Pulling the QB mid-game

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All Conference
Nov 12, 2013
Bolin was awful yesterday and instead of making a change we rode him to defeat in the end. After what we had seen from him vs. UW which wasn't terrible but far from impressive, I would've made the change to Gio or Lewis at halftime. Ash (in a Schiano-esque or Flood-esque manner) hard-headedly left him in to make sure we would not win.

Good coaches in real programs where there is pressure to win don't wait. They pull the plug on a QB who is not performing even mid-game because it's not acceptable to ride a QB out to a loss. But at Rutgers it's OK to lose and OK to make questionable coaching decisions because ultimately either nobody cares or they don't care enough for anything impactful to really happen.

I'm disgusted with what I saw yesterday. Granted we don't not have B1G talent, I know that. But to never coach kids up and do anything different or creative to make things happen from the sideline is beyond disappointing. Ash and his staff make good money to win and on game day they lighting the money on fire. Maybe this will be the game is his career that Ash will look back and say "I've gotta do more", or at the very least, "I'll have a short leash with the QB from now on". Until then, Ash stinks and is as clueless on game day as Schiano ever was.
I think Kyle Bolin's problem is his size. He's a small QB maybe 5'11". This forced him to continuously roll out. Defensive coordinators will dial up blitz packages all season to neutralize any play with throw at them with the exception of a successful running game. Please correct me if I'm wrong but it seemed like the running game was working yesterday why didn't we stay with the running game. That's my only criticism.
Still don't understand bringing in Lewis when we are running the ball down their throat. totally killed that drive resulting in a field goal vs a TD.
another move from last year script when Odin was brought into game for no reason,and lost yards. Yesterday during drives when the offense finaly found some rythm,Ash brought Lewis in to lose yards,burn important downs, in drives ,TWO different times. Guess Ash looked at play call chart and it said,play #41,insert Lewis,and he did.
More non head coach experience rookie mistakes for a program trying to rebuild with a guy who has never been a head coach.Wait,wasnt the offense being so bad all Drew Merrhinghers fault last season????.Starts with the head coach and the Jimmies and Joes on the field folks.
Sending your inexperienced freshmen QB in for one random play is beyond dumb.
Getting a kids "feet wet" is giving him a series with decent field position so he can actually run one play to set up another.

But that's a lot to ask from Ash, as we don't use one play to set up another when the starter is in.

The boredom and futility is beyond belief and IMO 100% on the coaches,
I actually don't have an issue leaving in Bolin. As bad as we were yesterday we had the ball inside the 25 yard line twice in the last 4 minutes and didn't even get a FG opportunity. Although EMU was better all day we still should have won. Beating B1G teams is a talent issue; losing to EMU yesterday was a coaching issue.
I think Kyle Bolin's problem is his size. He's a small QB maybe 5'11". This forced him to continuously roll out. Defensive coordinators will dial up blitz packages all season to neutralize any play with throw at them with the exception of a successful running game. Please correct me if I'm wrong but it seemed like the running game was working yesterday why didn't we stay with the running game. That's my only criticism.
Ya, Bolin is small and weak. And they HAD to run to avoid interceptions, but like a real football team, EMU adjusted to the predictable play. So they thought, F it, let's pass! And Bolin held up signs to alert the DB's where he was throwing. Also, he over threw, under threw and scrambled like a scared high school freshman being chased by a bully.
Ya, Bolin is small and weak. And they HAD to run to avoid interceptions, but like a real football team, EMU adjusted to the predictable play. So they thought, F it, let's pass! And Bolin held up signs to alert the DB's where he was throwing. Also, he over threw, under threw and scrambled like a scared high school freshman being chased by a bully.
Yes and the ability of the offense line to not dominate a low level Mac team on run game ,pass block,and the recievers not being able to get open vrs Mac DBs helped the QB?
'small and weak'?
Arent you the guy who is buds with GIO?
Ya, Bolin is small and weak. And they HAD to run to avoid interceptions, but like a real football team, EMU adjusted to the predictable play. So they thought, F it, let's pass! And Bolin held up signs to alert the DB's where he was throwing. Also, he over threw, under threw and scrambled like a scared high school freshman being chased by a bully.
Kyle Bolin is listed at 6'3.

He's not small or weak he's just not that good. This is a low powered offense. No creativity. It was nice to finally see us attempt to run off tackle towards Cole, our best lineman instead of halfback dives up the middle every play but that was as creative as the offense got.

There were no slants, screens or any attempt to get Janarion Grant the ball in space. There is no chemistry between QB and receivers. Our running game is decent but you can't expect to win games on half back dives after halfback dives.

The defense looked I'll prepared. No penetration into the backfield. DBs looked lost. LBs had major issues shedding blocks.

This team got manhandled by a mid tier MAC team. Our talent is not bad, it's the coaching. Period.
Yes and the ability of the offense line to not dominate a low level Mac team on run game ,pass block,and the recievers not being able to get open vrs Mac DBs helped the QB?
'small and weak'?
Arent you the guy who is buds with GIO?
Yes you're correct. But then ask yourself why was a MAC team able to manhandle our offensive line? Can we safely say that our kids are MAC kids and only B10 athletes through association. Seriously think about what I'm saying.
Yes and the ability of the offense line to not dominate a low level Mac team on run game ,pass block,and the recievers not being able to get open vrs Mac DBs helped the QB?
'small and weak'?
Arent you the guy who is buds with GIO?
That was the thing that folks on the forum tried to say last year to minimize my opinion because I'm from Michigan and Gio went to high school in Michigan. Other than that, I just have eyes man. I've read all the articles about the supposed 'QB' competition, and something doesn't smell right about how Gio just vanished off the map when all of the media kept saying it was a close battle. QB is the nucleus of the team, and as a fan and a guy rooting for a local kid, I just think that this head coach is more concerned with winning a popularity contest than playing the most qualified kid. Well, he's made Rutgers the joke of college sports, so maybe now they'll play the kids who deserve to play so it really doesn't matter.

The sad part is that Ash doesn't realize he's at rock bottom.
Talent is produced by recruiting level and developing the recruits you have in program.
So far Ash hasnt done either,combined with bad game day coaching.He produces one or two wins hes gotta go at seasons end.
Kyle Bolin is listed at 6'3.

He's not small or weak he's just not that good. This is a low powered offense. No creativity. It was nice to finally see us attempt to run off tackle towards Cole, our best lineman instead of halfback dives up the middle every play but that was as creative as the offense got.

There were no slants, screens or any attempt to get Janarion Grant the ball in space. There is no chemistry between QB and receivers. Our running game is decent but you can't expect to win games on half back dives after halfback dives.

The defense looked I'll prepared. No penetration into the backfield. DBs looked lost. LBs had major issues shedding blocks.

This team got manhandled by a mid tier MAC team. Our talent is not bad, it's the coaching. Period.
I literally stood next to him when he was wearing regular Street clothes. He's 5' 11" (maybe 6' if your feeling generous that day)
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Yes you're correct. But then ask yourself why was a MAC team able to manhandle our offensive line? Can we safely say that our kids are MAC kids and only B10 athletes through association. Seriously think about what I'm saying.
The Oline looked evenly matched against their DLine, which is sort of scary, they had creative blitz calls that really put pressure on Bolin and he couldn't pick them up or take advantage of them. He wasn't prepared for it.
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I literally stood next to him when he was wearing regular Street clothes. He's 5' 11" (maybe 6' if your feeling generous that day)
Shortest QB's:
  • Russell Wilson – Seattle Seahawks – 5'11"
  • Drew Brees – New Orleans Saints – 6' (No.6)
  • Johnny Manziel – Cleveland Browns – 6'
  • Tyrod Taylor – Buffalo Bills – 6'1"
  • Aaron Rodgers – Green Bay Packers – 6'2" (No. 5)
  • Brian Hoyer – Houston Texans – 6'2" (No. 10)
  • Andy Dalton – Cincinnati Bengals – 6'2" (No. 4)
I literally stood next to him when he was wearing regular Street clothes. He's 5' 11" (maybe 6' if your feeling generous that day)
Even if he is 5'11 which I doubt he is, his arm strength is adequate. He had some strong deep balls yesterday. He doesn't have a canon but it's adequate for D1 football. It's not his arm strength that is the issue.
Shortest QB's:
  • Russell Wilson – Seattle Seahawks – 5'11"
  • Drew Brees – New Orleans Saints – 6' (No.6)
  • Johnny Manziel – Cleveland Browns – 6'
  • Tyrod Taylor – Buffalo Bills – 6'1"
  • Aaron Rodgers – Green Bay Packers – 6'2" (No. 5)
  • Brian Hoyer – Houston Texans – 6'2" (No. 10)
  • Andy Dalton – Cincinnati Bengals – 6'2" (No. 4)
I see what you're trying to do here but Bolin does not have their skill set or an Offensive Line that could protect him.
Even if he is 5'11 which I doubt he is, his arm strength is adequate. He had some strong deep balls yesterday. He doesn't have a canon but it's adequate for D1 football. It's not his arm strength that is the issue.
SCT: I think we could both agree that the issues numerous and pointing the finger at this kid will not address the serious problems with this team.
told the guy next to me we were watching Gary Nova vs. Va tech....with Fludd coaching...beyond frustrating.

We have yet another group of stubborn, uncreative leaders who make the most bizzare in game decisions regardless of the circumstances.

43 years and pretty much done for now. Just a waste of Saturdays anymore. Feel bad for the players...
SCT: I think we could both agree that the issues numerous and pointing the finger at this kid will not address the serious problems with this team.
Agreed. It's the whole offense. It just seems incompetent. Execution is terrible. There is no chemistry. We are not using our players to their full capacity. We have weapons but we're not using them. Any sort of creative defensive scheme and our offense doesn't know how to adjust or what to do. Sure we can run high School level running plays. Anything else looks like rocket surgery to this offense.
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Agreed. It's the whole offense. It just seems incompetent. Execution is terrible. There is no chemistry. We are not using our players to their full capacity. We have weapons but we're not using them. Any sort of creative defensive scheme and our offense doesn't know how to adjust or what to do. Sure we can run high School level running plays. Anything else looks like rocket surgery to this offense.
All true. But allow me to ask you a question. Approximately three years ago we were a program in (supposedly) disarray. Why bring in a young man with limited experience? Seriously, what infuriates me is the disingenuous and crazy posts suggesting we should be at a much different place then where we are right now.
I'd rather lose the way we did yesterday with a true frosh qb with high level abilities or a qb like gio who can run for a first and a stronger arm than have a one year rental qb with mediocre ability.