Turleys tweet


All Conference
Gold Member
Aug 5, 2001
I’m not sure how to link it but Turley tweeted yesterday that the coaches gave him everything but that he screwed it up. What’s that all about ?
I’m not sure how to link it but Turley tweeted yesterday that the coaches gave him everything but that he screwed it up. What’s that all about ?
Just messing around on twitter....Coach Goodale and Coach Ashnault liked the tweet. Turley later quoted his own tweet that he over slept in the morning.
Just messing around on twitter....Coach Goodale and Coach Ashnault liked the tweet. Turley later quoted his own tweet that he over slept in the morning.
My question will this affect him wrestling tonight? We know Alvarez is out tonight, just wondering how many more backups will we see for our trip tonight to the RAC.
Probably injury related as has been discussed here before, possibly disciplinary related, but no way does his skillset and ability relegate him to the bench.
Obviously, he is the greater wrestler when healthy and in condition but he wasn't either and thus, not the starter until yesterday. I really hope he will get himself into shape and stay there. He can't keep coming into the season out of condition. I fear he is one more shoulder injury away from retirement. His best defense to further injury is being in great wrestling condition and conversely, not being in great condition makes him more susceptible to reinjury. He'd better be in condition when he next wrestles one of the better opponents.