Semi-OT: Regular guy tries Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson's diet


All American
Jul 3, 2007
Do you smell what the Rock is cooking? Actually, it's a lot. 7 full meals and lots of protein.

The video also has a cameo by a certain dude with an infectious smile whom people around here might recognize.

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Wow. That is a lot of food!

His physical training is obviously off the charts if he requires that amount of calories, protein and carbs to fuel himself.
that guy had birdy arms with no real muscle tone....he says his meals consist of mainly Chipotle so that's a real problem right there
Also expensive, cod and steaks... no wonder the Rock is working so hard. He has to fund his grocery bill.
Dwayne accidentally said one day when he meant one week's worth of food. :-) Herschel Walker only eats one meal a day, has done that all his life.


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