The psychology of being a Rutgers fan


Heisman Winner
Mar 4, 2003
Great read, long, but sooo on target. Take a few minutes as there are no RU sports today. You will get to understand the psyche of long time Rutgers fans.
If you are a Rutgers fan, you know it’s never been easy.
"Every fan base goes through the many highs and lows that their teams and programs experience over an extended period of time. However, every team, program, university and organization has its own history and personality that helps to shape their reputation and identity. Each fan base is cultivated through their own experiences of witnessing it and processing it all, the good and the bad."
I think it is great to be a Rutgers fan. We have low to no expectation so that keeps us very balanced in life.
When you have high expectations, you become deranged when those expectations are not met.
Imagine being an Alabama or OSU fan. They go crazy when their team loses.
I read when Alabama lost to A&M, someone was killed. That will never happen to Rutgers fans.
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Cliffs Notes. Two types of fans:

(1) There are some people, fans, coaches, whoever, by nature are optimistic. They will look at the glass half full. They’ll look at things positively, they’ll want to identify with the team, ‘we won, we did well.’” (Me)

(2) “The pessimistic individual attaches too much of their self and self-esteem with the sport,” Maher explained. “While they may identify with the team within the sport, they are also linking that to themselves. A pessimistic fan will ask how something is going to go wrong. ‘We’re not going to do well. ‘If we go to a bowl game, we won’t do well’ or ‘we are coming to come out at the bottom of the Big Ten.’
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Everyone I know, knows I'm a huge Rutgers fan. Being a Rutgers fan I feel like Oliver Twist around family, friends and acquaintances O the poor little orphan boy who needs our sympathy cause his team always sucks. The constant consolations are annoying, I really hate being Oliver Twist.
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Great read, long, but sooo on target. Take a few minutes as there are no RU sports today. You will get to understand the psyche of long time Rutgers fans.
If you are a Rutgers fan, you know it’s never been easy.
"Every fan base goes through the many highs and lows that their teams and programs experience over an extended period of time. However, every team, program, university and organization has its own history and personality that helps to shape their reputation and identity. Each fan base is cultivated through their own experiences of witnessing it and processing it all, the good and the bad."
Pure bull crap.Being an RU FB Fan is an incurable disease.Once you catch it ,you have to suffer through it for ever..The only relief is when you are given a large dose of Dr. Greg's elixir.
Although I will die an RU fan...

I think we owe it to the world to make sure our kids DO NOT become RU fans...this cycle of misery MUST STOP.

Or prepare them to drink heavily