Rutgers pregame and horse video

Haha, I was not at this game, I live in South Carolina! I got this off of YouTube.

Last game I was at was last year's homecoming with my wife. You can see her in my profile pic. It was her first trip to Jersey ever. Unfortunately it was also her last, she passed away in July suddenly. I am very happy I got to at least take her to a Rutgers game.
Band was great. Thanks for posting. And sorry for your loss.
Entrance not very exciting but oh well. Wolf of Wall St song pumping the crowd up before they came out was good a few years ago.
Like it except the horse was in the tunnel and on the field at the same time. I don't think that's possible.
Haha, I was not at this game, I live in South Carolina! I got this off of YouTube.

Last game I was at was last year's homecoming with my wife. You can see her in my profile pic. It was her first trip to Jersey ever. Unfortunately it was also her last, she passed away in July suddenly. I am very happy I got to at least take her to a Rutgers game.
Really sorrry for your loss MGSA. Can't even imagine the pain, but sounds like you have the right attitude. Hang in there man!
I'm very happy for the horse video, but it would have been better to take few extra shots at dusk and night time so the video team could replace the last few shots before coming in the stadium. Funny to see the knight and horse go into the tunnel in daytime and then come on the field. I am being a little critical, but think it would have a better impression. I was on the sidelines by the tunnel and couldn't quite hear the band when they were facing the opposite direction. After seeing the video, I am really impressed. Hopefully more kids will want to join. This new director seems to know what he's doing.
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