Phantom Fireworks--Unsolicited "Buy 1 Get 1 Free" Coupon Just Arrived


Hall of Famer
Gold Member
Mar 21, 2011
And of course, as God is my witness, I am not sure if I will use the coupon or not because they are illegal in NJ and I am a holy man who hasn't yet taken a position on whether I care about that or not but mostly I don't due to the fun factor and because e5fdny is on duty to keep guys like Mr. Screw from shooting someone's eye out with Roman Candles, which are always a lot of fun. For those who are tempted with such evil pleasures, they are just over the border into PA on Route 80. The big shooty ones are the best (cue Michael), but so are all of them. So are the border wars between PA and NJ.

So don't say I didn't warn you about the dangers.
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Question about the fireworks law in NJ:
Are they illegal to possess, illegal to use, illegal to buy or sell, or all of the above?

I used to buy them in NJ from a place that sold them "under the counter". (a long time ago)
Question about the fireworks law in NJ:
Are they illegal to possess, illegal to use, illegal to buy or sell, or all of the above?

I used to buy them in NJ from a place that sold them "under the counter". (a long time ago)
My understanding is that they are illegal in all their forms, unless a licensed fireworks company is in charge of the display.
Go get me some fireworks for tailgate. That will keep the Jr. Fire Marshall busy and away from my grills.
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These kids have it easy today! Back in my day if you wanted fireworks you had to drive into Chinatown, find a guy on the corner who would take you into some back alley apartment where you could pick out what you want and negotiate on the price. It was actually easier to buy weed.
Go get me some fireworks for tailgate. That will keep the Jr. Fire Marshall busy and away from my grills.
I'm gonna need to look into getting a license to bring fireworks to your tailgate. I'm pretty sure the Universal Life Church sells them for $8, but it could take a couple of weeks for my official wallet-size license to arrive.
I'm gonna need to look into getting a license to bring fireworks to your tailgate. I'm pretty sure the Universal Life Church sells them for $8, but it could take a couple of weeks for my official wallet-size license to arrive.

The mail can be slow from Modesto, CA.
What's really crazy is that my family used to buy fireworks(mortars, Roman candles, etc.) in Oklahoma and bring them back home in our carry on luggage.
I never understood that. If you are not allowed to possess fireworks in the state of NJ, don't you think PA will not allow NJ residents to purchase them?
I never understood that. If you are not allowed to possess fireworks in the state of NJ, don't you think PA will not allow NJ residents to purchase them?

Pennsylvania's law restricts Pennsylvania residents only.

When you go to PA to buy fireworks you have to show your driver's license to prove you're not a PA resident.
We use to be able to get anything we wanted if you knew the right people at the Englishtown Auction on Saturday mornings, back in the day.
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I never understood that. If you are not allowed to possess fireworks in the state of NJ, don't you think PA will not allow NJ residents to purchase them?
and miss out on the sales, profits, and taxes coming in from another state? ha ha ha...a good one.

some of the stuff I get from those places...must be on a watch list easy to buy whatever you need to make a real big ass bomb..

mortars I bought last year were like commercial grade...blown it off up here and bet you could hear it in Flemington.
Pennsylvania's law restricts Pennsylvania residents only.

When you go to PA to buy fireworks you have to show your driver's license to prove you're not a PA resident.

Which is pretty sleazy of Pennsyltucky.

Fireworks laws are one of the shadiest areas of law in general. There are permanent or wildfire risk-based firework bans across the west every 4th of July, sometimes right up to canceling municipal fireworks displays. Yet seasonal and/or permanent fireworks stands are there every year selling to the public. And every year some idiot lights them in a public tinderbox and starts a wildfire.
Growing up in East New York , Brooklyn we used to take the the subway to Chinatown to load up on fireworks. Then on the 4th, it would be battles with one block against the next block, it was like a war zone. I still remember one guy pointing a Roman candle aimed at the guys across the block, and he was holding it upside down and it went backwards right into his scalp. A heck of a burn.
I never understood that. If you are not allowed to possess fireworks in the state of NJ, don't you think PA will not allow NJ residents to purchase them?

All sales of fireworks were banned in Pa for years. All but sparklers and bang snaps were banned. However PA is the largest manufacturer of fireworks in the U.S. The fireworks lobby got them to change the law allowing out of state sales direct from the manufacturers. They also allowed for basically all ground level fireworks to be legal.
Those fireworks places are at every major highway entrance into PA from NJ--At I-78, Rt 1 and I-95. I think I saw a billboard near Trenton that said buy 1 get 2 free, just show up and buy, no coupon needed RaRa.
And of course, as God is my witness, I am not sure if I will use the coupon or not because they are illegal in NJ and I am a holy man who hasn't yet taken a position on whether I care about that or not but mostly I don't due to the fun factor and because e5fdny is on duty to keep guys like Mr. Screw from shooting someone's eye out with Roman Candles, which are always a lot of fun. For those who are tempted with such evil pleasures, they are just over the border into PA on Route 80. The big shooty ones are the best (cue Michael), but so are all of them. So are the border wars between PA and NJ.

So don't say I didn't warn you about the dangers.
I just checked the mail and I got a Phantom Fireworks flier too. Phantom roman candles are $8.99 and get one for free. The blue brocade barrage seems like a good cake, $110 bucks. But get one for free. I love fireworks but I can't afford to literally watch my money go up in smoke.
Be careful of buying from any store close to the NJ border, especially around the 4th of July time period. NJ State Troopers are know to use spotters watching for Jersey license plates & pull you over when you cross into the State.
Be careful of buying from any store close to the NJ border, especially around the 4th of July time period. NJ State Troopers are know to use spotters watching for Jersey license plates & pull you over when you cross into the State.

I don't know how much this actually happens, but it is for this reason I buy them on the way TO wherever I am going in PA, and not on the way home.
Growing up in Staten Island there were upstanding citizens that would sell out of their basements or trunks. We were 10 year old kids wandering into these grown men's basements and they would sell us anything we wanted. Looking back I'm amazed we never heard anything about child abduction's.

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