Report: Gable Steveson to return to college wrestling in 2023-24

Don’t really understand the point. Sucks for our guy who’s name I can’t spell yet. One less AA spot available
Can't blame him. As the way that things are set up presently. He can probably make more as a "college" athlete than he could in an RTC.
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And then After this year you get 3 years of Feldman
Feldman is a blue chip recruit no doubt, but he was having trouble beating out current hwt ohio state had + w/ injury they rs him .. I don’t think he will be the next Kyle Snyder..
Plus Feldman isn’t a gtd AA as a freshman vs a healthy Gable would be 100% AA and probably a 90%+ champ.
I guess if he gets hurt or COVID comes back, there’s a chance he won’t AA. Otherwise he’s pretty much a lock

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