Stringer not with team

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All American
Gold Member
Aug 2, 2001
Not sure how to link but says Stringer has not been a part of any team activities due to Covid concerns since April; Not sure of return Eatman has been running the show
Could it simply be C.V .Stringer is not vaccinated and therefore unable to be on campus? None of the RU hierarchy would push Stringer an older vulnerable woman. Holloway wouldn’t push it nor Hobbs nor the vast majority of Rutgers administrators. If the people in power ok’d this absence then it should have been released in a formal news statement going back to spring. Since she is a public employee being paid by taxpayer funds then there is reason to question why this is ok. Pandemic or no pandemic.
Health concurns are a good reason to skip day to day involvement, especially in this age of remote contact being a good way to keep in touch and do what's needed.
As for vaccination status, CVS probably is vaccinated but knows that her health makes her susceptible to getting it and possibly passing it on to family members that have health conditions that lower their immunity.
With the anti mask and no vax people making the virus keep spreading, those with health concerns need to be careful

You can bet callous uncaring anti Stringer bashes will call for her firing over this, but what CVS is doing won't hurt the team, though the bashers will pray it does so that can claim victory over a HC that done so much to make RU WBB a respected program and still a winning one.
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I respect her decision not to coach the team and no one knows if she is vaccinated or not. It should be Hobbs’ decision to follow the requirements of her contract whatever that states. If she will continue this strategy it makes no sense to me to continue her employment. Work out a termination even if it means honoring the rest of her contract and hire another coach so be it. No need for Stringer bashing just follow the contract!
Health concurns are a good reason to skip day to day involvement, especially in this age of remote contact being a good way to keep in touch and do what's needed.
As for vaccination status, CVS probably is vaccinated but knows that her health makes her susceptible to getting it and possibly passing it on to family members that have health conditions that lower their immunity.
With the anti mask and no vax people making the virus keep spreading, those with health concerns need to be careful

You can bet callous uncaring anti Stringer bashes will call for her firing over this, but what CVS is doing won't hurt the team, though the bashers will pray it does so that can claim victory over a HC that done so much to make RU WBB a respected program and still a winning one.
Well , a vaccinated person can and has been known to spread the virus. So then I assume you can then fit them into the mold of problematic spreaders. Only the N 95 really protects…how many people do you know or have seen wear that mask in stores, restaurants etc. I do feel that in the case of coach Stringer that the school should have publicly released the reason since she is a paid state employee. If it’s unpaid sick time great…if it’s ok with the Rutgers BOD then carry on . For this to be “ secretive “ is why people question what is up with CViv ?
I respect her decision not to coach the team and no one knows if she is vaccinated or not. It should be Hobbs’ decision to follow the requirements of her contract whatever that states. If she will continue this strategy it makes no sense to me to continue her employment. Work out a termination even if it means honoring the rest of her contract and hire another coach so be it. No need for Stringer bashing just follow the contract!
I agree with most of what you say here. What makes no sense is that the contract was signed and announced in April and that is when she stopped "coming to the office."

Not saying this contract was negotiated with bad intentions but optically does not look all that great.
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Well , a vaccinated person can and has been known to spread the virus. So then I assume you can then fit them into the mold of problematic spreaders. Only the N 95 really protects…how many people do you know or have seen wear that mask in stores, restaurants etc. I do feel that in the case of coach Stringer that the school should have publicly released the reason since she is a paid state employee. If it’s unpaid sick time great…if it’s ok with the Rutgers BOD then carry on . For this to be “ secretive “ is why people question what is up with CViv ?
Health matters are private and not subject to public records.
As far as contract goes, many coaches take time away from program for health and personal reasons.
Vivian isn't an exception , just a target.

As for masks, one needs to be safe from the mask-less people , even if vaccinated.
Vax people can catch the virus and spread it, but vaxed people have far less troubling symptoms .
This day and age of the no mask, no vax crowd, people with family members that have health issues need to be careful of their surroundings and even the vaxed people themselves with age/health concerns are more susceptible to the virus than the young and healthy ones.

Remote contact with the assistants and team will keep Vivian on top of things and no harm will happen to the program running the team before season starts.
Before going out of control and join the terminators, lets see whose on the bench running team in first game
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None of us, not even the sources of this report that CVS has been away from the team, know what contact she may have with her team or what duties she may be handling from home. In this day, there are so many different avenues to communicate . This is a serious reach to do damage and upset a lot of people by trying to rain on a positive culture that exists within the RUWBB program. A program whose fans can be proud of and excited for its' future, immediate and long-term.

Those familiar with the program know that this is a non-issue. It's not in the best interest for CVS to be in her team's faces too much over the offseason. We are all aware that she conducts long practices during the season. She knows that there is a point where less is more. That's smart coaching. You don't want burnout nor tune-out.

Also, I know things have changed somewhat, with the summer travel experiences that teams were undertaking before covid. But there was a time when the coach couldn't contact players for practice purposes during a specified time in the offseason. An assistant or someone who the coach entrusted would conduct a few light workouts or conditioning or training, just to keep a pulse on the players putting in their offseason work. You didn't start working with your actual coach until Oct. 15th.

As many have already stated, we need to put this thread to rest. If CVS were to be away well into the season, then it becomes a story worth delving into. For now, enjoy your team, stay positive, and wish CVS and the entire RU community good health and wellness.
Health matters are private and not subject to public records.
As far as contract goes, many coaches take time away from program for health and personal reasons.
Vivian isn't an exception , just a target.

As for masks, one needs to be safe from the mask-less people , even if vaccinated.
Vax people can catch the virus and spread it, but vaxed people have far less troubling symptoms .
This day and age of the no mask, no vax crowd, people with family members that have health issues need to be careful of their surroundings and even the vaxed people themselves with age/health concerns are more susceptible to the virus than the young and healthy ones.

Remote contact with the assistants and team will keep Vivian on top of things and no harm will happen to the program running the team before season starts.
Before going out of control and join the terminators, lets see whose on the bench running team in first game
Who is out of control? Asked the question which any fan and TAXPAYER would. We don’t need to know her medical status just why she’s still away from her team.
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As a person over 70+who was fully vaccinated, wore masks in crowds and came down with a break through case 5 1/2 months post vax ( Pfizer) tells me masks are basically useless except ( as I stated previously from medical pros ) claim the N95 is a good and only choice. Now after having been vaccinated and with natural immunity from Covid-19 I will not seek the booster until after January or February at the earliest. 3 medical physicians and the state of NJ concurs with that assessment. Finally there are people willing to bring the immunity link into the conversation. I will say this in defense of this vaccine it most likely prevented hospitalization. All vaccinated members in my family had break through cases within the 6 month time frame. My 5 year old unvaxed grand daughter contracted Covid and within 3 -4 days was her normal high energy self. The MSM and the WH caused many of the issues and not those non wearing unvaxed American citizens.
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We all know one of the reasons Covid 19 is still a problem is because it was poo pooed when it first started spreading across America.
Since that time the anti science crowd has found fault with every layer of protecting being put in place in an effort to keep Covid 19 in check.
Now they are poo pooing any and every attempt to minimize the harm covid 19 is doing to the people of the USA and trying to discredit any source that informs the true facts of this virus protecting issue too the public.

With that in mind the elderly who have immunity issues need to be careful of their surroundings and stay away from mask-less people.
The odds are the mask-less are not infected , but no sense in taking chances with their health.

The type of mask most wear are not the best protection that can be worn, but any protection from breathing out particles that might contain droplets of the virus , is better than none at all.
Don't worry about the mask protecting you from breathing in those droplets, you're doing it so you help keep others safe.
Let the spirit of careing be what matters and our own convenience be secondary
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We all know one of the reasons Covid 19 is still a problem is because it was poo pooed when it first started spreading across America.
Since that time the anti science crowd has found fault with every layer of protecting being put in place in an effort to keep Covid 19 in check.
Now they are poo pooing any and every attempt to minimize the harm covid 19 is doing to the people of the USA and trying to discredit any source that informs the true facts of this virus protecting issue too the public.

With that in mind the elderly who have immunity issues need to be careful of their surroundings and stay away from mask-less people.
The odds are the mask-less are not infected , but no sense in taking chances with their health.

The type of mask most wear are not the best protection that can be worn, but any protection from breathing out particles that might contain droplets of the virus , is better than none at all.
Don't worry about the mask protecting you from breathing in those droplets, you're doing it so you help keep others safe.
Let the spirit of careing be what matters and our own convenience be secondary
Well said .
The cloth / paper masks are for all intensive purpose worthless . Believe your “ science” but suggest you do some more advanced study of why it may protect in a limited way . The N95 is the only one with any true protective ability. Not my opinion but factual from science experts working in close proximity of covid19.
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We all know one of the reasons Covid 19 is still a problem is because it was poo pooed when it first started spreading across America.
Since that time the anti science crowd has found fault with every layer of protecting being put in place in an effort to keep Covid 19 in check.
Now they are poo pooing any and every attempt to minimize the harm covid 19 is doing to the people of the USA and trying to discredit any source that informs the true facts of this virus protecting issue too the public.

With that in mind the elderly who have immunity issues need to be careful of their surroundings and stay away from mask-less people.
The odds are the mask-less are not infected , but no sense in taking chances with their health.

The type of mask most wear are not the best protection that can be worn, but any protection from breathing out particles that might contain droplets of the virus , is better than none at all.
Don't worry about the mask protecting you from breathing in those droplets, you're doing it so you help keep others safe.
Let the spirit of careing be what matters and our own convenience be secondary

Embarrassing for you to treat covid as politics

Psst masks don't work. Comical to go to Shop Rite and see people still buying into that
Embarrassing for you to treat covid as politics

Psst masks don't work. Comical to go to Shop Rite and see people still buying into that
Wow. Taking measures (especially simple ones) to try to stop the spread of an illness and potentially save lives is comical to you? So if a mask isn't 100% effective, we shouldn't even bother? It boggles my mind how so many people think like this. Really, just... wow.
I'll just make this one last post, and then I'll stop because this isn't the place, nor do I really want to get too into it with a random stranger on the internet.

First, I can't find a single article from a reputable source telling me that non-N95 masks are 0% effective in stopping the spread of covid. I've found multiple reputable sources (cdc, top medical schools, etc) saying that it is indeed a good idea to wear even cloth masks.

Second, even if the efficacy of a cloth mask, for example, is only 1% - is it not worth at least *trying*? If by some tiny chance, your simple action of putting a stupid piece of fabric over your face while in a store ends up saving a life, that's a huge win in my opinion.

Third, if someone is making an effort, even if it is a completely futile one (which it isn't), to do what's in the best interest of their communities, how is that comical? Why would you be ridiculing someone for trying to be a good/responsible person? I don't get it.
If it not an N 95 its just making you feel better
Most conspiracy theories agree .
Just like those conspiracy theorists claimed the virus wasn't anything to worry about when it first shown up in the USA .
We know how that wound up !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anti-science people now are spreading a conspiracy theory about masks not being useful and using the N95 mask as proof all others are ineffective.
But the truth is N95 offers the top level of protection while the other masks protect others from your droplets that might contain virus particles , but not you from breathing those [particles in if you're close enough to an infected person to breath in his/her infected particles.
The better the mask the better the protection, plain and simple and those who feel inconvenienced because they are told to wear a mask look for any and every excuse to make wearing a mask look like wearing one doesn't help.

They are the type that feel it's everyone for themselves and worrying about those they don't know is a wast of their effort.
Unless something affects them personally or those close, it's not worth the bother to consider health hazards others might face because of people like them..

Those who look at and consider all the facts ( true facts, not conspiracy theories being spread) before claiming something decide their stance by reading articles like this one published in June of 2020.

Community Use Of Face Masks And COVID-19: Evidence From A Natural Experiment Of State Mandates In The US | Health Affairs
"There was a significant decline in daily COVID-19 growth rate after the mandating of face covers in public, with the effect increasing over time after the orders were signed. Specifically, the daily case rate declined by 0.9, 1.1, 1.4, 1.7, and 2.0 percentage points within 1–5, 6–10, 11–15, 16–20, and 21 or more days after signing, respectively. All of these declines were statistically significant (p<0.05 or less). In contrast, the pre-event trends in COVID-19 case growth rates were small and statistically insignificant.

We also projected the number of averted COVID-19 cases with the mandates for face mask use in public by comparing actual cumulative daily cases with daily cases predicted by the model if none of the states had enacted the public face cover mandate at the time they did (see details in appendix B).19 The main model estimates suggested that because of these mandates, 230,000–450,000 cases may have been averted by May 22. Estimates of averted cases should be viewed cautiously and only as general approximations."
Community Use Of Face Masks And COVID-19: Evidence From A Natural Experiment Of State Mandates In The US | Health Affairs

Still Confused About Masks? Here’s the Science Behind How Face Masks Prevent Coronavirus | UC San Francisco
"But health experts say the evidence is clear that masks can help prevent the spread of COVID-19 and that the more people wearing masks, the better."

"Rutherford was more blunt. The legitimate concern that the limited supply of surgical masks and N95 respirators should be saved for health care workers should not have prevented more nuanced messaging about the benefits of masking. “We should have told people to wear cloth masks right off the bat,” he said."

I've said what I felt needed saying and as always I hope people start caring for others, even if it means a little personal inconvenience
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She needs to be fired ASAP. She’s been a mediocre coach for years and the team usually underperforms if she manages to make the tournament.
She needs to be fired ASAP. She’s been a mediocre coach for years and the team usually underperforms if she manages to make the tournament.
will disagree with you, but say from being a great HC, that had to overcome a lack of institutional support ,CVS now is considered a good HC that is in charge of a program that just started to receive the type of support that a winning program needs to be constantly a top25 program.

The last couple of seasons prove Vivian hasn't lost it as some try to imply, but in all fairness are not the type of seasons must long time RUWBB fans were used to having years ago.
Expectations are high when it comes to RU WBB and that's because of the way CVS has RU fans
looking at the way the RU WBB team is now compared to the time around 2007 and expect a return to glory . Though RU was a winning program most years since the glory days, it didn't stay being considered one of the best.
Now it looks like it might be on the way back
2018–19Rutgers22–1013–53rdNCAA Division I First Round
2019–20Rutgers22–911–7T–5thCanceled due to COVID-19
2020–21Rutgers14–510–33rdNCAA Division I First Round
I'll just make this one last post, and then I'll stop because this isn't the place, nor do I really want to get too into it with a random stranger on the internet.

First, I can't find a single article from a reputable source telling me that non-N95 masks are 0% effective in stopping the spread of covid. I've found multiple reputable sources (cdc, top medical schools, etc) saying that it is indeed a good idea to wear even cloth masks.

Second, even if the efficacy of a cloth mask, for example, is only 1% - is it not worth at least *trying*? If by some tiny chance, your simple action of putting a stupid piece of fabric over your face while in a store ends up saving a life, that's a huge win in my opinion.

Third, if someone is making an effort, even if it is a completely futile one (which it isn't), to do what's in the best interest of their communities, how is that comical? Why would you be ridiculing someone for trying to be a good/responsible person? I don't get it.
keep virtue signalling
still confused about masks, check out Faucis private email to a health professional in February...that is if you want to disregard what he said in March about masks

also go back to every single study about viruses and masking before covid.

Madhat thinks covid spread because Trump didnt take it seriously

guess what..this virus is going to virus

Ive been to the gym maskless for 5 months now, no one has covid and its a pretty crowded gym...just went to a 200 person wedding no one masked and no covid....yeah I dont ever wear masks at Shop Rite..does not make sense. Covid will get you when it wants to get you. You can take every precaution and it wont matter

Virtue signal masks while your politicians laugh at you by not wearing them at the event they attend

Half of the country is living their lives others are living in fear
Fauci did indeed change his mind about the wearing of masks, as more information emerged about the virus. He told someone in February 2020 they did not need to wear a mask while travelling. Later, he encouraged people to wear them because better information about how to be protected became availabvle because of evidence being found on how the virus was spread

The February e-mail being used as an example was sent ( in 2020)when there was little information about Covid 19 and ways to be protected from catching that virus.
The way to make something look like it proves your point is to make sure the people you're telling don't receive all the facts in your statement because most don't follow through investigating what is claimed
As more information base on science became available, stance changed to people needing to wear one.
One of the best ways to attack the truth is bring up something from when the truth about something wasn't known and the evidence at the time made it look different.

The virus would have hit the USA hard, but poor leadership when it first came tro America made people underestimate the harm it would cause and the one responsible for that poor leadership admitted he didn't tell the truth about how bad it was, until after it was too late for him telling the truth about the virus would help .

The evidence points to wearing masks does help, not stop.
But like during the days when it first was proven the earth was round had opposition claiming it was flat and if you sailed too far you would fall off the face of earth , we now have the flat earth society types claiming masks don't work, despite science saying they do.

I do believe I had said enough to prove my point in messages before this reply, but felt the need to clarify the e-mails being use to make something look different than what is the truth of the matter and how what research on thew virus found out after that e-mail was sent changed Fauci's mind about wearing masks..
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still confused about masks, check out Faucis private email to a health professional in February...that is if you want to disregard what he said in March about masks

also go back to every single study about viruses and masking before covid.

Madhat thinks covid spread because Trump didnt take it seriously

guess what..this virus is going to virus

Ive been to the gym maskless for 5 months now, no one has covid and its a pretty crowded gym...just went to a 200 person wedding no one masked and no covid....yeah I dont ever wear masks at Shop Rite..does not make sense. Covid will get you when it wants to get you. You can take every precaution and it wont matter

Virtue signal masks while your politicians laugh at you by not wearing them at the event they attend

Half of the country is living their lives others are living in fear
This is what scares me. You and many don't read what you comment on. Madhat stated that regular masks do not significantly protect the wearer. They simply protect the wearer from spreading droplets containing virus.

Second, referencing living in fear - why would you live "in fear" if you have been vaccinated? And why would a politician wear a mask around other vaccinated people when they have told us it isn't necessary? I wear a mask around "mixed" crowds, including the food store, because while I am less likely to get it (vaccinated), l don't want to risk spreading anything and making things worse. Do I think it makes a lot of difference whether or not I wear a mask, no, but every little bit helps.

And a nuance - Trump certainly took it seriously (see Bob Woodward's book) but many of us don't think he used that knowledge to accomplish much besides vaccine development. Certainly not trying to save lives early.
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