Silver Lot Advice?


All Conference
Nov 30, 2012
This is my first year parking in the Silver Lot, so Friday was my first time there. I am wondering if there is a section of the Silver Lot where tailgating is commonplace. I parked in the main lot (with the credit union) in the corner near the student center and I felt like we were pretty much by ourselves. Most of the cars parked there were either parked for non-football purposes, or they belonged to people who just parked there and walked to a tailgate in one of the other lots. I'm not looking for blaring music or anything, but one thing that we noticed was missing compared to our tailgates at Johnson Park was being surrounded by other people who were tailgating and the camaraderie between neighboring tailgates. Any other Silver Lot tailgaters in here know if there's a part of the lot that the tailgaters tend to congregate?

Other than that, the Silver Lot isn't that bad. At least we get to go by the blue and yellow lots so we get some of the pre-game atmosphere that we missed out on at the park, and we still have a pretty easy exit to Highland Park without sitting in too much traffic.
Silver lot was fine a couple years ago when I had the pass there. I'm guessing it's quiet now since season tix numbers have gone down. You only need 1 priority point to get a pass there now whereas a couple years ago it was closer to 10. I liked parking along the sidewalk there in that lot because you could set up your tailgate on the patch of grass between the sidewalk and the bushes.

In my opinion, you're in the right part of the silver lot. It was never a crazy lot, but this year it's probably going to be extra quiet. I'd assume most new season tix holders are being assigned there and haven't built up much of a tailgating tradition.
I don't know if this is still true, but there used to be two silver lots: Lot 51 by the credit union, and lot 63 by admissions. We parked in lot 63, which is the left turn off Davidson Road before you get to the left turn you would take onto Bartholomew Road, which is where the entrance to lot 51 is. There were a number of people who would tailgate on the grass at the periphery of the lot. But we got there three hours before game time and joined friends in the yellow lot, so I really can't speak to the true nature of the tailgate scene there. What I can tell you though, is lot 61 is easy to get out of. Usually you can exit by taking a left onto Davidson Road and you are at the traffic light for Davidson Road/Avenue E in about a hundred feet or so. Some games they blocked that exit off off, but I don't know why. Hope this helps a little.
Thanks for the responses, maybe I'll check out lot 61 on Saturday.

Sorry, can you clarify where exactly you're talking about? Do you mean that smaller lot between purple and light blue?
Look for the big P in the silver lot. It's between where we parked and the light blue lot, diagonal across the street from what used to be Davidson dining hall.