Tyler's Difficulties


All American
Gold Member
Jan 2, 2004
This explanation by CVS goes a long way to explaining Tyler's on-court difficulties over the recent several weeks.

Hoping that she's ok and can get help for this physical ailment

Hope she can overcome this problem. She is such a sweet kid.

Any medical pollster out there? Can this condition be corrected?

It would be great if Canty will/could pick up her point production., She has the tools, but needs to start looking for her shot.

I doubt that this problem is very unusual so I'm guessing that there are treatments for it. But I also think that one's blood responds slowly to such things - it's not like one feels a huge boost all of a sudden.

Hopefully, this is being dealt with in the most reasonable way.
Are we being told what the condition actually is, or just that there's a blood issue? I didn't see any specific identification, and of course it's none of our business. The general description would probably be some sort of anemia, but given the varieties, there would be different symptoms, degrees of severity, and responses. (Consulting here with my husband, who actually does know something, unlike me.) Whatever, I am sure I join everyone else in wishing her nothing but the best and thanking her for working as hard as she does in the face of significant challenges. Underscores what I got trashed the other day for saying: These are college kids who confront things of which we know not, and they deserve our concern and sympathy more than scorn when they are imperfect.
I'm not surprised to hear that there's a medical condition limiting Tyler's effectiveness. I never thought for a minute that it was due to lack of effort or dedication on her part. I hope that they can solve this so that she can get back to 100%. It must be frustrating to work so hard as an athlete and then encounter something like this.