When to punt from your opponent's 37-yardline on 4th and 1:

1. You're nursing a 20-point lead
2. Never
3. Never
Let me correct that for you...

1) NEVER when you have a huge lead (you do not have to get a 1st or kick a FG or even call a good play.. but don't punt)
5) when you are up by 2 scores (in a largely defensive struggle) with less than a minute left in the 4th QTR... okay.. even then its a "maybe".. and if you are in a shootout kinda game.. it is then another NEVER
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this play in the EMU game was my biggest complaint....and like another poster said, Ash is super conservative all game but with 12 second left and no time outs, instead of kick FG (I know the argument can be made the FG kicking is a ?), throws deep, forcing OL to hold blocks a long time. Resulting in the holding call. Short out route if not kick, and if its not there, throw it away.
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Only let some one who isn't listed on the roster as a punter punt.
Can't remember the player, but someone wanted to drop kick. Might have been Flutie or Tebow ?
Ash needs a punting version of one of these:

Ash needs a punting version of one of these:

Such a chart exists for the NFL anyway: I can't imagine a collegiate chart would recommend a punt with 4th and 1 from your opponent's 37.

Either we believe Ash is about to revolutionize football strategy or he doesn't quite know what he is doing. I get the learning curve for a new head coach idea but for the salary he's getting paid he should know the basics.