What did Desanto do?

Most kids... It's cuz they can't handle losing... DeSanto issues always came after a win
This could be heresay but I understand that he told someone from the media "Don't Tell me what to do or I will kill you". That may not be verbatim but is the gist of it
It was enough to get him banned from the March of contestants and he was not with the team getting the winning team trophy at the end.
This could be heresay but I understand that he told someone from the media "Don't Tell me what to do or I will kill you". That may not be verbatim but is the gist of it
Can't say it, but someone seriously needs to grow a back bone. I saw a video of when the incident supposedly happened and it was said after he was walking away from the person and he continued to walk away and at no time was anyone in danger or should that person have taken it literally. It was said less than a minute after a match and at no point did Austin approach the person as he just continued to walk away. I don't like Desanto but the person who decided they had no choice but to take action should not be around a combat sport ever again.
In addition, I've heard reports he was "disrespectful" to McGee in the Consi Semis, that's why Brands chewed him a new one as soon as he came off the mat.
Desanto has a long enough history of nonsense that there is basically zero tolerance. I get that he’s on the spectrum and has issues, but he’s not getting the benefit of the doubt. He basically attempted to break Micic’s leg a few years ago so you kind of need to take him at his word.
The young man is autistic, that is public and known. I'm not jumping to his defense at all, but as folks lob out sentences about his behavior something to keep in mind.
The young man is autistic, that is public and known. I'm not jumping to his defense at all, but as folks lob out sentences about his behavior something to keep in mind.

I mentioned he’s on the spectrum. We are not debating why he does what he does, simply stating that given his condition and past history you simply can’t just “brush it off” when it comes to Austin and his behavior.