PSU football raises 119,300 for Kidney Cancer Assoc

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I hear the Thon is basically a fundraiser for PSU that is set up to look like a charity.
Betwenn this and Thon they do alot of good when it comes to Charitable Contributions.

I did Rutgers Dance Marathon two years ago and I give PSU so much credit for all the hard work they do for Thon. The amount they raise, the constant focus, and the fact that they can get the whole school to get motivated for this cause, is absolutely amazing!
I hear the Thon is basically a fundraiser for PSU that is set up to look like a charity.

That's what morons on message boards say.

My older sister was a dancer for thon and saw first hand where the money goes. Rag on their football program all u want but Thon is a wonderful organization that helps out so many families.
Well Mr. Other Moron,

My understanding and I've seen substantial information to this point is that they spend much of that money buying services PSU provides and support reseach PSU performs. So how is that different than what I posted?

And you're not BTW.

So your sister, a dancer at a dance marathon, watched the money get collected, deposited in the bank and supervised the 'Charity's' Controller disbursing this money to vendors. That's a lot of responsibility for a marathon dance expert. My hat off to her for doing her due diligence.
Well Mr. Other Moron,

My understanding and I've seen substantial information to this point is that they spend much of that money buying services PSU provides and support reseach PSU performs. So how is that different than what I posted?

And you're not BTW.

So your sister, a dancer at a dance marathon, watched the money get collected, deposited in the bank and supervised the 'Charity's' Controller disbursing this money to vendors. That's a lot of responsibility for a marathon dance expert. My hat off to her for doing her due diligence.

And you've seen all that information from links on message boards, I guarantee it.

Thon splits the money between the Pediatric cancer unit at Hershey Medical Center which yes is Penn State's medical school/research facility and the four diamonds fund which helps families who have a child with cancer can stay financially afloat while they're being pelted by Medical bills on top of everything else.

Man ur hatred of all things penn state is pretty epic, my hat is off to you but I would encourage u to read about some of the families that thon has helped first hand before spinning this into some sort of PSU hate prop job. In other words, it's pretty low to bash thon, yell about Joe all you want but thon is a GREAT thing and all who participate should be applauded
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Thon doesn't disclose anything about its finances. There's no breakdown of what percentage of money goes to Four Diamonds Fund or the Hershey Medical Center, or operational costs, or whatever. There's no way to know how much of any given dollar donated goes to families or research.

That's not to say that it isn't a good charity, or that there aren't success stories and a lot of good will toward them from beneficiaries, but there's just no publicly available information on what percentage of the money it collects goes toward programs vs. overhead.
And you've seen all that information from links on message boards, I guarantee it.

Thon splits the money between the Pediatric cancer unit at Hershey Medical Center which yes is Penn State's medical school/research facility and the four diamonds fund which helps families who have a child with cancer can stay financially afloat while they're being pelted by Medical bills on top of everything else.

Man ur hatred of all things penn state is pretty epic, my hat is off to you but I would encourage u to read about some of the families that thon has helped first hand before spinning this into some sort of PSU hate prop job. In other words, it's pretty low to bash thon, yell about Joe all you want but thon is a GREAT thing and all who participate should be applauded

Thanks for making my point.
Thon doesn't disclose anything about its finances. There's no breakdown of what percentage of money goes to Four Diamonds Fund or the Hershey Medical Center, or operational costs, or whatever. There's no way to know how much of any given dollar donated goes to families or research.

That's not to say that it isn't a good charity, or that there aren't success stories and a lot of good will toward them from beneficiaries, but there's just no publicly available information on what percentage of the money it collects goes toward programs vs. overhead.

Ever wonder why?

Maybe there's an unoffical source that has blown the whistle so to speak.
And you've seen all that information from links on message boards, I guarantee it.

Thon splits the money between the Pediatric cancer unit at Hershey Medical Center which yes is Penn State's medical school/research facility and the four diamonds fund which helps families who have a child with cancer can stay financially afloat while they're being pelted by Medical bills on top of everything else.

Man ur hatred of all things penn state is pretty epic, my hat is off to you but I would encourage u to read about some of the families that thon has helped first hand before spinning this into some sort of PSU hate prop job. In other words, it's pretty low to bash thon, yell about Joe all you want but thon is a GREAT thing and all who participate should be applauded

Ugh...another Penn State fan referring to the enabler as "JOE".
I hear the Thon is basically a fundraiser for PSU that is set up to look like a charity.

I will agree that you heard wrong. Thon supports a fund at the PSU Hershey Hospital. It pays for all patient care not covered by insurance, researchers and specialty care providers. Its a great cause and the level of involvement among the PSU student body is amazing.

Also, a nice job by the football program. I believe this effort was started by a former player who survived kidney cancer. This fundraiser is done on the weekend of the Arts Festival which draws about $100,000 people to State college.
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