Stephen Bardo Interviews Coach Brandin Knight

Thanks for posting. I love Pike but he never says anything in these kind of interviews. Nice to hear from one of the assistants for a change.

Def worth the listen...he came across really well. A lot of nuggets on all 12 kids.
Several items jumped out at me:

1) How "together" Knights says the team is. Very important as you try to mesh all these new players (freshmen and portal transfers) for just 1 season.

2) Sommerville, while having skills, will have trouble learning how to control himself defensively, and will be foul-prone. The upside is how Knight describes him as incredibly physical (an attribute Pikiell values) ... the downside of that physicality was explicitly pointed out by Knight as likely foul prone.

3) Derkack was also mentioned as incredibly physical - good for his effort and for the attitude that Pikiell prizes ... but ALSO mentioned as potentially foul-prone ... meaning his minutes may be limited as a result of that (consistent with my thoughts, though for different reasons. There are just only so many minutes to go around for Wings/Guards, especially if Bailey and Harper get about 30 mpg, and Williams should get 25 mpg.
Biggest takeaway is that we appear to have the right guys to blend the transfers with the freshman and the returnees , with elite athleticism , toughness and shooting skill to make it all mesh into 1 incredible team. It is hard for returners to accep transfers and even harder for returners to accept freshman , let alone 2 NBA lottery picks , and to have that chemistry to allow the talent to shine thru. Very exciting.
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What a great interview. A must listen for all. As Bardo says when wrapping it up “Knight has the goods”….he’ll be a HC soon. Knight gives great insight into the team and each player. Didn’t think it was possible, but keep getting more pumped up listening to these interviews as the season is quickly approaching.