I'm not for throwing a homer back in the lake. I'm talking about very aggressive, out side of the box, in terms of today's game, tactics. Very aggressive leads--making that pitcher worry about you & come over or back for you. Not letting him play pitch & catch with the catcher & concentrate on the hitter--especially off second. Oftentimes this helps the hitter as the guy is often distracted enough to pipe one. Picking your spot & running off those leads, especially third--an easier base from which to get a big lead & jump. Always creates the chance for a throw down the left field line & a run scored, and for any other base runner to move. Once you've got them rattled a bit you'd be surprised how often a gap shot follows. That kind of ball feeds off itself.
Squeezing a run in, even early in the game, against a good chucker. Putting on the run & bunt--have the guy on first break & the batter square, put he ball down third, & the runner never stop at second but keep digging for third. Let's see if the short stop who was breaking to cover second can reverse & try to beat the runner to third & if whoever fields the ball can hit a moving target. Good luck with that! More often than not it means a run. Putting on the hit & run with a decent contact hitter up.
That kind of ball doesn't just happen even if you try to play it. It has to be practiced. Your guys have to know when to square on the squeeze & not tip it off, & to put the ball down an alley not back to the pitcher & of course how to bunt. The runner has to know when to break. Guys have to practice big leads in simulated drills with a pitcher, catcher, & infielders, They have to learn to push the envelope to their limits.
All this and more puts enormous pressure on the defense & pitching. It can break open a close game or win a low scoring squeaker. It is a philosophy. It has to be coached & practiced. I am simply saying that we don't play this type of game, nor for that matter do many other teams, if any at all. And that it can beat a tough chucker. As the old adage goes "there are more ways to skin a cat".