Rutgers does not need a GM position. They just need Pikiel to go. As bad a coach as he is, and he is bad, he was always a great face for the program and his kids always played hard. After the team effort in the Purdue game, and his weaseling out of the post game appearance, you can't even say those two things about him anymore. Forget records, this team is fundamentally inept on offense and defense, their is no accountability, there is a complete absence of discipline, and players look to have given up. It's almost like the kids run an AAU like practice on their own every day. And now he is starting to go off the rails. He must go ASAP, and we must somehow find the money. We are a nationwide embarrassment, and allowing Pikiel even one more year may dig us a hole that it takes years to get out of, if he hasn't done that already.