Weather/RU Baseball?


All American
Dec 21, 2001
is you folks weather bad back East? It says your baseball game at Minnesota got cancel because of travel issues for RU.
Huskeralways, chartering a plane ???!!! Our team plays in a field with no lights,very few good seats (well,actually there are no seats at all,just metal bleachers), there is NO PLACE to buy food or merchandise at the games, and the "restrooms" are in an old cinder block building that is actually over by the girls softball field (which also doesn't have lights or seats). The mens room has a urinal and one stall. I can't even tell you what a joke the facility is. I have been to plenty of youth,high school, and Division 3 schools that are palaces compared to what our kids and fans have to put up with. back to your original comment, I think we might be able to charter this--^81646490018-sku^68334570018-adType^PLA
This whole thing is very strange. How is it possible they couldn't get another flight? We have four major airports within driving distance of here. Something's not right here