What is TP coming back to do?
Ash brought with him Meyer's lecture series for players called something like "Real Life Wednesdays" or something. Speakers come in and discuss how to prepare for the real world when football is over. Shrewd move by Hobbs to bring TP in for this.
Ash brought with him Meyer's lecture series for players called something like "Real Life Wednesdays" or something. Speakers come in and discuss how to prepare for the real world when football is over. Shrewd move by Hobbs to bring TP in for this.
OK. I'm still at a loss as to what makes this "shrewd".
He is doing a Life beyond the game talk with the players.
This is something that would have never been allowed to happen under the old regime.
It's nice to see Tim asked back to Rutgers in public way to do something like this.
Intentional misleading headline.
Not intentional, but I now see how it can be misconstrued , so I edited the title.
OK. I'm still at a loss as to what makes this "shrewd".
Very glad to see TP coming back (at least publicly) to be involved with the program in some capacity. I am very happy with Hobbs right now (was not a Julie fan), but always felt that Tim really got a raw deal with the whole Rice fiasco. Nice to see that the olive branch is being extended by Ash.
I'm glad we're mending fences with TP. He is after all, a former Rutgers player and now a successful and very versatile alum. He has already made several transformations in his career and always lands on his feet. I don't give him credit for getting us into the B1G but I do think that if Julie H. had been AD at the time, we would not have been invited.
I don't think it is a criticism of Julie, as you seem to be interpreting it, but it is a positive for the school.
I wasn't interpreting the comments as a criticism of Julie. I couldn't figure out if this was a criticism of Julie, Flood, or something else altogether.
I also wasn't aware that Tim was in "exile" (unless it was a self-imposed exile).
I'm sure Tim helped, but let's be honest... we were invited because of the New York media market.
+1 and to give less fertile recruiting grounds like Michigan, access to NJ's finest athletes.
Will the topic of Tim's talk be: "How to survive after getting thrown under the bus by your boss." ?
Career tip: Bring a portable DVD player into your bosses office, and watch videos of subordinates doing bad things together.
Glad Tim is coming back to talk.
A school like Michigan does not need RU to be in the B1G to have access to NJ.
Actually this is not true. Before joining the B10, a NJ Athlete at Michigan's closest home game is two games at Happy Valley.
Now, Michigan can tell a NJ kid that you'll have games in Pennsy, Maryland and NJ. So yes, it makes a huge difference.
Sorry, are you calling the Pernetti relationship with Rutgers a bridge burned by Julie Hermann's athletic department? Otherwise, I'm not sure to whom you're referring as "last administration."They are really going all out to repair all the burned bridges by the last administration.