Bobby - one dynamic that has only been discussed a little bit is the huge advantage recruiting has in providing internships. I have a feeling we were heading that direction with Towers. In the past, NYC was used with recruits to simply show them the fun it can be having the shore in the summer and NYC all year around, but I think the internship angle is a deal changer when used properly. However, I am assuming the players would only have NYC internships between June and July since camp begins right after that, so maybe it just looks good on paper but is not really practical due to timing??
Do we have a specific person in charge of matching recruits and players with internship opportunities and do you know some past examples where the staff was able to get internships that players could have never gotten on a different team, or am I making too much of it (ie. Penn state is 8 hours from NYC but their alumni can easily get players internships in NYC over the summer)
Great column!!!
Do we have a specific person in charge of matching recruits and players with internship opportunities and do you know some past examples where the staff was able to get internships that players could have never gotten on a different team, or am I making too much of it (ie. Penn state is 8 hours from NYC but their alumni can easily get players internships in NYC over the summer)
Great column!!!