Why wasn’t Wheeler called for a Flagarant 2? Watching the replay, it was clear he intentionally elbowed Harper in the head. Seems to meet the definition
It’s fine the refs made up for it by giving us every call the rest of the night. I’ll take it
Flagrant 1 is “unnecessary contact”. Flagarant 2 is “unnecessary and excessive”. Total cheap shot, not a basketball move/play. It was the equivalent of throwing a punch. Wheeler thought he’d get away with it with all the movement on the inbounds.
Harper wiped the sweat off his face on the back of wheeler's jersey seconds before the inbound elbow. Classic. I was chuckling about it before the inbound. That's what wheeler was complaining about and why he threw the elbow. I was hoping the refs didn't go back far enough to review the wipe.
This team is special.
Lol, didn’t see the sweat wiping but that’s pretty funny.
#11 is Lamar Stevens. Wheeler is #5 if I am not mistaken.Is Wheeler # 11 on PSU?
I think you have to imagine a lot to assume he wiped his face. As Harper gets into position behind Wheeler, he bumps into him. It's a fraction of a second. Doesn't look intentional or a wipe.I was at the game, row A, mid-court. I'm starting to think I was the only one who saw this. lol. I taped the game and you can see Harper put his face on Wheeler's jersey but not clearly a wipe. I saw it. It happened. Like I said, Classic. On the telecast they don't go far enough back before the foul to see what caused it. I fn love Harper!
I think you have to imagine a lot to assume he wiped his face. As Harper gets into position behind Wheeler, he bumps into him. It's a fraction of a second. Doesn't look intentional or a wipe.