Originally posted by derleider:
Originally posted by Sir ScarletKnight:
I believe it's 18 dollars out of pocket, at least at Livingston Dining Hall.
In terms of Brower, don't try to bring a friend unless you don't like them, and are trying to no longer be friends with them. In that case, it's cheaper just to not talk with them. I have a friend who makes the trip to Livingston from College Ave repeatedly, just so she doesn't have to eat at Brower.
Livi is great, the only place you really get a line at are the CTO(cook to order) pasta station and mongolian grill, and the burger bar if it's really, really backed up. Otherwise, it moves fast, and its tasty. Lobster bisque on Fridays is awesome, ribs are great, tandoori chicken is really, really good, I could go on.
I don't think not having trays is that bad. Inconvenient? Certainly. Helpful in avoiding the pounds that college eating can give? Definitely.
It used to be that people would go from Livingston to Busch and then Neilson because Tillet was so bad. Davidson had a unique old school charm before they closed it. I used to go to Cooper Dining Hall just for the Edys softserve machines. Beat the hell out of the choc/vaniulla/twist machine in Neilson.
One day, they will have the money for a new College Ave dining hall. But Brower is so central to that area that you would really need to wrap that into a whole huge project for the area. Probably getting rid of Records Hall and the smokestack building and some other stuff.
plus then you have the issue of how to feed all of those people for the year or two the area is under construction. Not sure how to work around that? Turn Records Hall into a makeshift cafeteria for a while until you finish the new dining hall?
Actually I hope that that is the next major project on CA after they get done with the Honors College and Lot 8.