for future performance. Well maybe it doesn't but many good College and NFL qb's have been elite 11.
If you at a list of previous finalists, you only recognize about 2 or 3 names from each list. So it doesn't necessarily predict future performance, but its easy for him to say since his guy didn't make it. We all know they would be singing a different tune if their guy made it.
Here's something to know about the BWI board. Many of the posters there are the Kool-Aid drinkers because Tom McAndrew hasn't allowed much dissent since the Sandusky event caused many outside posters from around the country to invade their board. So he tightened the leash (right, Mrs. Screw?), and booted just about anyone who posted something that could be remotely perceived as starting a war of words. I can understand this reaction, since he had an environment to protect and make it somewhat of a safe haven for PSU posters, which is a mod's job (protecting one's own board). But McAndrew has been slow to revert back to the pre-Sandusky days when outsiders were more welcome to dissent on their board, and that drove away some of the better-balanced PSU posters who didn't mind other posters challenging them on their board and who didn't care for the predictable and incessant vitriol directed at any non-PSU poster. I can't stand some of our own posters who reflexively slam PSU rather than consider that they might be saying something worth hearing (or debating).

Some PSU posters have lamented that McAndrew still doesn't allow normal back-and-forth between fanbases and have resorted to either lurking or not posting over there any longer. What is left is a concentrated group of posters who attack at the slightest provocation because they are less desirous of engaging other fans who either raise good points or talk trash. I like how our mods handle things here, even when we are invaded after a game for three or four days by an inordinate number of dooshes (even though PSU was by far the worst, they weren't the only fanbase who stopped by here and trashed us last year). We are border-state opponents, so that's to be expected.

Come on, use your words... lol

My theory has always been that McAndrew was part of it the whole Sandusky thing, somehow. There are few, if any, other explanations for his bunker mentality.
No, the Penn St board is brought up because of Nit trolls like you that consider the Scarlet Nation board a must see affair.
But since trolls like you consider RU a rival of PSU, I can understand your obsession about what's posted on the Rutgers board.

Some respected Nit fans feel there's a good chance of a rivalry between Rutgers and Penn St, but it will take a few games to develop based on how those games are played.
I tend to agree with that assessment, but as we can see by the BWI thread , many idiot BWI members ( because of the way they post) are acting like Rutgers and Penn St have a rivalry like OSU and Michigan have .
pnnylion, you seem to be the same type of idiot ( maybe worse ).
Come on, use your words... lol

My theory has always been that McAndrew was part of it the whole Sandusky thing, somehow. There are few, if any, other explanations for his bunker mentality.
I'll see your lol and raise you an LOLOL!! Nicely done. As for McAndrew, you might be right.
I guess because the OP was banned over here, he goes over there to stir the waters. Can't really blame the TTFP posters for responding in kind.
Here's something to know about the BWI board. Many of the posters there are the Kool-Aid drinkers because Tom McAndrew hasn't allowed much dissent since the Sandusky event caused many outside posters from around the country to invade their board. So he tightened the leash (right, Mrs. Screw?), and booted just about anyone who posted something that could be remotely perceived as starting a war of words.
From what I've heard, his behavior predates the whole Sandusky affair. We just weren't aware of it because there was no reason for any of us to be reading their board.
Did you even read the thread?? At most there were two posts which even said anything close to derogatory about Russo. Most were complimentary and predicted his offer sheet would grow considerably. To claim the thread was ripping on Russo is simply untrue. I've read much worse on this board about the New Jersey kid who committed to Tennessee.
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Anyone who purposely seeks out our free board needs to have their head examined. As an FYI, you get a lot of differing opinion on the premium board and the posters and staff are awesome. Of course there is still homerism but that's to be expected. Congrats to Russo - quite an accomplishment.. .

EDIT: Just read the thread and am not sure what OP took offense with. Probably best to not venture away from this board.
Did you even read the thread?? At most there were two posts which even said anything close to derogatory about Russo. Most were complimentary and predicted his offer sheet would grow considerably. To claim the thread was ripping on Russo is simply untrue. I've read much worse on this board about the New Jersey kid who committed to Tennessee.

You definitely somewhat of a point about JG, but I seriously doubt the fans on your board have higher standards. There are classless fans everywhere, although IMO traditional powers like PSU have more of them - because they think their s**t doesn't stink.

ON the other hand, the JG family came to a competition at RU decked out in Tennessee Orange- and there is no doubt in my mind that what the father has done in this whole affair is 2nd rate. So I don't blame our fans for being upset.
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The funniest thing about the thread is that the first reply states, "We didn't make him an offer." I couldn't help but think of Patrick's famous cult photo (below). [laughing]

I thought it was OK. Nothing crazy. I did post one thing when their was a comment about Elite 11 stuff means nothing and it's all about production on the field. I asked about JG and that fact that his stats are not very good. Would he still be worth recruiting.
Craziest thing I read in that thread was guy saying he isn't that good and was surrounded by more talent than JG is that Bergen
Here's something to know about the BWI board. Many of the posters there are the Kool-Aid drinkers because Tom McAndrew hasn't allowed much dissent since the Sandusky event caused many outside posters from around the country to invade their board. So he tightened the leash (right, Mrs. Screw?), and booted just about anyone who posted something that could be remotely perceived as starting a war of words.

Well I'm probably the biggest antagonists on BWI and I've never been booted.
Here's something to know about the BWI board. Many of the posters there are the Kool-Aid drinkers because Tom McAndrew hasn't allowed much dissent since the Sandusky event caused many outside posters from around the country to invade their board. So he tightened the leash (right, Mrs. Screw?), and booted just about anyone who posted something that could be remotely perceived as starting a war of words.

Sorry, RutgersRaRa, that simply isn't true. The BWI board was like this long before Sandusky. I remember when ESPN's Outside the Lines segment on all the arrests among PSU football players came out, McAndrews and company were banning posters left and right and censoring anything that wasn't 100% pro PSU.

I have to admit that I get two great satisfactions in starting threads like this ...
(1) the PSU posters who see the "Pedd Supporters" in the title and know that this is about them and then read and post, and
(2) Patrick posting his PSU zombies who are in perpetual denial, many times with a new slant that accentuates the cult, that never gets old!

In the words of the great Keith Olbermann, "This could be discussed for hours but the only two things that are to my mind essential points right now, the naiveté which still much exists in the minds of NCAA and Penn State and defenders of Joe Paterno as if this decision or anything else will ever lessen the guilt the university and Paterno share, or ever reduce the disgust which the names Penn State football and Joe Paterno will produce for decades to come," Olbermann said then. "This is Joe Paterno's legacy. This is Penn State's legacy. Football was more important to them than saving children.

"And the second point. It is hard to believe that the NCAA and the school could take the most nauseating, the most horrifying, the most indefensible institutionalization of corruption in American sports -- the Jerry Sandusky scandal -- and make it worse, but today they just did. What did you expect from the NCAA and Penn State?"
Sorry, RutgersRaRa, that simply isn't true. The BWI board was like this long before Sandusky. I remember when ESPN's Outside the Lines segment on all the arrests among PSU football players came out, McAndrews and company were banning posters left and right and censoring anything that wasn't 100% pro PSU.

I have to admit that I get two great satisfactions in starting threads like this ...
(1) the PSU posters who see the "Pedd Supporters" in the title and know that this is about them and then read and post, and
(2) Patrick posting his PSU zombies who are in perpetual denial, many times with a new slant that accentuates the cult, that never gets old!

In the words of the great Keith Olbermann, "This could be discussed for hours but the only two things that are to my mind essential points right now, the naiveté which still much exists in the minds of NCAA and Penn State and defenders of Joe Paterno as if this decision or anything else will ever lessen the guilt the university and Paterno share, or ever reduce the disgust which the names Penn State football and Joe Paterno will produce for decades to come," Olbermann said then. "This is Joe Paterno's legacy. This is Penn State's legacy. Football was more important to them than saving children.

"And the second point. It is hard to believe that the NCAA and the school could take the most nauseating, the most horrifying, the most indefensible institutionalization of corruption in American sports -- the Jerry Sandusky scandal -- and make it worse, but today they just did. What did you expect from the NCAA and Penn State?"
I just experienced the least palatable combination of things ever, even worse than a dish of lima beans and Brussels sprouts. Olbermann, who is the biggest douche in sports and in the top five douches in politics, commentating on--nay, speaking against--PSU. It is the equivalent of having all of today's winning lottery numbers on yesterday's ticket and finding out that you have aggressive psoriasis, all on the same day.
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I'm wondering why anyone gives a rats ass about any comments on the Penn State board. You have to be a fool to be reading it and thinking any of those clowns opinions matter at all.