Questions about tonight's game...


All Conference
Gold Member
Jan 27, 2002
I'll be at tonight's game, section 109, and wanted to know if anyone had suggestion on where best to sit for viewing perspective? Also, with the game being sold out, when should I aim to arrive? Finally, does anyone know if the Performance Athletic Center is open to the public? Love to take a quick tour in advance if possible. Big thanks. Go RU!
I'll be at tonight's game, section 109, and wanted to know if anyone had suggestion on where best to sit for viewing perspective? Also, with the game being sold out, when should I aim to arrive? Finally, does anyone know if the Performance Athletic Center is open to the public? Love to take a quick tour in advance if possible. Big thanks. Go RU!

1) Sec 109 is the center student section behind the basket. I don't really know what the view is like there. You probably don't want to be dead center, since you will be directly behind the basket. You may have a better view slightly off center.

2) Arrive no later than 6:30, otherwise you risk missing tip off. Doors open at 6.

3) You can go to the Team Store at the practice center, but you can't tour the facility (unless they are offering special tours, which is unlikely).
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Big thanks for the suggestions. Hoping that Rutgers curb stomps Ped State!!!